The Ecology and Conservation of Threatened Damselflies Integrated Catchment Science Programme Science Report: SC040027/SR1 (2024)

The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies Integrated catchment science programme Science report: SC040027/SR1

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This report is the result of research commissioned and funded by the Environment Agency’s Science Programme.

Published by: Author: Environment Agency, Rio House, Waterside Drive, Katherine Allen Aztec West, Almondsbury, Bristol, BS32 4UD Tel: 01454 624400 Fax: 01454 624409 Dissemination Status: Publicly available Released to all regions ISBN: 978-1-84911-093-8 Keywords: © Environment Agency – August 2009 Scarce Blue-tailed Damselfly, Ischnura pumilio, C. mercuriale, Coenagrion mercuriale, Ecology, All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced Conservation, Dispersal, Habitat, Population Size. with prior permission of the Environment Agency. Research Contractor: The views and statements expressed in this report are University of Liverpool those of the author alone. The views or statements Liverpool expressed in this publication do not necessarily L69 3BX represent the views of the Environment Agency and the Tel: 0151 794 2000 Environment Agency cannot accept any responsibility for such views or statements. Environment Agency’s Project Manager: Tim Sykes, Winchester Office This report is printed on Cyclus Print, a 100% recycled stock, which is 100% post consumer waste and is totally Science Project Number: chlorine free. Water used is treated and in most cases SC040027/SC1 returned to source in better condition than removed. Product Code: Further copies of this summary are available from our SCHO0809BQVW-E-P publications catalogue: http://publications.environment- or our National Customer Contact Centre: T: 08708 506506 E: [emailprotected].

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies i Science at the Environment Agency

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Steve Killeen Head of Science

ii Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

Executive summary


This report presents the results of an autecological study of the Scarce Blue-tailed Damselfly, Ischnura pumilio (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) in south-west England.

Ischnura pumilio has a sparse, localised distribution in the UK and is classed as “scarce” in the British Red Data Book of Insects. The aim of this study was to ,raise the ecological understanding of this species to a similar level to that of other threatened odonates such as the Southern Damselfly (Coenagrion mercuriale) with a view to better informing its conservation management. Fieldwork was conducted in the New Forest, Hampshire and at a variety of sites throughout Cornwall and Devon.

Main objectives

The primary aim of this study was to examine the dispersal potential, survival rates, population sizes and habitat requirements of I. pumilio in the south of England. Similar work on other species, such as C. Mercuriale, has been useful in guiding conservation efforts, but there are very few studies of I. pumilio. It is hoped that this study will inform conservation management and allow more effective monitoring and surveillance of this species.

Results Intensive mark-release-recapture (MRR) studies were conducted at two sites during 2005 and 2006. These revealed that, despite a reputation as long range dispersers, I. pumilio were generally very sedentary with movement characteristics similar to those of other similar sized odonates. No movement between sites was recorded and 88 per cent of individuals moved less than 50m (net) in their lifetime. Movement distance was inversely dependent on population density, indicating a tendency to move towards conspecifics or areas of more suitable habitat. The presence of parasitic mites (Hydryphantes spp.) significantly increased movement distance. Males consistently moved further than females. Longer intervals between captures resulted in greater movement distances.

Surveys of vegetation and environmental factors were conducted at 31 sites with I. pumilio records from the previous 10 years. The species occurred at sites with a range of water depths, management regimes and levels of pH, grazing, pollution and disturbance. Occupied habitats generally had slow-flowing water, some bare ground at the water’s edge and low levels of shade. A low overall count for odonate species was also associated with the presence of I. pumilio. Areas away from water were found to be important for the species and over 30 per cent of matings were recorded at least 10m from water. Existing sites should be actively managed up to 25m from water, and new habitat created, where possible, with dispersal potential in mind.

Survival and recapture rates for Scarce Blue-tailed Damselflies and C. mercuriale were estimated using single and multistate MRR modelling techniques. The resulting rates were used to estimate population sizes for I. pumilio populations surveyed in 2005 and 2006, and two C. mercuriale populations in south England surveyed during 2001 and 2002. Survival generally decreased with age and time in the season and a negative effect of parasites was also indicated. Removing a leg for genetic analysis was not found to affect survival. The sex of mature individuals had no, or negligible effect on

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies iii their survival rates. Ischnura pumilio was found to exist in much smaller populations than C. mercuriale and so may suffer greater levels of inbreeding. A comparison of monitoring methods showed that transect walk estimates were a reliable method of estimating abundance and provided a good basis for further work to develop a predictive relationship.

Conclusions and recommendations

Despite the strength of some UK populations, such as Latchmoor, I. pumilio still requires conservation management at sites that have poorer quality habitat and smaller populations. Many populations are isolated, based on the range of movements observed in this study, and without dispersal to augment genetic diversity even strong populations are at risk of developing high levels of inbreeding. This study has examined several aspects of the species’ ecology and is the first large scale study of I. pumilio that has been conducted. This report presents estimates of dispersal potential, survival rates and habitat requirements and discusses these with respect to the species’ conservation management. Key findings and recommendations include: • The species was found at sites with a range of water depths, management regimes and levels of pH, pollution, grazing and disturbance. However, sites generally had slow-flowing water, with some bare ground in and around the water’s edge and were relatively open in terms of shade from tall vegetation. • Management of areas away from water should be incorporated into any habitat management plan, as different individuals may be present and may exhibit different behaviours. A buffer of 25m may be sufficient for the necessary roosting, mating and feeding requirements of I. pumilio. • A monitoring program to establish the current status of these and other key odonate sites across the UK would be beneficial. Monitoring of adult I. pumilio at existing sites may be achieved using transect walks, which are a useful method for large-scale monitoring. • The ability of I. pumilio to colonise newly formed habitat is still open to question. No long-range dispersal movements were recorded in this study and no upward flight behaviour was observed. • In this report, the estimated maximum population sizes for the two studies of C. mercuriale are among the highest recorded for any damselfly. However, I. pumilio populations were much smaller and as such may be more at risk of genetic effects such as inbreeding.

iv Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies


I am deeply grateful to my supervisor Dave Thompson for his guidance, support and patience through this project. I am also greatly indebted to the Environment Agency, particularly Tim Sykes, without whom the fieldwork for this project would not have possible and to NERC for providing the initial grant (grant number: NER/S/A/2004/12817). Additional funding from the Environment Agency enabled the recruitment of several field assistants for the mark-release-recapture study. I would like to thank Sara Ball, Helen Turner, Chris Hassall, Justine Saelens, Chris Gamble, Laura Johnson and Amy Thompson. I would also like to thank Phil Corney for his expert botanical advice and training and Jim Rouquette for the use of his Coenagrion mercuriale data and for his advice and encouragement when I was starting this project. Mike le Duc, Matt Spencer, Sandra Telfer, Rob Marrs and Ian Harvey have also provided advice on statistical methods, which has been invaluable. I also thank Jean- Dominique Lebreton, Roger Pradel and Olivier Gimenez for an excellent population modelling course and Remi Choquet for providing continued support and guidance via email. Steve Jones, Lesley Kerry and Dave Smallshire were very helpful in planning my second field season and provided expert advice on locations and habitats. Brian Walker and Peter Allen provided photos and information about the damselflies of the New Forest that were also very helpful.

