The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)

2K ENQUIRER Saturday, April 19, 1958 KENTUCKY EDITION EGO TO CHURCH "The way to be hopeful! is to practice hope through prayer. Go to Church." This message was issued yesterday by the Listening Post Committee of the Kenton County Laymen's League. The league added: "If your problems are too big for you, maybe we can help. Call the Listening Post at Colonial 1-6060." 'LIBERTY Continuous 11:00 te 11:00 SIXTH AND MADISON, COVINGTON TODAY FRED MacMURRAY JOAN WELDON JOHN ERICSON DAY THE BADMAN a Eutrian. COLOR CO STATENC ROBERT MIDDLETON -MARIE WINDSOR -ANDTYRONE POWER MAI ABANDON ZETTERLING LLOYD SHIP!" NOLAN: COLUMBIA PICTURE TUES.


CORRAL Paramount TECHNICOLOR Picture -PLUSALL NEW KETTLES IN THE OZARKS STARRING Marjorie Arthur HUNNICUTT UNA MERKEL TED de CORSIA 7:20 Only -ALSOTHE ABOMINABLE SNOWMAN OF THE HIMALAYAS in HORRORSCOPE 11:35 Only CARTOONS AT 9 ONLY SUNDAY Double Feature "SCARED STIFF" Dean Martin--Jerry Lewis Lizabeth Scott-Carmen Miranda (7:25 and 11:00) And "THE HARD MAN" GUy Madison -Valerie French Lorne Greene (9:30 Only) Hiland FT. HI THOMAS 1-9724 TONIGHT ANNE -STEVE TERRELL "MOTORCYCLE GANG" SHAWN SMITH -JOCK MAHONEY "LAND UNKNOWN" SUNDAY-MONDAY ANNA -ANTHONY QUINN "WILD IS THE WIND" MICKEY ROONEY-VIRGINIA WELLS "FRANCIS IN THE HAUNTED HOUSE" To Conduct Series Dr. Vance Havner, noted author and evangelist, will conduct a week of evangelistic meetings beginning tomorrow at Calvary Baptist Church, Covington. Especially known for participation in Bible conferences, Dr. Havner has penned such devotional literature as "By The Still "Consider Him," and "Day By Dav." He will speak at 8 p.

m. nightly. 'Emphasis Week' Is Arranged For Public School Pupils THE WEEKDAY School of Religion, an interdenominational project providing religious training for public school students, has set aside next week as "Emphasis Week." the studentist will 'participate in projects to acquaint the of the the operation training. and object school provides a Bible centered program in religious education for more than 3000 fourth, fifth and sixth grade students at all Kenton County public elementary schools. For one hour a week, the children are taken to a local church, where six specialized teachers give Bible lessons.

DR. WARNER P. DAVIS, district superintendent of the Methodist Church, Maysville, will speak at the Main Street Methodist Church, Covington, beginning tomorrow. Services will be held at 10:45 a. m.

and 7:30 p. m. daily except Monday and Saturday morning through KENTUCKY RELIGIOUS NOTES KENTON COUNTY Trinity Episcopal, Covington, Rev. Bruce A. Weatherly, rector.

Holy Communion, 8 a. m. Family service. 9:15 a. Morning praver and sermon, a.

m. Youth, 6:30 D. m. St. Stephen Episcopal, Covington, Rev.

Morris W. Derr. vicar. Holy Communion. 8 a.

m. Sunday school. 10 a. m. Holy Communion and sermon, 11 a.

m. Wesley Methodist, Ludlow, Ludlow, Rev. Clarence W. Krebs. pastor.

Sunday school. 9:45 a. m. Worship, 10:45 "The Four Gardeners, by Harry Glaser. Youth, 6:45 p.

m. Worshi- 7:30 D. m.t topic. Is A Fundmental Praver service. 7:30 p.

m. Bethany Lutheran, Covington, Rev. Alfred Lueders, pastor. Sunday school. 9:30 a.

m. Worship, 10:15 a. m. First Evangelical Methodist, Covington. Rev.

