The Daily News-Journal from Murfreesboro, Tennessee (2024)

Tuesday Afternoon, Oet. 2T, 1939 The Dotty Mewe JovmaJ, Murfreesboro, Tennessee I EtcIth F. Anderson, Edilmr Dial Twin brook 3-3360 Rutherford Hospital- Newcomers Club Has Monthly Bridge Luncheon The Newcomers club held enjoyable bridge puncheon too- il Hitf '( T-'-'O vi V-4 t- -j V- Has FuttMeeM Leaf Tson, 'son, Wood, an re- cently at the James K. Polk hotel. Mrs.

C. I. Miller and Mrs. William Coates served, as hostesses. "7 I High score prizes in the game' went to Mrs.

Herbert-Boone, ad- vancea pmjers. tuiu rviuji- restoration and that here had been no vandalism of the prop- ernes since uie a I I The-faU meeting of the Ruther- ford County chapter, Association r0r the Preservation at Tennessee age, sponsorea Dy me enamel, jwere $339.95. Airs, connpr re- ard Lindley, beginners. Antiquities, vas held Saturday, The following attended: at 3 p.m., at the home of Mrs. Mesdames Donald Norton, b.

Frank Womack, on the James Jeffei-s. Daisy Henley, Iville road. A. E. Ogden, C.

I. Miller. Her-j Mrs. J. Bernard Aide rson, pies- bert Boone, Robert Liedtke, Rich-ident, conducted the meeting, ard Lindley, Sam Stein, Kenneth King O'Connor, secretary Crank, J.

M. Deavours, H. A. Mrs. t.

E. Hord, treasurer, and Malonejv Norman Dean, C. E. Mrs. "-Percy Kjmbro.

member White, Robert Pickering, Bob smp chairman, made reports, Henderson; R. P. Henderson, mis. Hord stated that net pro R. R.

Roberts, J. B. from the spring piigrinv been at Oaklands. She also thaiik-iRScardson." N3 ed the APTA chapter for its con- to the restoration pro-j jIrg Emma Jean Anderson il9 E. Jackson; Mr.

Clffrenre As program feature for theiBeasley, 1710 Fowler; Mr. I. P. jmeeting, Mrs. James M.

Haynesj Burps. Rock vale; Mrs. Mary jwas heard in an interesting and 'Elizabeth. Walter Hilt, informative discussion of the res- bovDillon; Master Lonnie it0ration; of Cragfont, nroject of Carl Goad, Readvville Rt. the state organization, Assofla- Mrs.

Era McFarlin. Laseassas; for the Piesenation of Elige McGee, Nashville; Antiquities. named Fannie Sue 3, baby Swan pond, near KrKxv.iue;":ff)Pi Osborn; Mr. Sitm ponecl tnai tne cnapier-rou naa Cravens House, unauanooga. Thompson's Nursing -tome; been brought up to date, and re- Lambert Logs, Memphis, Corinne Wnitworth, Rt.

minded members, that dues arejcragfont, near Gallatin, as prop-, Mrsf. Mary Elian Yearwood, Rt' payable in April for the calendar wties of the association. year- Mrs. Havnes has visited Crng--: The three dens of Cub Scouts ot St. Marias, Troop 123, jointly presented skits from Aesop's fables, Monday night.

Front row Den 8, Troop 123 Mrs. Carl Adams and Mrs. Edwin Voorhies, left to right: Kenny Voorhies, Bob Murphy, Bobby Blair, Jim McFerrin, Ricky Glaze, A. B. Adams, Melvin Haynes and Bubba Dempsey.

Second row: Den 5, Mrs. Coil Bran-" sort left to first boy is Roy.C. Byrn (Den 6), the rest are Den 5rJimmy Branson, David Summers, Bill Kraft, Jimmy Tenpenny, Chuck Vaughn, Frank Morgan. Third row: Den 6, Mrs. Gordon Bradshaw and James Palmer Kenneth Grandstaff, Walter Parrish, Jim Cope, Wayne Bradshaw, Bart Gordon, Bob Palmer, Bill Palmer.

Admissions -7 Mr. Harlan I. Buroker, 1007 Frank Lynn Jamer- Kt. 3: AlcHIie t-' McMinnville: Mrs. Ruth Miss Addie Love, 634 E.