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies v Contents

1 Introduction 1 1.1 Conservation of insects and Odonata 1 1.2 Ischnura pumilio distribution and status 3 1.3 Habitat 4 1.4 Life history 6 1.5 Flight period 8 1.6 Dispersal 9 1.7 Coenagrion mercuriale 9 1.8 Report overview 10

2 Movement patterns of adult I. pumilio 12 Chapter summary 12 2.1 Introduction 12 2.2 Methods 15 2.3 Results 22 2.4 Discussion 34

3 Habitat requirements of adult I. pumilio 40 Chapter summary 40 3.1 Introduction 40 3.2 Methods 42 3.3 Results 50 3.4 Discussion 59

4 Estimating survival rates and populations sizes in Ischnura pumilio populations 67 Chapter summary 67 4.1 Introduction 67 4.2 Methods 69 4.3 Results 74 4.4 Discussion 88

5 Estimating survival and population size in Coenagrion mercuriale populations 100 Chapter summary 100 5.1 Introduction 100 5.2 Methods 101 5.3 Results 103 5.4 Discussion 109

6 Conclusion 120 vi Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

Chapter summary 120 6.1 Ischnura pumilio in south-west England 120 6.2 Management 124 6.3 Study design 124 6.4 Coenagrion mercuriale 126 6.5 Further work 127

References 129

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies vii

1 Introduction

This report presents the findings of an autecological study of the Scarce Blue-tailed Damselfly, Ischnura pumilio, in southern England. The species is classified as scarce in the British Red Data Book of Insects (1987) and in 2005 was considered for priority status in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan. This application was unsuccessful. However, the species is still a cause for concern from a conservation perspective due to loss of habitat and its tendency for ephemeral occupancy of remaining habitats. The species has a sparse, patchy distribution in Britain and is restricted to southern and western sites. Effective conservation requires extensive knowledge of a species’ ecology, including movement and dispersal capability, habitat requirements and population dynamics. Informed management of habitats may then be undertaken at all landscape scales. Despite the apparent rarity of I. pumilio very little quantitative work on the species has been published and aspects of its ecology, which may inform its conservation management, are not well understood. The aim of this report is to raise the level of knowledge about this species to a similar level to that of other threatened odonates, such as the Southern Damselfly (Coenagrion mercuriale) and to provide information of use in management planning. Some techniques were also applied to existing data on C. mercuriale to add to the body of knowledge about this rare species. The remaining sections of this chapter consider the rationale for a study of insect conservation with special reference to odonates and review the current literature concerning I. pumilio. This is the most comprehensive review of this small body of literature (<30 articles; that has been undertaken to date. This project is certainly the first large study of the species that has been conducted and one of very few to include quantitative analyses.

1.1 Conservation of insects and Odonata

Of all the animals and plants on Earth, more species of insect have been described than any other taxonomic group. Over a million insect species are known to science (Pyle et al. 1981; Thomas 1994) and several times that number are likely to be undiscovered. Insects are the largest contributors to biodiversity and provide numerous essential ecosystem services. Yet, despite their abundance and variety, the majority of scientific interest in insects has been in controlling those which are detrimental to our health, crops and other food supplies. Attempts to control these pests and vectors of disease have been mostly unsuccessful and meanwhile many other insect species have declined or become extinct (Pyle et al. 1981). The importance of insects to mankind cannot be overstated. As crop pollinators, insects are vital in food production for the ever expanding human population. Insects produce domestic products such as silk and honey, and provide biological control of the pests of countless crops. They are the subject of art and literature worldwide, and medicinal and evolutionary research that has advanced our understanding of life on earth enormously. Dragonflies and damselflies are large, beautiful, charismatic insects, which have been admired and collected for centuries. They represent a talisman for insect conservation and may be used to great effect in educating people in the fascinating biology, ecology and behaviour of insects (Switzer 2007). They are popular subjects for art and photography. They have both global (Worldwide Dragonfly Association) and national (British Dragonfly Society) societies devoted to their study and conservation. Britain

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 1 has been a leading force in insect conservation for decades and records held by organisations such as the British Dragonfly Society and Butterfly Conservation have allowed spatial and historical studies to be undertaken (Pyle et al. 1981; Hunter 2002). However, the practice of private recorders submitting records is decreasing and the lack of information from recent years is hindering modern ecological studies (Foster 1991). Habitat fragmentation and loss represent a major threat to many insect species (Pyle et al. 1981; Foster 1991; Hambler and Speight 1996; Hunter 2002; Samways 2007). Odonates are particularly threatened as they are restricted to areas of water for larval development and wetland habitats in the UK have declined by 50 per cent since 1945 (Nature Conservancy Council 1984). The draining of wetlands and their conversion to agriculture has severely affected the distribution and abundance of odonate species. In addition, as habitat becomes increasingly fragmented, populations become isolated and can lose the genetic diversity that allows adaptation to environmental change (Dieckmann et al. 1999). Odonates are highly vulnerable to pollution of water bodies and this is now nearly ubiquitous in the UK, in some form or another. Insects, including odonates, are increasingly being suggested as ecological indicators of changing environmental conditions (Pyle et al. 1981; Chovanec et al. 2004; Bried et al. 2007). The response of the lepidopteran, Biston betularia, to industrial pollution has been known and studied for over 50 years (e.g. Kettlewell 1958; e.g. Daly et al. 2004). The presence, abundance and diversity of Odonates is a good indicator of water quality. In most cases they are easy to catch and identify, which facilitates their use as indicator species. The EC Water Framework Directive (European Commission 2000) requires that all surface water bodies should attain a “good ecological status” in terms of the structure and function of the aquatic ecosystem. Assessment of water bodies is based on biological elements including plants, invertebrates and fish, and may be enhanced by the development of practical bio-indicator methods. In response to this the Odonate Habitat Index was developed to provide a sensitive measure of biological response to human activities. Due to their specific habitat requirements, odonates were found to be an ideal indicator or ‘umbrella’ group for bio-indication purposes (Chovanec et al. 2004). The Odonata are worthy and desirable targets for conservation research and management. Of the 22,500 species of insect recorded in Britain, odonates (along with butterflies) are among the best recorded. They are declining at a rate of five per cent per century (Hambler and Speight 1996) and six, of the 40 or so British species, are included in the British Red Data Book, including the Scarce Blue-tailed and C. mercuriale. At the time this project began, C. mercuriale was the only British odonate with Biodiversity Action Plan Priority status. Aeshna isosceles was added in 2007. The behavioural ecology of odonates has been well studied and survival estimates, using various methods of estimation, have been published for a range of species. However, estimates of population size are rare and modern methods of population modelling have not been widely applied to odonates. Estimates of survival rates and their influencing factors, along with population size estimates and other ecological information, allow the use of conservation tools such as population viability analysis. Reliable population size estimates are important for threatened species as, along with genetic information such as levels of inbreeding, they provide information on the relative ability of populations to adapt to environmental and climatic change and ultimately avoid extinction. Previous work on dispersal in the rare damselfly species, C. mercuriale, has revealed that its limited dispersal capacity is likely to be an important factor influencing its persistence (Rouquette and Thompson 2007a). Southwood (1977) proposed that species that occupy ephemeral habitat, such as I. pumilio (see section 1.1.4.), should be highly dispersive in order to utilise new habitat as it occurs. Ishnura pumilio is

2 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

reputed to be capable of long range dispersal (see section 1.1.6), but this has not been quantitatively studied before now. It is essential to effective conservation planning that the habitat requirements of a species are identified, including the extent of the habitat and the resources utilised within it. Without clearly defining what constitutes habitat, as distinct from the surrounding matrix, studies of dispersal between habitats become problematic as does defining protected areas. The suitability of a site for I. pumilio will depend, at least partly, on environmental factors such as water depth, flow rate and pH, which will influence the composition of odonate and vegetation communities. Ischnura pumilio is often over-looked due to its small size and ephemeral habitat use (Dapling and Rocker 1969; Cotton 1981; Fox 1987) so the composition of odonate and plant species in a habitat, along with abiotic measurements, may be a useful indicator of the likelihood of its presence at a site.