F. Eugene Gilreath, pastor. Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Worship.

10:45 a. m. Youth. 6:45 p. Worship.

7:45 D. m. Praver service. 7:45 p. m.

Wednesdav. Madison Christian, Covington, Rev. Barton A. Johnson, pastor. Sunday school, 9:30 things Worship.

10:45 a. m. Chi topic, That Are 4:30 p. m. Leadership training.

6:30 p. m. Ashland Avenue Baptist, Covington. day. 9:30 a.

m. Worship, 10:45 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.

Youth. 6:30 p. m. First Church of God, Covington, Rev. A.

E. Brown. pastor. Sunday school, 10 m. Worship, 11 a.

topic, "The Glory Of Going On." Youth. "The 6:30 Wonders p. m. Of Worship. 7:45 p.

m. topic, Forgiveness." Praver service. 7:45 D. m. Wednesday.

Ludlow Christian, Rev. F. Ralph Miller, pastor. Sunday school. 9:30 a.

m. Worship, 10:45 a. topic, "Life's Perspectives." Latonia Christian, Covington, Rev. Joseph Hill, pastor. Radio service, 9.

a. topic, "What Christ Means To Me." 10:20 Sunday school, 9:30 Threefold Worship, a. topic, "Our Commission." Worship, 7:30 D. topic. Strong Tower." First Presbyterian, Covington, liam F.

Schuler, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Worship. 11 m.

Fellowship. 6:30 m. St. Mark United Church of Christ. Covington Rev.

Frank C. Scholl, pastor. dav school, 9:30 a. m. Worship, 10:45 a.

topic. "Take Your Immanuel Methodist, Lakeside Park. Rev. James A. Shepherd.

pastor. Sundav school. 9:30 m. Worship. 10:45 topic.

"infallible Proofs." Youth, Miss m. Weslevan Service Esther Guild, 6 Hall. p. m. Bernice Burrough, Cin-1 cinnati.

speaker. First Church of Christ, Scientist, Cov: ington. Sunday school and worship, 11. a. topic.

"Doctrine Of Atonement." Testimonial meeting. 8 Wednesday. First Church of the Nazarene, Covington, Rev. Leon G. Cook, pastor.

Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Worship, 10:45 a. m. Youth and iunior services, 7 With m.

Worship. 7:45 D. topic. "Living Closed Hearts. Praver service.

7:45 p. m. Wednesday. Madison Avenue Presbyterian, Sunday Covington, Rev. John B.

Astles, pastor. school. 9:45 8. m. Worship, 11 a.

4 topic. High school youth, D. m. Junion hich school, 7 Ft. Mitchell Baptist, ReT Clarence R.

setter. pastor, Sundav. schoel. 9:40 a. m.

Worshin. 8:30 and 10:45 topic. "Consider This Dav. Youth 6:30 D. m.

Worship, 7:45 p. m. topic. Courtship Can Honor God." Epworth Methodist. Covington, Rev.

C. C. Tanner, Worship. pastor. 10:30 a.

Sunday school. and 9:30 p. a. m. m.

7:30 m. Prayer, service, hristian, 7:30 D. Covington, m. Rev. Wednesday.

C. Duke Payne, pastor. Sunday school. 9:30 a. m.

Worship. 10:45 a. topic, "When ForIs Backward." First Baptist. Covington. Rev.

Kenneth C. Parks, pastor. Sunday school. 9:45 a. m.

Worship. Worship, 10:50 8. m. Praver" service, p. m.

7:45 p. m. 7:45 D. m. Madison Avenue Baptist, Covington, Rev.

Tavior pastor. Sunday school. 9:30 m. Worship. 10:45 a.

the Rev. Perry Stubbs. rpeaker. Youth, 6:30 p. Worship.

7:45 p. m. Revival, 7:45 D. m. Monday through Saturdav.