Main; Mrs. Donna Sue Jakes, Rt. 1 Readyville: Mr; AvnHam JakeB( Rt. 1 Readyville; Ruth Hprro(1. Rt Lascas- pUN, nn ehTtiana; Mr.

John Sear- Your Birthday October 2T Setty Elizabgffi Mot ton Ike Burns Thomas E. Young Mrs, 'Frances Peyton Mrs. Roy F. Perryman Mrs. Lucy Short Bobby McKnight Annie Glenn DuBois Mrs.

Homer Ingram Gerald Franklin Timberlake Raleigh R. Hughes Mrs. Ruby Garrett J. K. Drake Charlie Dickerson Mrs: Van McLain Oren C.

Brown Mrs. Shirley Haley Mrs. Comer Earle Mrs. A. McClain Eleanor Ann Shipp Mrs.

Dewey Bartlett Valerie Ann Gossage Bill Lavender thews, son. Mrs J. Bernard AMer- Lines From Leana Bv Addie William Countrj' club. Owen Bradley' play or-danci Ing. Reservations are to be Calendar ivoy Dim, vv.

nappen, i. k- pucKmasier, TOYS for CHRISTMAS Lorgtst Slction Town TOY A HOBBY SHOP 100 E. Vine Ph. TW 3-4242 RECORDS Record Rack 11 CAMPBELL'S STORE FOR HOMES E. Side Sq.

TW 3-4181 Mis, Stanley Barham, a mem ber of the nominating committee. presented the slate of officei-s for the ensuing year and they were elected by acclamation as follows Harris roll King O'Conner, recording secretary EJV; earmark, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Morgan Green, treasurer. Mrs. Earl Roberts Mrs.

Rav H. Harris, pre.l- Jit nt f'inkVom- the restoration project underway founders of Memphis. The well-at Oaklands, She stated that S6000 known architect and -author of have been contributed to the Pillars. J. Frazer Smith Belle Meade Mansion, Nash vine; many times and imparted jn her talk much firsthand toy 'formation on its restoration, Cragfont was built, she stated, DV General James Winchester, 1798-1802.

It as located six miles jeast of Gallatin on Highway 25. Hn vti es rea from the pug t'image pamphlet the following excerpt: General Winchester setvea under General Wasliinfton and aeain with Andrew Jackson In jthe War of 1812. He with son and John Overton were the of Memphis, has said of the house: "I consider CRAGFONT house to be our most typical example of the transitional period of Southern architecture from the pioneer cabin to the white pillared mansion. It is truly an important piece- of architecture in the development of our Tennessee way of life." Mrs, Haynes then read a colorful paper, written by Mrs. Roberta Seawell Brandan, a granddaughter of General Winchester, tVtp hniTip, and ga.rdfins as she recalled them.

The description of Cragfont was written by Mrs. Brandan In 1935, Mrs. Haynes said. "Today the picture is different. Restoration is slowlv taking place arid soon the gardens at will hlonm Cragfont, In conclusion Mrs.

Haynes Trick or Treat? The Finest Treat Of All For Every 'Occasion Hearing, from Leana this 8ChooI. 11 I 'The Perfect Gift 1 1 1 1 as I do every week the minister; Clifford Brothers and Mrs. Brothers treated the younger set nice time. A shower was given for Miss' stated, "It has been said that to. a hay ride and wiener roast improvements at tne school, our children are to cherish'bne Saturday night Mr.

Joe Brew-! Herbert Jordan of Nashville Sfeitage. they must under, jer furnished the tractor that was wil! Wr th Kup- He will stand it. The preservation of kriven by Gene Osborne thevj5 Wtroduced by W. W. these historical ojdjjpj-jjialove around for several miles! Additional, plans concerning Belpem-rtbtrrrwSu stand that there are such things, way every one reported having later date- Josephine Carroll (bride ner at the school.

Tickets may be obtained from Ci-ich-low students or at the principal's office. 7:30 9:30 p.m. Pre-teen party will be held at Mur-freesboro Golf and Country, club. Reservations are to be made with Mrs, Edna Hurlay, TW 3-7025. or Mrs.