1.2 Ischnura pumilio distribution and status

At the end of the 19th century, I. pumilio was considered almost extinct in Britain (Lucas 1900). However, records suggest that historically the species was more widespread than data accounts for, due to the small-scale and transient nature of its preferred habitat. (Fox 1989; Fox and Cham 1994). As I. pumilio is often found in areas with few other odonates species and in habitat which appears unfavourable, it seems likely that some populations may never have been recorded (Dapling and Rocker 1969; Fox 1987). N. MacNeill said of I. Pumilio, “Its furtive habits and choice of such sites as the clayey drains may more account for its ‘uncommonness’ than actual rarity” (unpub.; as cited in Cotton 1981). In 1987, when official recording of British odonates by the Biological Records Centre (BRC) ceased, Fox published a summary of the habitats of I. pumilio in Wales “in the hope that readers will take a second look at all Ischnura species, lest I. pumilio be further overlooked”. He suggested an element of misidentification (confusion with the Blue-tailed Damselfly, Ischnura elegans, and other coenagrionids) may have compounded the problem of recording this species, whose status was then, and is still, not well understood. This was supported by Cotton (1981), who reported that several I. pumilio specimens from museums were in fact misidentified specimens of Enallagma cyathigerum and I. elegans. In addition, there were records for which the voucher specimen has been lost and so there could be no certainty of correct identification. Fraser (1949) commented “I do not know of any other British dragonfly which has offered so much difficulty in identification or over which so many errors have been made”.

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 3

Figure 1.1 UK distribution of I. pumilio. Red squares represent 10km squares in which the species has been recorded. Map taken from NBN Gateway ( Ischnura pumilio is generally considered to be a Mediterranean species (Corbet et al. 1960), but can be found from North Africa, through Europe and the Middle East, to west and central Siberia. It is present across Europe in scattered colonies, but is most numerous in the south (Askew 1988; Dijkstra and Lewington 2006). It has been recorded in the Azores, an archipelago of volcanic islands in the Atlantic Ocean (Cordero Rivera et al. 2005) and is widespread in the mountains of Middle Asia (Borisov 2006). The species reaches the northern limits of its range in the UK, hence its restriction to only southern and western sites (Cham 1990; see Fig. 1.1). It has been proposed that the distribution of I. pumilio is restricted by the February Minimum Temperature (FMT) isotherm and that it does not occur where FMT is below 2.2ºC (Chelmick 1980; Fox 1990). In 1991, Cham observed an easterly expansion of range, possibly due to habitat creation by quarrying. However, since then the species has been in decline, particularly those recent populations in eastern Britain (Cham 1991, 1996). In 2005, the species was (unsuccessfully) considered for UK Biodiversity Action Plan Priority status, and remains a cause for concern from a conservation viewpoint (Daguet 2005).

1.3 Habitat

Ischnura pumilio is thought to have very specific habitat requirements in Britain, which contribute to its apparent rarity (Fox 1987; 1989). The species is said to be restricted to shallow, base-rich water with a slow flow-rate and to require a degree of openness in the form of bare, muddy ground and sparse vegetation (Fox 1987; 1989; Cham 1991; Fox and Cham 1994). This specific microclimate is inhabited by I. pumilio in a wide variety of natural and man-made sites (Jurzitza 1970; Zimmermann 1973; Fox and Cham 1994; Cham 1996). It has been recorded in natural habitats such as marshy ox- bows, the edges of pools and streams, and in flushes, valley mires and marshes

4 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

(Fraser 1941; Fox 1987). It rapidly colonises newly formed habitat, such as ditches (Dapling and Rocker 1969), bomb craters, quarries (Cotton 1981) and wetlands created by clay, gravel, sand, limestone and chalk excavation (Zimmermann 1973). The species has been recorded in motorway storm-water retention ponds in France, these contained high concentrations of copper and zinc in the top sediment layer and herbicides in the water column (Scher and Thièry 2005). Ischnura pumilio has even been observed ovipositing in a puddle by the roadside (Hammond 1983). Records submitted to the Odonata Recording Scheme (ORS) of the BRC were analysed to establish habitat use by I. pumilio across the UK and determine possible reasons for the continued rarity of the species (Fox and Cham 1994). Fox and Cham concluded that the important habitat features in the UK were; low water velocity, a limited amount of emergent vegetation for oviposition, without the water becoming “choked” with plants (Fox 1989), and a varying, but considerable, degree of habitat disturbance. In fact, this species responds exceptionally well to disturbance, including human activity. Numerous colonies have been recorded in areas of mineral extraction where conditions can be highly unstable, but shallow springs and pools with little vegetation cover may form (Fox 1989; Fox and Cham 1994; Cham 1996). In these artificially created sites, colonies rarely persist for more than a few years as vegetation soon encroaches, particularly where water is slow-flowing. However, where there is a continual supply of water and a degree of openness is maintained, colonies will persist (Fox and Cham 1994). Even these transient populations are of great importance; although they do not represent a stronghold for the species they do provide dispersive adults to colonise new areas. Where quarrying is underway this may be especially beneficial, enabling the colonisation of newly mined areas as previous sites become unsuitable. Although many of the areas where I. pumilio has persisted for many years are naturally created habitats, there are artificial sites where the species has been recorded for more than 10 years. Disturbance is very important at these sites and may take the form of grazing of emergent vegetation and poaching of the substrate by livestock or, surprisingly, of motor-bike scrambling and the activities of four wheel drive vehicles (Fox and Cham 1994). Persistence at these sites is not in spite of such activities, but probably largely because of them. They prevent encroachment of successional plant species and even create new, small water bodies for species to colonise. An analysis of all records for the species showed that 52 per cent of records came from completely artificial habitats. As most of the “natural” sites in Dorset, the New Forest and south Wales are in some way maintained (by grazing, ditching or otherwise) the true proportion is much higher (Fox and Cham 1994). This demonstrates the species’ dependence on human activity and its vulnerability to changes in management practices. Typically, I. pumilio colonies in south and west Britain are found in recently formed artificial water bodies, such as industrial reservoirs and gravel pits (Fox 1989). In Ireland, more than 80 per cent of sites are bogs, pools and seepages on wet heathland. These are the most natural and undisturbed habitat types (Cham 1996), but the species also inhabits disused quarries in Ireland (Cotton 1981). Ischnura pumilio inhabits springs and flushes running over mineral substrates, particularly in the New Forest, Forest of Dean and Pembrokeshire (Hammond 1983; Fox 1987). Habitats in Wales are often mesotrophic dew ponds or drinking sites for livestock (Fox 1987; Fox 1989). Poaching of the water’s edge by animals causes enough disturbance to prevent succession of emergent plants on the edges of these more permanent water bodies. In artificial sites, their temporary nature provides the species’ requirements for early- successional habitat. Ischnura pumilio has been found, on occasions, at altitudes above 400m in Wales (Fox 1987) and up to 3360m in the alpine regions of Middle Asia (Borisov 2006). Almost 75