Immanuel United Church of Christ. Bromlev, Rev. Ravmond C. Kuhlenschmidt, pastor. Sunday school.

0:30 m. Worship, 10:30 R. tonic. "Learning To Live. Office hours.

through 8:30 Saturday to 'in 11:30 Tuesday the Sunday school building. Lakeside Preshyterian. Rev. Leon D. Sanborne.

pastor. Sundsy school, 9:45 m. Worship. 11 topic. "Christiar Fellowship.

4 m. First Presbyterian. Ludlow. Rev. M.

Coulter. pastor. Sundav school. 9:30 Worshin, 10:45 a. topic.

"Ar Ancient Erlanger Bantist. Rev. P. Lowndes, master Sunday school. 9:45 a Worship, m.

Youth. 6:30 m. 7:45 D. Calvary Praver service, D. m.

Wednesday. Baptist. Covinaton. Rev. D.

Fasten. pastor. Sunday school. 9:30 Worship, 10:30 m. Worship.

8 p. m. Praver service 8 D. m. Wednesdav.

Worthinaton, Methodist, pastor. Covington, school. J. 9:30 W. Worshin, 10:45 topic, "You Can Take With You." Youth 6:30 St.

Luke Methodist. Covington, Rev. Worship, Mitchell, 10:45 nastor, Sundav school. 9:30 m. a.

m. Prayer service, 7:45 0. m. Wednesdav. lington.

Second Church of Christ. Scientist. worship, Cov Sunday school and Testimonial topic, meeting "Doctrine Of Atonement." 8 p. m. Wednesday, Faith Lutheran, Erlanger, Rev.

Virgil Yohe. pastor. Sunday school. The 9:30 Worship, a. topic.

Sevenfold Exhortation." Charles Army. Maclean. Covington. Lt. in and Mrs.

Sunday school. 10 a. m. Worship. 11 officers.

charge. topic, The Secret Of His Presence. Youth, 6:15 m. V'orshio. D.

m. Wor ship, suaded." 7:30 D. TODIC, All Zion Evangelical Lutheran, Park, wIts. Rev. school, Robert E.

Cassell. Worsnio. pastor. 10:30 Sunday "Shinkle Methodist. Covington, Rev.

Atkinson, pastor. Sundav school. 9:30 Worship. 10:45 topic. Treasure.

Worship. 7:30 D. topic. Youth. 6 D.

m. Praver service. p. m. Wednesday, Runyan Memorial Christian.

Covington, Rev. C. N. Barnette, pastor. Sunday school, 9:30 8.

m. Worship. 10:40 "The Contemporary Christ." Worship. 7:45 p. m.

DRIVE 114 DIXIE GARDENS THEATRE DIXIE HIGHWAY KY. TONIGHT 4 BIG FEATURES "WAR OF THE WORLDS" Ann Robinson -Gene Barry "CAPTAIN LIGHTFOOT" Barbara Rush -Rock Hudson "THE PHANTOM STAGECOACH" William Bishop -Kathleen Crowley "LAWLESS EIGHTIES" Marilyn Sandis--Buster Crabbe PLUS CARTOONS SUNDAY "LEGEND OF THE LOST" Sophia Loren--John Wayne "KISS BEFORE DYING" Virginia Leigh--Robert Wagner The HiP Open 6:30 PM HE.1-2863 CONVENIENT DOWNIOWN, PARKING LAST TIMES TODAY SUN. TUE. At 3:11. 6:25 9:39 At 1:30, 4:30, 7:30, 10:04 DON TAYLOR in QUENTIN REYNOLDS 'Love Slaves if.

Amazon' "Naked Africa" Also -at 1:44, 4:58 8:12 And at 3:05, 6:05 8:39 GRANT WILLIAMS in SUSAN STEPHEN "Monolith Monsters" "White Huntress" EXTRA ADDED CARTOON CARNIVAL EXTRA ADDED CARTOON CARNIVAL Eight Appointed As Trinity Delegates Eight members of Trinity Episcopal Church, Covington, will attend the Diocese of Lexrington's annual convention May 6 and 7 at Paris. The Rev, Bruce A. Weatherly, rector, will lead the group; composed of C. H. Todd, E.