Molly McKnight, TW 3-1825. 10:00 a.m. Quiet Time nieeting in observance of the Week of Prayer and Self Denial in the chapel of First Methodist church. SATURDAY 8-12 p.m. Juke box dance will be held at Murf reesboro Country club.

Guests may be invited. 9-1 Costume ball will be held at Stones River ALL-FABRIC WASHING! 2 wjtomotis- time cycles and 4 lem-pbtur wash and rinse water to invet special demands of all fabricl far the whitest, onghtert 4 largest agitator 4 separate rinsing SOLD, SIIVICEO AND GUNTH0 NO DOWN PAYMENT PrjrTTTXXITTTTTITXITTTtTXTXXXIXXIIXXXXXlXXXXXXXX a -ZTW jftf 5 A Ly. of Mr. and (Carroll Miss Carroll received Bill Pitts Is Honored On 1 1 hirrmffndav Bill Pitts, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Fount Pitts, was honored' on his third birthday with a party yes terday afternoon at his home oil Jordan avenue, Halloween favors, party horns and hats were' presented to each of the guests. Refreshments and the birthday cake further emphasized the Hal loween rr The', dining room table was centered with, an arrangement of yellow roses. Children attending were: Pat Arnette, Tommy Warden, Joe Mankin, Fount Pitts, Debra Dement, Janic Voorhies, Fran ces Miller, Susan Glaze. Meeting Set At Seminary Schot- All patrons and Interested alumni of Seminary' school a re jinvited to attend -a meeting to be held Friday night at 7:30 at! group win wont lowara lne purcnase 01 aaauionai piay ground equipment and building if rrr A-A j.lh LJfQQni'ZQu organizational meeting of a 4-H club at Eagleville was Monday afternoon at the Officers were elected for the as follows: President Nita Crosslin; president, Sandra Haley; spprptnrv fa-rr Ann Pate- trca a. Dr.

and Mrs: E. Goodman Trv covering your bathroom door with washable wallDaoer to harmonize 'with the bathroom walls. The newer wallpapers can be wiped off wath a sudsy, sponge or cloth. i' i W4 "Sunshine Every Day Of The Year" James K. Polk Hotel TW 3-8568 TUESDAY 7:30 p.m.

CHS Parents' club will hold get-acquainted meeMng. A social hour will follow the business session. 7 :30 p.m. Great Books club will meet in dining "oom Student Union building, MTSC. A study made of the Book of 7:00 p.m.

Parents meeting will be held in Mrs. Clarence Greever's fourth grade classroom at theT Training school. 8:30 p.m. Dinner meeting of the official board of First Methodist church. WEDNESDAY 9 :30 a.m.

Membei-s of jaK.anrts Association are invited to be guests at the Coffee Break pro gram James-K. Polk hotel. 10 -m- American Legion Auxiliary will meet at the jLegion home with Mrs- Ridley and Mrs. M. B.

Muifree as hostesses. Pro-'gram subject wilt be "Gifts and 'Services." Mrs. C. C. Adams will give a demonstration on the meaning of the American Legion emblem.

THURSDAY 11-1 p.m. Mrs, Albert King, and Mrs. Hollis Donnell entertain at coffee at the home of King on South FRiDAY 2:30 Members of the Capt. William Lytle Chapter, DAR, will visit the Tennessee Department' of Public Health. Division of Vital Nashville.

Those planning to attend are requested to contact Mrs. Guy M. Young of the transportation committee. 3 p.m. Halloween party for children oue through six years of age will be held at Stones River Country club.

Members may bring guests. Charges will be 25 cents per child. Reservations are to be made not later than noon on Thursday with Mrs. Ed Miller, TW 3-6047. 4:30 until 8 p.m.-Crichlow PTA will sponsor -tin koy- din- REPORT ALL WET, CARSON CITY, Nev.

(VPt Carson Citv authorities rushed into action when they received a 'report that two carloads of teen- agers were involved in a running. battle" on city streets. The. guns were water pistols. 4 A 4 numoer or usetui gins Fnends do you realize the days is growing much shorter my fam-held ily as well as some of you arises around four a.m.

the school bus! comes on much earlier and it hurries the. older-ones tb get the two little ones for the bus Work on the John Bowman's An Junior school. year 4ce p'crA: -fTHE BUY OF YOUR LIFC 9 -t IE Vrtll UriUK CACTI or Mrs Knox Ridley, in Smyrna. Here's an ehtertaihing little project for youngsters who complain "there's notffing to do." Wash a couple of dozen grapefruit seeds in a' bowl of soapy water, and dry them thoroughly. Thread a large needle with heavy thread, and let the children the seeds.