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 5 per cent of records from Ceredigion are from 100m, or more, above sea level, unlike the close relative species, Ischnura elegans, which is a lowland species in Wales with over 75 per cent of records occurring below 200m. Ischnura pumilio was the only species recorded at these high-altitude locations, suggesting that winter temperature is not a major factor influencing its range (Fox and Cham 1994), and demonstrating the species’ ability to persist in conditions which appear unfavourable for Odonata. Ischnura pumilio prefers base-rich water, with a pH higher than that preferred by other damselflies. It is absent from the most acidic habitats, such as those dominated by Sphagnum (Fox 1987). Streams occupied by I. pumilio are typically base-rich flushes and spring lines, occasionally dominated by Juncus rushes and often shared with Coenagrion mercuriale, Ceriagrion tenellum (Fraser 1941), Orthetrum coerulescens, Pyrrhosoma nymphula, Sympetrum striolatum and Cordulegaster boltonii. In pond habitats, P. nymphula, and S. striolatum are common associates of the species and are often joined by I. elegans, Enallagma cyathigerum, Coenagrion puella, Anax imperator and Libellula depressa (Fox 1987). Although excessive plant growth can exclude I. pumilio, some emergent vegetation, usually soft stemmed grasses, is required for oviposition (Fox et al. 1992). Typical co-occurring plant species include Juncus species, Typha species, Agrostis stolonifera, Glyceria fluitans and Ranunculus flammula (Fox, 1987, 1989, 1992). It is thought that tenerals and adult females take shelter in thick scrub formed by bog myrtle (Fraser 1941). The karyotype of I. pumilio is 2n = 29, n = 15 (Kiauta 1979). Kiauta noted that this n complement is higher than in the 12 other members of the genus that were analysed and the coenagrionid type number of n = 14. This may be related to the unusual ecology of I. pumilio, which is to colonise new and ephemeral habitats where it remains for only a few years. The increased recombination index that results from a higher chromosome number suggests a greater scope for genetic variation and this could explain the observed ecological flexibility of the species. This theory is supported by four other coenagrionid species which have high n complements and also have peculiar ecological adaptations; (Argia apicalis, A. tibialis, E. cyathigerum, and Leptagrion macrurum (Kiauta 1979). In contrast, C. mercuriale has a unusually low karyotype of n = 13 and low recombination potential (Kiauta and Kiauta 1988). This was suggested as an explanation for the species’ restriction to highly specific habitats and its inability to adapt to environmental variation.

1.4 Life history

Female I. pumilio are unaccompanied by the male during oviposition and the insertion of each egg takes approximately 20 seconds. Various species of soft stemmed plant are used by females for oviposition, including Juncus inflexus, J. articulatus and Eleocharis palustris. Where equal densities of these plants were present, over 75 per cent of females were observed to oviposit in J. articulatus, indicating females may prefer certain species when several are present (Cham 1992a). Females lay eggs down a stem until the thorax makes contact with the water, but no attempts to submerge fully have been recorded, possibly due to the problems of overcoming surface tension. The species’ ability to persist in areas prone to drying out in summer may be due to egg laying in particular parts of the stem where eggs become entombed by plant tissue and are therefore protected from desiccation (Cham 1992a). Ischnura pumilio is primarily a univoltine species (Cham 1993), although not all captive larvae complete their life cycle within a year (Fox and Cham 1994). This short generation time may be advantageous given the transient nature of its chosen habitat (Fox and Cham 1994), allowing full development of a cohort before major changes take place. Emergence is highly synchronised, both in the wild (Fox 1990; Cham 1993;

6 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

Cordero Rivera and Andrés 1999), and in the laboratory (Cham 1992a). Under laboratory conditions 90 per cent of prolarvae emerged on one morning, after 17 days at 25°C, with the remainder following the next day. When subjected to drought conditions for the duration of the hatching period, prolarvae emerged two days after re- submergence of the plant (Cham 1992a). Following hatching, the prolarval skin splits and the second instar larva emerges. Within minutes these larvae can be observed using threat displays to each other, which appear to encourage dispersal away from the overcrowded stem (Cham 1992a). This is unusual among damselflies, in other species threat displays have only been observed from the fourth instar onwards (Rowe 1985). Early dispersal may be advantageous in shallow water conditions, as in the event of drought some larvae will survive in areas which remain wet (Cham 1992a). An accurate method for identifying I. pumilio larvae has been an issue of some debate. One method combines features of the method outlined by Miller (1987) with the amendments listed in Cham (1992b). Previous methods, as described by Fraser (1949) and Carchini (1983), were found to be ineffective by Cham (1992b) who reported that, “numerous exuviae and larvae known to be I. pumilio have consistently keyed out to I. elegans". No studies of the ecology of larval I. pumilio have been published and this may be due to the difficulty of identifying larvae and of dredging them from aquatic vegetation (Fraser 1949). Male I. pumilio are non-territorial and engage in scramble competition for access to mates. A study of lifetime mating success (LMS) revealed that a large proportion of males never mate (43.6 per cent, n=142) compared with a small number of females (13 per cent, n=100; Cordero Rivera and Andrés 1999). Variance in LMS was greater in males; one male achieved the maximum of 7 matings, whereas the maximum for a female was 4. Individuals with longer lifespans achieved the most matings, but body size had no significant effect on LMS in either sex. Copulation duration averaged 1 hour 19 minutes, but one pair was observed in copula for approximately 5 hours. Copulation duration was negatively correlated with time of day. It has been reported that I. pumilio do not mature near water, but appear in large numbers as mature adults. A mark-recapture study failed to find one teneral specimen, despite daily sampling near water where mating I. pumilio had been observed the previous year and teneral Ischnura graellsii were common (Cordero Rivera and Andrés 1999). Female I. pumilio have two colour forms. The immature or ‘aurantiaca’ form is bright orange and is observed in its highest numbers at the beginning of the flight season. The mature, sexually-active adult form is pale yellow-green (Cham 1990) and has an apple-green ventral surface, which is clearly visible in copula (Kyle 1961). It is only this fully-developed female form which has large mature eggs (Kyle 1961; Zimmermann 1973). In some studies, aurantiaca females were not observed in copula and appeared unattractive to males (Kyle 1961; Cham 1990). Other studies have observed males being attracted to this form, resulting in vigorous attempts to repel males by early-stage aurantiaca females and some copulation by late-stage females (Jurzitza 1970; Reinhardt 1990; as cited in Langenbach, 1993). The latter observation suggests that sperm can be stored until eggs are mature (Cham 1993). Aurantiaca females have never been observed ovipositing (Langenbach 1993). Males are smaller than females (Cordero 1994), have a black thorax with green or blue sides and a small patch of vivid, azure blue that covers segments eight and nine of the otherwise black abdomen. The immature form has different colouration to the mature form with abdominal segments 8 and 9 coloured brown (Cham 1990; Cham 1993) or yellow-grey (Kyle 1961). This lasts less than 48 hours before developing signs of blue. However, three captive-reared males were observed to emerge as orange, aurantiaca,

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 7 by Kyle (1961), changing to an intermediate yellow-grey stage within 24 hours and becoming typical adults with dark abdomen and blue tail within a further 24 hours. Kyle suggested that these males were atypical in their initial colouration and this was confirmed by observations during this project, where all males conformed to Cham’s description. Occasionally, intermediates of the immature and mature colour forms have been observed in both males (Kyle 1961; Cham 1993) and females (Cham 1990; 1993), but the rarity of these in males indicates that colour change is rapid. Maturation takes somewhat longer in the female than the male, with the aurantiaca stage lasting 5-9 days, the intermediate stage 2 days, and the mature female living up to a further 26 days (Cham 1993). A study using outdoor-captive-reared females, observed a similar 6-12 days for maturation and usually 2 days for colour change (Langenbach 1993). The study indicated that maturation time was inversely proportional to food supply and temperature. However, date of emergence was most highly correlated with maturation time: later emergence resulting in shorter time to colour change. Cordero (1994) found that insectary-reared females had a significantly longer total adult lifespan (emergence to death) than males (means ± SEM and maxima: females = 16.3 ± 1.94 and 37 days; males = 10.7 ± 1.02 and 26 days). One hand-reared female, which was excluded from the analysis, survived for 57 days. In contrast, field studies show female lifespan to be less than that of males. However, it has been suggested that no real difference exists and that the perceived difference is due to the increased likelihood of recapturing males, over females, in mark-recapture studies (Cordero Rivera and Andrés 1999). Females also exist in an andromorph (or heterochromic) form, although this is generally rare (Langenbach 1993) and has not been reported at all in Great Britain (Seidenbusch 1995; Cordero Rivera and Andrés 1999). An observational study in Germany (Seidenbusch 1995) revealed that andromorph females were always less abundant than gynomorphs and were only found in 6 out of 10 sites visited. Andromorph females undergo one more colour change than gynomorphs; they first change from aurantiaca to the typical green and then from green to the azure blue typical of males. These two colour changes are often merged and individuals can be found exhibiting all three colour types. Green females can be identified as future andromorphs by the degree of melanism on various abdominal segments (detail in Seidenbusch 1995), but it is currently not possible to distinguish the ultimate phenotype of aurantiaca females. A mark-recapture study found no significant differences in fitness correlates between morphs (Cordero Rivera and Andrés 1999).