M. Glenn, I. R. Hicks and Kenneth Hornbeck. who will attend the business meetings, are William S.

Jor- dre, William R. Macklin, How. ard W. Meier and Gordon H. Hood.

The diocesan convention is the annual meeting of all the parishes and missions in the diocese. The business is charted, and the canons amended, reviewed and judged. April 27. The Dearing, pastor, THE REV. pastor of Church, will tomorrow at Church, Covington.

is conducting Wednesday ning revival will continue REVIVAL Madison Church, held tomorrow through April 30. The Rev. Perry R. Stubbs, pastor Christiansburg, Baptist Church, will speak at 10:45 a. m.

tomorrow and at 7:45 each night. Special music will be heard under (the direction and Eugene E. THE of Youth Week Rev. Charles will assist. Jack J.

Lowndes, Erlanger Baptist speak at 7:45 p. m. First Baptist The church a series of and Sunday eveservices, which until May 4. SERVICES at Avenue Baptist Covington, will be REV. STUBBS of Robert Sutter Coates.

CELEBRATION at Erlanger Baptist Church will end at 7:45 p. m. tomorrow when the youth take charge of the service. Kenneth Burton and David Stephens will act as copastors; Winfred Grover will be music director, and Charles Bolton, Sunday school superintendent. THE REV.

George S. Munro, pastor of First Baptist Church, Ft. Thomas, and Foylee Carr, Cincinnati, singer, have teamed together for a revival beginning First a tomorrow at Church, Cold Spring. Services will be held at 8 o'clock nightly through April 27. THE CHRISTIAN Churches of the Eighth District will conduct a leadership education school tomorrow through April 28 at Madison Avenue Christian Church, Covington.

Registration will begin at 16:30 p. m. tomorrow. Classes be will be held from 7:30 to 9:30 each night. The following courses are beling offered: Teaching Children, Teaching Juniors, Working With Intermediates, With Seniors, How To Administer the Program of the Local Church, and a youth and adult section of My Christian Beliefs.

Obituaries Julia Rensmann died Thursday at St. Elizabeth Miss Julia Rensmann, sisterin-law of the late John N. Middendorf, founder of the Middendorf funeral home, Covington, died yesterday at her home, 524 Main Covington. She was 90 years old. A lifelong resident of Covington, she was a member of Aloysius Church, Covington.

Miss Rensmann is an aunt of, John and Charles Middendorf, associates at the funeral home. She is survived by a sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Middendorf, and a brother Charles A. Rensmann, Covington. Solemn Requiem High Mass will be sung at 9 m.

Monday lat St. Patrick Church, Covington. Burial will be in Mother of God Cemetery. The Middendorf funeral home is in charge of arrangements. C.J.

Schaeffer Sr. Requiem High Mass for Clemlent J. Schaeffer employee of the N. Y. Central Railroad, will be sung at 9 a.

m. Monday at Mary Queen of Heaven Church, near Erlanger. Burial will be St. Mary Cemetery. Mr.

Schaeffer, who was 43 years old, died Thursday at St. Elizabeth Hospital. He lived at Point Pleasant Road, Hebron. He leaves his widow, Mrs. Ann Louise Schaeffer; two daughters, Jo Ann Mary Margaret Schaeffer; three sons, Andrew, Schaeffer Donald all and home; Clement sisters, Mrs.

Hilda Levermann, Dayton, Ohio, and Mrs. Margaret Steffen, Erlanger, and two brothers, and Walter Schaeffer, both of Erlanger. The Taliaferro funeral home, Erlanger, is in charge. Edward Hudson Edward Hudson, 819 Maple A Newport, retired inspector for Acme-Newport Steel died yesterday at Speers pital, Dayton. He was 80 years old.