Meanwhile, boil a few onion skins in a cup of water, and allow to cool. When the children dip the seed necklace into cooled solution, it will turn a pretty orange color. CLASSIFIED ADS PAY RECORD PLAYERS Ht Storoo CAMPBELL'S E. Sid Squar TW S-4181 a a a a a 3-WAY FILTERING! New non-clog Knt filter teonis up with overflow rime and sediment remover to whisk out lint, scum, sand I tvoid you've vr had! ony washer Super Spindry actions TOU NOIGI OUALITT DIU With Your Old Washer Deluxe i3C8 5 Yr. Warranty Less Money Buys More" 2542 CO.

Rnll Dasher 1 00 As7 Shown Delivered OTHER SUNSHINE BASKETS $050 -J up Delivered For Any NYLON RAYON 72x90 100 solid acetate ing. Full 3 lbs. if new dwelling is still going on Mr.urer, Sandra Pate; reporter Jan-Patrick and son in law Ernest ice Puckett; song leader, Peggy Black Is the carpenters are doing Patterson. zu. the work gaged and around Murfrees-; Crosslin and Mrs.

G. C. Marable. bora goes and on. the Bow-1 The- Eagleville HD club served man's dwelling at night refreshments to the group.

Another baby girl fof Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Eugene Barrett! Miss Lillian Gray and Mrs. Jr. the baby was bonrin Ruther- Mark Womack were among those ford Hospital on the 20th of this from Murfreesboio attending the month- Indicentally I am happy Nashville Symphony Orchestra to have another great niece this concert last nieht.

s. trteSition and "continuity." Fcllowing the program, afterr noon refreshments were served bv thehostesses. They were: Mrs. Womack, Mrs. Morgan Green.

Mrs. E. Carmack, Stanley Barham, Mrs. M. Tarpley, Mrs.

E. E. Mat- BLEND OF and NYLON colors, bind $,095 is rne second child for the young I couple and both. are girls Lytle Wrather son of the SamKvere in McMinnville last Wrathers underwent surgery re- to attend the Charter Night meet-cently at Goodall's ainic in Smyr- ing of the McMinnville Civitan na the young man at this time club. I Months to Pay 1 A BLEND OF RAYON and Fancy Style 72x84 Norge 100 ALL WOOL AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC toward (Bill) Barrett nephew; of the writer made a trip to the doctor on last Monday Mr.

and Mrs. Perril Lee. Bui-1 lock has been 'Sfi uornmg N.Y. visiting the Howard West family; Mr. Bullock going on.

to Boston Mass. for a few weeks of training before returning home As yet the two hel houses that is being built near rav home hasn't' as yet been completed how ever work is continuing on the; two houses Sorry to note Mrs, Cnlineious wrather continues on-the sick list and under the doctor's care in Smyrna Little William Wrather email son of the Sam Wrathers has been; on the sick list but the little boy is still in school Mr. and Malcolm Eugene' Barrett have named their babyj daughter Cathy Eugenia Well friends until the next time' you havejheard some of the high-1 lights of Leana I- ESTABLISHED BUSINESS For Sale Goecf Fotcntial. 1dal far part er full tint. For full Information coll TW 3-770J.

Matching 190 DRYER With Exclusive $p95 M9S BLANKET By Burlington. Single I control 3MI BLANKET guaranteed molh colors proof. Solid East Side The The Friendly Store Where TW 3 MM Phone TW 3-7923 YOUNGSTERS TODAY CITIZENS TOMORROW Benny Joe Baxter, above, i the ton of Mr. and Mr. Ray Baxter of Route 5.

He is four months old and the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Alf Alcorn and Mrs. Rebecca Baxter, all of Murfrees-boro. Delbridge Photo Girl Who Sew Wears Better.

The Daily News-Journal from Murfreesboro, Tennessee (2024)
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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

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Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.