1.5 Flight period

Records from the BRC database, show that I. pumilio have been observed on the wing from May to September. In general, the flight season appears to commence in early June and peak in July, with a gradual tail-off into September at the latest (Fox 1990; Smallshire and Swash 2004). More specifically, in Wales flight commences in the last week of June and continues into mid-July, with a few remaining until early August. Sixty-eight per cent of dated records come from the period 20 June to 30 July (Fox 1987). In south-west England (Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Somerset, Wiltshire, Gloucestershire, Worcestershire and Herefordshire) a similar number, 63 per cent, of records are from this period (Fox 1990). Records from Wales (Kyle 1961) and Bedfordshire indicate the flight season can commence as early as May (Fox 1987; Cham 1993). The timing and duration of the flight period is not influenced by habitat (mineral extraction sites, flushes, pools etc) or by geographical area within the UK, except that it may continue slightly later in the south. However, it is influenced by altitude; the lowest altitudes record both the earliest emergence and the longest persistence at the end of the flight season (Fox 1990).

8 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

1.6 Dispersal

One of the reasons for the lack of knowledge about I. pumilio is the transient nature of its colonies. Askew (1988) noted that the species will “rapidly colonise newly-formed biotopes, but colonies tend to die out after a few years”. Indeed, I. pumilio is often found in locations far from the nearest known colony. This suggests that it has the means to disperse over some considerable distance, which does not match with the weak, erratic flight that is normally observed (Fraser 1941; Fox 1989). However, a potential method for long range dispersal has been observed. On several occasions, individual mature, adult males have exhibited strong upward flight to an altitude at which they were no longer visible through ×8 binoculars (Fox 1989; Cham 1993). These observations all occurred on clear, still and very hot days, which would allow development of strong thermals and upward currents. It has been proposed that individuals use these to facilitate strong, upward flight leading to dispersal, perhaps aided by directional currents in the air above significant barriers such as trees and buildings. Weak gusts of wind are sufficient to carry individuals at great speed when flying close to the ground (Dapling and Rocker 1969) and stronger gusts at higher altitude may be sufficient for long range dispersal. Individuals flying close to ground level often fly in the direction of the wind, presumably utilising its force to assist flight and this has been proposed as a potential mechanism for the observed movement of colonies from year to year (Dapling and Rocker 1969). It seems possible that individuals could disperse in this manner using the stronger air currents at higher altitudes. Such strong, purposeful dispersal is unusual among sexually mature damselflies and may provide an opportunity to reproduce before the uncertain outcome of dispersal, (Fox 1989). A strong directed flight was observed by Cham (1993) along the path of a water filled seepage and this may be another method for dispersal flight.

1.7 Coenagrion mercuriale

Coenagrion mercuriale is a conservation priority among European odonates and is protected by law at a national and continental level (Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981; Bern Convention; European Community Habitats Directive). It is listed as rare in the British Red Data Book of Insects (Shirt 1987) and until 2008 was the only odonate given priority status in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan (HMSO 1994; 1995). The species requires one of two increasingly fragmented habitat types in the UK: shallow, permanently-flowing, small streams and channels found in lowland heathland streams over base-rich substrates, or calcareous streams in water meadow systems (Rouquette and Thompson 2007a). The species is also found in two fen sites in Oxfordshire and Anglesey. The species has been well studied in the UK (e.g. Strange 1999; Purse et al. 2003; Watts et al. 2004; Rouquette and Thompson 2007a) and several mark-recapture studies have been undertaken (Purse et al. 2003; Thompson and Watts 2004; Rouquette and Thompson 2007a). This report does not aim to extensively review the literature on C. mercuriale, but to contribute to existing knowledge. Previous studies have found that C. mercuriale is extremely sedentary (Purse et al. 2003; Rouquette and Thompson 2007a) and has highly specific habitat requirements (Thompson et al. 2003; Rouquette and Thompson 2005). Genetic and demographic studies have confirmed that populations are declining and that significant loss of genetic diversity is occurring within them, a problem which is compounded by the poor ability of the species to disperse between sites (Watts et al. 2004; 2007a). Levels of inbreeding in some isolated populations are comparable to those observed in threatened mammals (Watts et al. 2005). Lifetime mating success in C. mercuriale was found to be strongly

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 9 influenced by climatic conditions, which has implications for the persistence of colonies in the face of unpredictable climate change (Purse and Thompson 2005a). Estimates of survival and recapture probabilities are not available for C. mercuriale.To produce this information for future conservation initiatives, the population modelling methods applied to I. pumilio data in this report were also applied to existing data from mark-release-recapture studies of C. mercuriale. Estimates of population size in odonates are generally rare. Although previous attempts have been made for C. mercuriale (Thompson and Watts 2006; Watts et al. 2006)these were subject to assumptions that may not be met in field populations of odonates and more reliable methods are required. Accurate population size estimates are important for rare species because, when combined with estimates of genetic variation, they provide an insight into the relative ability of populations to adapt to changing conditions such as weather and habitat. Comparison of the estimates for C. mercuriale with those produced for I. pumilio may provide insights into the conservation status of these rare species, which belong to the same family (Coenagrionidae), have similar habitat requirements and, as adults, often inhabit overlapping areas within a site.

1.8 Report overview

This report presents the results of a study of the autecology of I. pumilio in south-west Britain. Specifically, dispersal and movement capacity, habitat requirements, survival rates and population size estimates are considered. The findings provide the basis for future ecological studies of this species and for informed conservation management and monitoring programs. In addition, population size and survival are considered in C. mercuriale, to provide additional information of use in the conservation of this rare species. The following chapters are organised as described below. Chapter 2 presents the results of two mark-release-recapture (MRR) studies. These were conducted in the New Forest during summer 2005 and the Red River Valley, Cornwall in summer 2006. It reports numbers marked and recaptured and patterns of movement with reference to dispersal potential. This includes net and gross lifetime movement and the effect of factors such as age, sex, weather and density thereon. An analysis of the direction of movements and the effect of wind direction is presented. The dispersal potential of I. pumilio in relation to other odonates and its own reputation as a long distance disperser is also discussed. Dispersal is a universally important aspect of a species’ life history and is of key importance in understanding ecological processes. A species’ ability to move determines metapopulation dynamics, maintenance of genetic variation for adaptation to environmental change, predator evasion and mating success. It is therefore crucial to understand a species’ dispersal potential if a conservation effort is to be made. Chapter 3 describes the habitat requirements of I. pumilio that were identified during a detailed study of 31 sites across Cornwall, Devon and Hampshire in 2006. The use and importance of different areas within that habitat are considered, with reference to conservation of habitat away from the immediate water area. Associations between I. pumilio and other damselflies and dragonflies are presented, along with the environmental variables influencing these associations. The species is thought to have specialised habitat requirements in the UK, but is found in a variety of habitat types, at a variety of altitudes and with different levels of human disturbance. To avoid further decline of this species, an understanding of the important features of its habitat must be developed and sites preserved in suitable condition. It is also important to identify the extent of what constitutes habitat for a species. Habitat use may change with daily variation in weather and at night, but all areas must be considered when designing management plans.