He leaves his widow, Mrs. Nellie Hudson; three sons, Ervil Hudson, Ft. Thomas; Tom Walsh, Bradenton, and Harry Walsh, Newport; a daughter, Mrs. Eleanor Grothaus, Newport; a sister, Mrs. Addie Martin, Erlanger, and two brothers, Lawrence Hud(son, Hudson, Erlanger, Worthville.

and Leonard Services will be held at 11 a. m. Tuesday at the Muehlenkamp funeral home, Newport. Burial will be in St. Stephen Cemetery.

Calvin Pierson Calvin A. Pierson, printer for the Pugh Printing Cincinnati, died yesterday at his home, 104 Main Dayton. He was 33 years old. Survivors include his widow. Mrs.

Mary Pierson; three daughters, Mary, 11; Linda, 10. Elsie, two sons, Calvin 8, and Delbert 4: his father, A. Delbert Pierson, Dayton, and a brother, Bert Pierson, Miami, Fla, Services will be held at 11 a. m. Tuesday at the Muehlenkamp funeral home, Dayton.

Burial be Evergreen Cemetery. R. B. Ahrman R. B.

"Ray" Ahrman, wellknown Campbell County dairy farmer, died early yesterday at his home, R. R. 2, California, He was 67 years old. Surviving him are his widow, Mrs. Mary Ahrman; three, sons, F.

Ahrman, at home; Charles, Ahrman, California, and Harold Ahrman, with the U. S. Army in Germany; a sister, Mrs. Nora Leisering, Newport, and a brother, Winfred Ahrman, Norwood. The Alexandria Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.

Robert Singleton Services for Robert F. Singleton, a timekeeper at the Powell Valve Cincinnati, will be held at 2. p. m. Monday at the Radel funeral home, Newport.

Burial will be Evergreen Cemetery. Mr. Singleton, who was 59 years old, resided at 101 Walnut Southgate. He died Thursday at St. Luke Hospital, He leaves his widow, Mrs.

Margaret Singleton. Raymond Price Sr. Services for Raymond E. Price 108 Center Erlanger, will be held at 2:30 p. m.

Monday at the Taliaferro funeral home, Erlanger. Burial will be in Forest Lawn Cemetery. Mr. Price, an electrician, The house where Irvin Cobb was born and. where he lived for many years is in Paducah.

Youth Night Speak Leonard E. Wedel, Nashville, a member of the Southern Baptist Sunday School Board, will speak at Baptist Youth Night at 7:45 p. m. today at Latonia Baptist Church, Covington. More than 600 youths from 54 Southern Baptist Churches in the North Bend and Campbell County Associations are expected to attend.

The theme of the program will be "Youth Discusses Truth." Conferences on various religious topics will be led by local pastors. 'Queen' To Speak MAYSVILLE (Special) -The Mason County Farm Bureau will have Miss Janie Griggin, Kentucky's dairy princess, as guest speaker at a dinner meeting at 7:30 p. m. Monday at the Avalon Restaurant. A native of Maysville, E.

K. Newell Jr. of the American Dairy Association also will speak, Jack Griffith, president of the local bureau, announced yesterday. Auxiliary Praised MAYSVILLE, April 18 (Special) -High praise was given the Maysville auxiliary police department by Lexington Police Chief E. C.

Hale, at the 11th annual dinner given by Limestone Lodge, Fraternal Order of Police. DISCOUNT Owner of note secured by mortgage en and assignment of rent of tenant lessee of similar tenure realty desires to liquidate lessee, pays monthly payments direct. Realty appraised at $175,000.00. AN IDEAL LONG- TERM INVESTMENT AX 1.4646-Mr. Wegener.

SECLUDED VALLEY CAFE and Fishing Lake Stocked April 10th, with Yellow Bellies Stocked April 16th, with Wall Eyed Pike VERNON and GERTIE GABBARD FLeetwood 7-2070 10 Miles frem Covingten, Ky. Follow Decoursey Pike, Rt. 177, to Whites Road, Turn Left, Fellow Signs CAMPBELL COUNTY Christ Evangelical and Reformed. Ft. Thomas, Rev.

Waldo Berlekamp, pastor. Sunday school. 9:30 a. m. "Lord Of Worship.

The Dead 8:15 and 10:45 topic, And The Living." York Street Congregational, Newport, Rev. Charles J. Schaufuss, pastor. Sunday school, 9:15 a. m.

and worship, 10:30 St. John United Church of Christ, port. Rev. Harold W. Barkhau, pastor.

Sunday school, 9 and 10:30 "The Skeptic Worship, 9and 10:30 a. topic, The, Alexandria Fisherman Methodist, Rev. J. L. pastor.

Sunday school, a. m. Worship. 10:30 a. m.

Prayer service, 7:45 D. m. Wednesday. St. Paul United Church Christ.

Alex. day, school, 9 a. m. Worship. a 10:15 a.

andria, Rev. Albert L. Scherry, pastor. Suntopic. "The Unavoidable AR FAR Christ." FAR $:90: ARFARF of FARFARF St.

Rev. Paul Karl United M. Church pastor. Christ, Sunday New: port. Detrov.

school, m. Worship. 10:30 a. m. Grace Methodist, Newport.

Rev. pastor. Sunday school. 9:30 a. m.

Worship, 10:45 topic. "Christ's Test Discipleship." Youth, 6:30 D. m. Prayer service, 7:30 p. m.

Wednesday. Salem Methodist. Newmort, Rev. Paul C. Worship, 10:45 a.

topic, "Top Priority." Youth, 5:30 p. m. Worship, 7:30 D. topic. Fighting Christian." First Church of the Nazarene, Newpert.

Asa Sparks, pastor. Sunday school. 9:30 m. Worship. 10:30 a.

m. Youth, 6:30 D. Worship, 7:30 p. St. John United Church Christ.

Sinning, Licking Pike, Newport. Rev. Edward C. pastor. Sunday school.

9:30 a. m. Worship. 10:30 tonic. "Friendship With Highland Methodist, Ft.

Thomas. M. Fossett, pastor. Sunday school. 9:30 m.

Worship. 10:45 a. topic, "The High Cost of' Christian Youth, 5:15 p. First Baptist, Ft. Tehmas, Rev.

George S. Munro, pastor. Sunday school. 9:45 a. Worship, 11.

topic, "The Christ of The Youth. 6:15 p. m. Worship. 7:30 D.

topic. 'Foolish service. 7:45 p. m. Wednesday.

St. John Evangelical Lutheran, Rev. Otte Emmelhainz, pastor. Sunday school, 9 m. 10 topic, "The Shepherd Of The Sheep, First Christian, Thomas.

Rev. William Coles Blackwell, pastor. Sunday school. 9:45 a. The m.

Worship, 10:50 topic. "Ah. Old Days." Youth, 6 m. First Baptist. Newport, Rev.

Dudley a m. Worship 8:30 and 11 topic, 3 Pomeroy, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 "The Courts of Youth, World's Greatest Love and p. m. Worship, m.

Praver service. 7:30 p. m. Wednesdav. Brighton Street Baptist Chanel, Newport, I Rev.

Henry Marksberry. pastor. Sunday Youth, school, 6:30 9:45 p. m. m.

Worship, Worship, 10:55 7:45 p. a. m. Praver service, 7:30 p. m.

Wednesday. South Newport Baptist Mission. Newport, Rev. Milton A. Sumerel pastor.

Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Worship. 10:30 8. m.

Youth. 6:45 p. Worship. D. St.

m. Praver Eniscosal. 7:30 p. m. Wednesday.

Andrew Fi. Themes, Alien Person, rector Holy Communion. 8, m. Family service, 11 9 m. Morning praver and sermon, 5:30, Saints Eniscenal, Cold Serine.

Rev. James Welsh, vicar. Morning prayer. 10 8. m.