10 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

In Chapter 4, the results of population modelling techniques applied to the 2005 and 2006 I. pumilio data sets are presented. Estimated survival rates are reported and the variation therein due to sex, age, state of maturity and parasitism is discussed. Population sizes estimated using these methods are reported and compared to estimates from more traditional methods, such as transect walk counts and minimum number alive. Although many MRR studies of damselflies have been conducted previously, this is the first to apply multistate modelling techniques and the first to use these techniques to consider the effects of parasitism on survival in damselflies. The aim of this study was to determine the rates of survival and recapture and their influencing factors, in I. pumilio, in order to inform conservation management and future study design. Differences in survival between groups within a population and the effect of external factors on survival rates can provide valuable information about how conservation management should be directed. Chapter 5 reports the results of survival analyses and population size estimates for C. mercuriale, performed using the methods applied to I. pumilio in Chapter 4. Data from two previous C. mercuriale studies were analysed; these were collected in the Itchen Valley during summer 2001 and at Beaulieu Heath, New Forest, in 2002. Again the effects of sex, time and age are considered and the findings compared to those reported for I. pumilio. Observed and estimated sex ratios, for both species, are presented and discussed with reference to previous studies of sex ratio in odonates. In Chapter 6, the findings of the previous chapters are considered together and overall conclusions are discussed. The management and conservation outcomes of this research are outlined and potentially informative areas of further research are suggested.

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 11 2 Movement patterns of adult I. pumilio

Chapter summary

This chapter presents the results of two mark-release-recapture (MRR) studies. These were conducted in the New Forest during summer 2005 and the Red River Valley, Cornwall, in summer 2006. It reports the numbers marked and recaptured and patterns of movement with reference to dispersal potential. Key findings were: • In 2005, 2052 individuals were marked and in 2006, 252 were marked. In both years approximately 59 per cent of individuals were recaptured. In 2005, males were significantly more likely to be recaptured than females. There was no significant difference between recapture of the sexes in 2006. • The species was found to be highly sedentary and no extra-site dispersal was recorded., Mean gross lifetime movement was 56m in 2005 and 16m in 2006. In 2005, individual movements over 200m were rare (1.9 per cent of movements) and there was only one movement over 500m. In 2006, only 1.3 per cent of individual movements were over 100m and no movements greater than 150m occurred. • The presence of parasitic mites, time between captures, point in season and sex, along with other factors, had significant effects on movement distances. • Inverse density dependent movement was observed, where individuals recorded in high density areas moved less far than those recorded in low density areas. This suggests a tendency to move towards areas of good habitat and/or with greater numbers of conspecifics. This has important conservation implications if density itself is the cue for emigration; small isolated populations will be more prone to extinction if individuals attempt to emigrate due to low density. • The species was found to fit the relationship between size and movement potential found in other species of damselfly. As the smallest UK species, it had the lowest movement probability. This has profound implications for the species’ conservation because increasing habitat fragmentation and changing environmental conditions will necessitate dispersal to new sites, as will the species tendency to inhabit sites for only short periods.

2.1 Introduction

Movement is a universally important aspect of a species’ life history and is of key importance in understanding ecological processes at all spatial scales. At landscape- level there are effects on metapopulation dynamics and provision of genetic variation for evolutionary change within populations At the level of individuals there are effects on predator evasion and mating success. There are few aspects of a species’ ecology that are not affected by its ability to move (Dieckmann et al. 1999). Therefore, it is crucial to understand a species’ movement potential, particularly in a dispersal context,

12 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

if a conservation effort is to be made. However, despite its importance, dispersal is perhaps the least well understood life history trait (Clobert et al. 2001). Natural habitats are generally declining and becoming increasingly fragmented. Fifty 50 per cent of the UK’s wetlands have been lost since 1945 (Nature Conservancy Council 1984). Fragmentation causes populations to become more isolated, this can lead to loss of genetic diversity due to inbreeding and ultimately extinction. Isolation may also cause the loss of genes for dispersal from the population, as dispersing individuals are less likely to settle in suitable habitat and are therefore subject to increased mortality rates (Dumont and Verschuren 1991; Dieckmann et al. 1999; Watts et al. 2004). Ischnura pumilio is classed as nationally scarce in the British Red Data Book of Insects (Shirt 1987). At the end of the 19th century the species was considered almost extinct in Britain (Lucas 1900). Despite some recent range expansion (Cham 1993) it remains an endangered insect due to its specific, early-successional habitat requirements and the threats to suitable wetland habitat. The species reaches the northern limits of its range in the UK, which causes it to be restricted to only southern and western UK sites (Cham 1990). Little is known about the movement and dispersal characteristics of I. pumilio. One of the reasons for this is the transient nature of its colonies. Individuals rapidly colonise newly formed habitat and are often found in locations far from the nearest known population, but colonies tend to die out after a few years (Askew 1988). This suggests that I. pumilio has the means to disperse over some considerable distance, which has earned the species a reputation as a “wandering opportunist” (Fox 1989; Cham 1996). This seems to be contradicted by the weak, erratic flight normally observed (Fraser 1941; Fox 1989), which is said to be strongly influenced by even weak gusts of wind when flying close to the ground (Dapling and Rocker 1969). A strong, upward flight has been observed in mature, adult males (Fox 1989; Cham 1993) on clear, still and very hot days. It has been proposed that individuals use thermals and upward currents on such days to facilitate strong upward flight leading to dispersal, perhaps aided by directional currents in the air above significant barriers such as trees and buildings. Individuals flying close to ground level often fly in the direction of the wind, presumably utilising its force to assist flight, when this occurs at higher altitude it may be a potential mechanism for the observed movement of colonies from year to year (Dapling and Rocker 1969). Due to the small and transient nature of most of the UK’s I. pumilio populations, one of the best sites in the UK was chosen as the primary study site. This allowed a large scale study with a guaranteed large population. As a comparison, in the following year the same method was followed in a very different area where populations were much smaller and formed a potential metapopulation structure. The habitat in each site was very different, allowing a broader understanding of the movement characteristics of this species in different circ*mstances. The study areas for this project were selected because they were the largest area potentially inhabited by the species, to reduce the constraining effect of study size on recorded distance (Schneider 2003; Winkler et al. 2005). A positive relationship has been found between size and maximum dispersal distance in actively dispersing organisms (Jenkins et al. 2007). Previous studies of odonates found that dispersal probability increased with increasing species size; larger species were more likely to disperse larger distances (Conrad et al. 1999; Angelibert and Giani 2003). In those studies, damselfly species of similar size to I. pumilio were mostly extremely sedentary, with a few individuals moving much greater distances (e.g. Angelibert and Giani 2003; Purse et al. 2003; Rouquette and Thompson 2007a). As I. pumilio is the smallest British odonate it might be expected to have the smallest dispersal probability. However, its reputation as a long range disperser suggests that it

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 13 may not conform to this pattern. This chapter adds I. pumilio to the list of species that have been considered and examines its fit within the size/dispersal relationship. There have been relatively few studies of movement and dispersal in odonates and no direct studies of I. pumilio. This chapter aims to raise the level of understanding of the movement potential of this species to a similar level to that of other rare odonates such as C. mercuriale. This will allow more informed management of the species and its habitats. The following specific issues are considered: • Means and maxima of individual and lifetime movement distances • Patterns of movement within and between sites • Effect of various factors on movement such as age, sex, weather and density • The direction of movements and the effect of wind direction • The movement potential of I. pumilio in relation to other odonates and its own reputation as a long distance disperser.

14 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

2.2 Methods

2.2.1 Study sites

The primary study area is in the New Forest (designated a National Park on 1st March 2005), southern England (SU193112). Ischnura pumilio is found on springs and flushes running over mineral substrates in the New Forest (Hammond 1983; Fox 1987). Within the study area there are several valleys, each providing suitable areas of this inherently patchy habitat. The British Dragonfly Society database has over 300 I. pumilio records from at least 60 locations in the New Forest between 1904 and 2003, including several sightings in the adjacent valley to the north of the main study site. The study encompassed all of the known, potential habitat patches within an area of approximately 5km × 4km (Fig. 2.1). This area was centred on the largest I. pumilio population within the New Forest. The site inhabited by this population comprised one side of a small valley where spring-fed flushes run down to form a stream, Latchmoor Brook. There are several patches of suitable habitat within this valley although, from a movement perspective and for the purposes of this study, the majority can be considered continuous habitat as there are no apparent significant barriers. The study was repeated the following year in an alternative habitat type. The second study considered a complex of four sites, located along the Red River valley, Cornwall, England; within an area of approximately 4km × 2km (Fig. 2.2). From west to east these sites are; Bell Lake Marsh (SW621418), Rosewarne (SW645417), Roscroggan (SW651420) and Great Wheal Seton (SW655418). The largest of these sites, Great Wheal Seton, is approximately 200m by 50m and can be considered the stronghold of the local population. The smallest site, Roscroggan, is approximately 80m by 50m. The species has been recorded at all of the sites in the previous 10 years and the habitat has remained mostly unchanged and within the range of habitat types described in Chapter 3. Therefore, all four sites were assumed to be potential current sites with a potential metapopulation structure and at least likely to be visited by any wandering individuals. Each site formed a distinct patch of habitat, separated by areas of sub- optimal habitat made up of mainly rural-residential and agricultural land. The maximum straight-line distance between a pair of sites was 3.5km and the minimum 0.4km. The whole area was once heavily industrialised (Fig. 2.3) and the pools and marshes inhabited by I. pumilio have resulted from the flooding of pits and shafts previously used in tin-mining.

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 15

Figure 2.1. Locations surveyed during 2005. Latchmoor Bottom, the main study site, is indicated with a large, red circle. Other locations where individual I. pumilio were captured are indicated with small, red circles. Blue circles indicate areas which were searched unsuccessfully. Yellow squares indicate car parks where posters were placed (see text).

Figure 2.2. Locations surveyed, during 2006, in the Red River valley, Cornwall. The four main study areas are indicated with red circles.

16 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

Figure 2.3. Above: an illustration of the level of industrialisation at Great Wheal Seton during the period c. 1900 – 1930. Below: Great Wheal Seton in 2006.

2.2.2 MRR study

In 2005, for 8 weeks commencing 4th June, a mark-release-recapture (MRR) study of the New Forest stronghold population at Latchmoor was conducted by four field assistants. In 2006, for 4 weeks commencing 3rd June, the second area was surveyed using the same method. A pair of field assistants was assigned to half of the study area each day (pairs and areas were changed randomly each day). The assistants walked around their area repeatedly, ensuring that equal time was spent in all parts of the habitat to avoid bias towards any particular location or habitat type. All I. pumilio encountered were caught using a fine-mesh net and the location recorded using a Global Positioning System (GPS) calibrated to the British National Grid.

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 17 Every damselfly captured was uniquely marked with an alphanumeric code written on the left forewing using a non-abrasive, waterproof pen (Staedtler Lumocolor 313) and a small dot of coloured paint on the thorax from a non-toxic paint marker pen (Uni Posca PC-3M). Codes were designed to be easily read, for example certain letters were not used due to their similarity to numerals. The code was recorded each time the animal was recaptured or sighted, to allow the tracking of its movements and activities. Along with the unique code assigned to the individual, a record was made of: GPS location, sex, wing length (measured with digital callipers), number of ectoparasites (Hydryphantes sp.), behaviour and state of maturity as indicated by colouration. Status was recorded as either: Teneral (newly emerged, wings not yet dry, colours undeveloped), Immature (females orange, blue of abdominal segments 8 and 9 not fully developed in males), Intermediate (females only, beginning to turn green with orange still visible) or Mature (adult colouration fully developed). Behaviour was recorded as Perching, Flight, Tandem, Copula, Oviposition, Harassment (male – female), Aggression (male – male) or Feeding. As well as recording ground-level flight behaviour, field assistants were briefed to look for and record any upward flight behaviour as described by Fox (1989) and Cham (1993). Teneral individuals can be identified by their characteristically shiny wings. They were not captured and marked as they are very delicate during this drying and hardening period, but they were recorded as completely as possible on datasheets. Once an individual had been processed it was returned to a plant stem near the point of capture. The legs were allowed to grasp the stem before releasing the animal, this helps to prevent immediate flight away from the captor, which may result in emigration. Locations outside of the study site were searched periodically by one or two field assistants. These searches were made on, and immediately after, the hottest days as much large scale dispersal is reported during such weather (Longfield 1948; Fox 1989; Cham 1993). Hot weather is probably required to achieve the body temperatures necessary for such sustained activity. Posters were placed in 20 New Forest car parks within the area (radius c.10km) surrounding Latchmoor Brook (Fig. 2.1). These car parks are frequented by walkers, bird-watchers and other naturalist u the National Park. The posters showed a marked I. pumilio individual and requested that any sightings by the general public be reported to a mobile telephone number.

2.2.3 Statistical Analysis

Distances moved were calculated, from GPS data, as the straight line distance between points of capture. Multiple captures of an individual on one day were omitted, excepting the initial capture. The movement parameters to be estimated (modified from Rouquette and Thompson 2007a) are given in Table 2.1. Geometric means were calculated for distances as they are a better summary of highly skewed data than the arithmetic mean. They are calculated as the nth root of the product of the data, where n is the sample size (Crawley 2005).

18 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

Table 2.1 Movement parameters calculated from GPS data.

Parameter Definition D Distance moved between successive captures (m) T Time between successive captures (days) T Time between first and last capture (days) N Net lifetime movement (m); distance between first and last captures G Gross lifetime movement (m); sum of ds for each individual R Range (m); maximum distance between 2 capture points

The age in days of each individual was estimated according to the following criteria (negative ages indicate age before maturity and age 1 can be thought of as the first day of maturity). • Females caught when intermediate were assigned to age 0 as they were about to reach maturity. A female captured multiple times when intermediate was assigned to age 0 on the last occasion. • If the female was not captured when intermediate, the first capture with mature adult colouration was assigned to age 1. • If the female was recorded during the immature stage only, the last day of capture with orange colouration was assigned to age -2. • Males caught when immature were assigned to day -1 and otherwise to day 1.

The criteria were used in the order listed and only one was applied. The duration of each state of maturity that were used to develop these criteria were taken from Cham (1993). This correction is thought to provide a more accurate estimate of age than simply days since first capture. To investigate within site variation in movement patterns, the 2005 site was divided into virtual 10m × 10m grid squares. The scale of these sections represents the finest resolution possible given the accuracy of the GPS (5m). Sampling unit size should be 2 to 5 times smaller than the feature of interest and large enough to contain more than one individual, but not so large that there is too much within-unit variability or that the smallest scale cannot be detected (Fortin and Dale 2005). Thus, the size of each section reflects between a fifth and a half of the approximate scale of lifetime movement for the majority of individuals (see results). Differences in distance moved from each section were tested using a one way ANOVA. Density was then calculated as the number of captures within each square per day of sampling. A multiple regression was performed to investigate the effects of the following variables on d: sex: age (at midpoint of movement), wing length (as an index of size), date (calculated as time since first day of study period (day 0) to midpoint of movement), time t, number of parasitic mites (as counted on capture prior to movement), density of individuals in start locations and weather variables during the period of movement. Only one movement per individual was included in this analysis and the movement selected was the first as a mature adult. This was defined as the movement during which the individual was age 1, or above, for at least 50 per cent of t. Those individuals