First Presbyterian, Dayten, Robert 0. Garden. pastor. Sunday school. 9:30 a.

m. Worship, 10:45 a. m. Family night 6 m. First Church of Christ.

Scientist. Newport Sunday school Of and worship, 11, Testimonial a. topic meet "Doctrine ina. 8 m. Wednesday.

St. John Church of Christ. Bellevue. Rev. Manfred A.

Stoerker, Family worship, 9 a. m. Sunday school. 9:40 m. Fellowship.

10:15 m. Wor. 10:45 m. Youth, 7 p. m.

Central Christian, Newport. Rev. Don Walker, Worship, pastor. 10:45 a. Sunday school, topic.

9:30 "Christian m. a Discipleship." James First W. Tinslev. Presbyterian, pastor, Ft. Sunday Thomas, school.

Rey. 9:30 m. Worship. 8:30 and tonic. Newport A Way Gospel To Pray Tabernacle.

Youth, Rev. 5:30 p. John m. Bishop, Worship, pastor. 10:45 Sunday school.

9:30 m. m. and 7:30 Praver service, 7:45 p. m. Wednesdev.

KENTUCKY DEATHS Bertha Doan CORINTH, April 18 (Special) -Mrs. Bertha Doan, Sadieville, died today at St. Joseph Hospital, Lexington. She was 74 years old. Surviving are her husband.

Ed Doan; a daughter, Mrs. Philip Gillispie Erlanger; three sons, Cecil and Howard Doan, Sadieville, and Floyd Doan, Georgetown; Mrs. Roy Fightmaster and Claude Hamilton, and three. brothers, John, Bryant Frank Wright, all of Scott County. Services will be held at 2:30 p.

m. lat Church. the Burial Sadieville will Baptistland Knights of Pythias Cemetery, Corinth, is in charge of Sadieville. The Rogers funeral arrangements. Mary Cooper MAYSVILLE, April 18 (Special) Mrs.

Mary Evans Cooper, wife of Robert A. Cooper, Dover, died last night at Hayswood Hospital here. She was 72 years old. Besides her husband, she is survived by three daughters and five sons, Mrs. Franklin Simms, Maysville; Mrs.

James Cox, Columbus, Ohio; Mrs. Elza Spence and Samuel Otto, both of Manchester, Ohio; Virgil Cooper, Mansfield, Ohio: Robert Cooper Dover, and Raymond L. and Eugene Cooper, both of Dayton, Ohio, and a brother, James Evans, Ripley, Ohio. Services will be held at 2:30 p. m.

at the Higgins Funeral Home here. Burial will follow in Roselawn Cemetery, Dover. Fraternity To Meet More than 100 representatives from seven chapters of Phi Kappa Tau social fraternity will attend the annual conference of the Fourth Domain the fraternity today and Saturday at the University of Kentucky. William T. Young.

Kappa Chapter, University of Kentucky, is coordinator for the two-day conference. Open House Set An open house in honor of Arvil N. Dicken's a 50 years as member of the Mayo Lodge, No. 198, Free and Accepted Masons, California, will be from 2 to 5 p. m.

Sunday at the lodge. Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Josephine Price; a son, Raymond Erlanger; a daughter, Mrs. Harold Wilters, Mrs. William Wilson, liams, Ft.

Rucker, two does: ington and Mrs. Cecil Clay, Whites Tower; three brothers, Harry T. Price, Cincinnati; A. F. Newport, and Charles F.

Harrington Dela. Price, James Pepper Services for James N. Pepper, carpenter and bridge foreman for the C. 0. Railroad for many years, will be held at 1 p.

m. today at the Allison and Rose funeral home, Covington. Burial will be in Johnsville Cemetery, Bracken County. Mr. Pepper, who was 90 years old, died Thursday at his home, 1417 Banklick Covington.

Surviving a daughter, Mrs. Maurine Hurndon, and a brother, Edward Pepper, Los Angeles. Esther Deschler Services for Miss Esther C. Deschler, former vocalist, will be held at 10:30 a. m.

Monday at the Allison and Rose funeral home, ovington. Burial will be in Highland Cemetery. Miss Deschler, who was 62 years old. died Wednesday at Bethesda Hospital, Cincinnati. She made her home at 1712 Woodburn Covington.

Bid Is Awarded For Repair Job On Bridge FRANKFORT, April 17 The Department of Highways Thursday announced awarding of $138,752 in contracts in four counties. They are: Campbell County NewportCincinnati Road; repair to handrial on railroad bridge over Ohio River; Penker Construction Cincinnati; $31,100. Marshall Countyducah Road; 3.4 miles; bituminous concrete surface: Middle West Road Louisville; 921. Elliott County-Sandy HookLouisa, Road; concrete 9.5 surface: miles; bitu- Kentucky Road Oiling Frankfort; $65,915. Floyd Pikeville Road; .393 mile and Prestonsburg Salyersville, 13 miles; bituminous concrete surfaces: Kentucky Road Oiling $13,816.

IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1958 CADILLACS Coupe DeVille Style $5380-70 Delivered Includes Radio, Heater, Power Steering, Power Brakes, WW Tires, EZ-Eye Glass, Electric Clock, Chrome Disc and Back-up Lights. Other Models Also Available Rockcastle Motor Sales 2300 MADISON AVE. HE 1-2975 "Northern Kentucky's Only Cadillac Dealer" CALVIN CRESS SONS CLEARANCE SALE OF FARM AND INDUSTRIAL MACHINERY OUR "BUY OF THE WEEK" 1-300 UTILITY TRACTOR With BRAND 11-Inch Tires NEW $1750 Check these other fine "early bird" spring bargains in International Harvester and other farm equipment. Super- Farmall Tractor. $1850 International Combine- 64.

950 New hay baler. 600 Farmall Model 1-300 Utility Tractor with Henry loader and 4250 New Farmall Model 1-350 Utility Tractor with Pippin loader, backhoe -Save 1400 International Model 2 ME two-row corn picker in excellent 750 International Model 45 power take-off baler in perfect 725 Farmall 1948 Model-H Tractor with new tires, plow, mower, cultivator, disc, corn planter and 1900 Brand New Farmall Model 300 Tractor with belt pulley and torque amplifier 2150 5-Ft. Combine with 250 Used Garden Tractor with mower bar and blade. 135 Used Riding Tractor with reel-type mower, 5-ft. 225 CALVIN CRESS SONS APPLIANCES TELEVISION FARM EQUIPMENT PARTS SERVICE KY.

HIGHWAY 18-FOUR MILES WEST OF FLORENCE, KY. (Just 16 miles from Fountain Square) Phone Burlington 79 There's STATE FARM State Farm Agent near you INSURANCE (See him today) Roy J. Stein Edw. C. Schadle Harry L.

Marsh 1930 Monmouth St. Coppin Room 608 502 1st Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Newport, Ky. Covington, Ky.

Covington, Ky. JU 1-0330 CO 1-4900 AX 1-5343 HE 1-1735 Before you OF FINANCING buy a car, John C. Braun check these 1930 Monmouth St. costs carefully Chas. R.

Bowman Newport, Ky. PURCHASE PRICE 3148 Dixie Hwy. JU 1-0330 Erlanger, Ky. AX 1-2644 DI 1-4484 STATE FARM DU 4-3558 My Bank Plan may save INSURANCE you money three ways! See me before you buy your next used. Find out how you may possibly much $150...

on financing conte ance and on the purchase price the itself, by becoming a cash buyer. You may all three ways with "Bank Plan': Vast a you will bring complete information. pays to knew STATE FARM STATE FARM H. H. McMillian Wm.

C. Becker 7 E. 30th St. MUTUAL 929 Monroe St. Covington, Ky.

Newport, Ky. JUniper 1-4757 AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY HEmlock 1-3848.

The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)
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Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.