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 19 without a movement fitting this criterion were excluded from the analysis. Multiple regressions were also performed to investigate the effects of the following variables on net lifetime movement (N), gross lifetime movement (G) and range (R): sex, wing length, lifespan (T), first day of maturity (the date an individual was age 1), presence or absence of mites during lifetime and density of individuals in start locations. Stepwise backwards elimination was used to select significant variables. A combination of AIC and F tests were used to assess the significance of removing each term from the model (Crawley 2005). All analyses were carried out on log10 transformed distances as the data were highly skewed (Fig. 2.4). The following variables were log10 transformed for the same reason: time (t), age, date, number of mites and average rainfall. All analyses were performed using R 2.4.0 (R Development Core Team 2005) and package CircStats for circular statistics (S-plus original by Ulric Lund and R port by Claudio Agostinelli, 2007). Detailed weather data, for the study periods, was obtained from local Met Office weather stations at Ibsley (British national grid reference SU162094) and Hurn (SU117978). Data included hourly temperature, rainfall, light intensity, cloud cover, wind speed and wind direction (UK Meteorological Office 2006). Examination of weather data showed collinearity between the variables. Consequently, to examine the effect of weather generally - rather than the relative contributions of temperature, wind and rain - a compound measure of weather was used. This was derived from four different measures (average maximum temperature, overall minimum temperature, average rainfall and average wind speed). A principal components analysis was performed on the four measures and the value of the first two principal components for each individual was used in the multiple regression (Graham 2003; R. Knell, pers. com.). The first two principal components accounted for 67 per cent of all the variance for the four measures of weather. The direction of each movement was calculated using the Easy Calculate 5.0 for ArcGIS extension (Tchoukanski 2004). To examine patterns in the direction of movements and consider ecological explanations, including relationship to wind direction, linear directional means and circular variances were calculated for the direction and orientation of first mature movements. To examine the pattern of movements within the Latchmoor population, the site was divided into four sub-sites (Fig. 2.4). To determine whether those individuals transferring between sub-sites were significantly larger than those remaining in the natal sub-site, an analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was performed with wing length as the response. Individuals were categorised as either transferred or not transferred, which was added to the model as an explanatory variable. When analysing the size of mature damselflies it is necessary to remove the effect of emergence date, as size or mass at emergence has been shown to decrease as a season progresses (Banks and Thompson 1985b; Anholt 1990; Thompson 1991). Therefore, the estimated first day of maturity was included as a covariate. Sex was also included as females are generally larger than males.

20 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies



Figure 2.4. (a) Capture locations within Latchmoor (open circles) and (b) All movements within Latchmoor. Boundaries between sub-sites are indicated with dashed lines. L = Lay Gutter Valley, C = Concrete Henge, G = Gypsy Hollies and S = South Stream.

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 21 2.3 Results

2.3.1 Numbers marked and recaptured

In 2005, a total of 2052 I. pumilio was marked and released, comprising 1138 males and 914 females. Of those, 1215 individuals were recaptured, comprising 785 males and 430 females. There were 1126 complete records with no missing data and analyses were restricted to these individuals unless otherwise stated. A breakdown of the numbers marked and recaptured is presented in Table 2.2. The maximum number of times an individual was recaptured was 12 for a male and 11 for a female. The longest intervals between first and last capture were 31 and 30 days for males and females respectively. In 2006, 252 individuals were marked and released, comprising 162 males and 90 females. In total, 153 individuals were recaptured, comprising 98 males and 55 females. The maximum number of times an individual was recaptured was 14 for a male and 9 for a female. The longest interval between first and last capture was 24 days for a female and 19 days for a male.

Table 2.2 Total numbers of adult I. pumilio marked and recaptured during each study. Recapture events refer to captures subsequent to marking.

2005 2006 ♂ ♀ Total ♂ ♀ Total Marked individuals 1138 914 2052 162 90 252 Recaptured individuals 785 430 1215 95 55 150 Total recapture events 2237 872 3109 326 148 474 Mean lifespan (T) (days) 8.3 8.1 8.2 6.8 5.8 6.4 Mean time (t) (days) 1.9 2.5 2.0 1.6 1.9 1.6

There was no significant difference in the proportion of marked individuals recaptured in 2005 and 2006 (59.2 per cent and 59.5 per cent respectively; χ2 = 8e-04, df = 1, P > 0.05). In 2005, males were significantly more likely to be recaptured than females (69.0 per cent and 47.0 per cent respectively; χ2 = 100.1, df = 1, P < 0.001). There was no significant difference between the sexes in 2006 (males 60.4 per cent and females 61.1 per cent; χ2 = 0.0619, df = 1, P > 0.05; Fig. 2.5; also see Chapter 4).

22 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

80 Males Females


40 % Recaptured %


0 2005 2006

Figure 2.5. The percentage of marked individuals recaptured at least once during each study year. Males and females are shown separately.

2.3.2 Movement Patterns

In the 2005 study, the majority of individuals moved only a short distance in their lifetime, but a few travelled much further (Fig. 2.6). The overall median net lifetime movement (N) was 33m (geometric mean 31m) and 67.9 per cent of individuals moved less than 50m (net) in their lifetime. Maximum N was 391m and maximum gross lifetime movement (G) 1165m, both by males. Maximum female N was very similar to male at 389m, but maximum G much smaller at 575m. The distribution of movement distances in 2006 was very similar to that in 2005 for small scale movements (Fig. 2.6). However, there were no longer distance movements in the 2006 study with a maximum N of 120m and maximum G of 317m, again both for males, with a similar female maximum N of 110m. The overall median N was 15m (geometric mean 16m) and 87.6 per cent of individuals in this study moved less than 50m (net) in their lifetime. A full summary of the estimated movement parameters is presented in Table 2.3.

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 23 70 60 90 80 60 (a) 50 (b) (c) 70 50 40 60 40 50 30 30 40 20 30 % individuals% 20 20 10 10 10 0 ** 0 ** * 0 * 0 100 200 300 400 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 600 800 N 2005 G 2005 R 2005 70 60 90 80 60 (a) 50 (b) (c) 70 50 40 60 40 50 30 30 40 20 30 % individuals% 20 20 10 10 10 0 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 600 800 N 2006 G 2006 R 2006

Figure 2.6. Percentage distribution of (a) net lifetime movements (N) in 20m distance categories, (b) gross lifetime movements (G) in 50m distance categories and (c) maximum range (R) during lifetime in 50m distance categories. N=1215 for 2005 and 150 for 2006. Bars marked ‘*’ have a value between 0 and 0.1.

Table 2.3 Summary of all movement parameters estimated in both years. Means are geometric.

2005 2006 ♂ ♀ Total ♂ ♀ Total Max N (N) (m) 391 389 391 120 110 120 Mean N (N) (m) 33 28 31 16 17 16

Max G (G) (m) 1165 575 1165 317 263 317 Mean G (G) (m) 64 43 56 39 29 35

Max range (R) (m) 751 389 751 120 148 148 Mean range (R) (m) 43 33 39 23 20 22

Max dist (d) (m) 747 389 747 120 148 148 Mean dist (d) (m) 21 21 21 12 11 12

To further examine the pattern of movements within the Latchmoor population the site was divided into four sub-sites (Fig. 2.4). In all, 121 individuals (10 per cent of all recaptured) transferred between sub-sites, of which 21 transferred twice and a further two individuals transferred three times. Captures within, and movements between, sub- sites are summarised in Table 2.4. Although there were areas of trees among the sub- sites, and Latchmoor Brook separates South Stream from the others, these cannot be significant barriers as movements were recorded to and from all sub-sites. Only two Latchmoor Brook sub-sites had no movements recorded between them, these were the two most distant from each other; Lay Gutter Valley and South Stream.

24 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

Table 2.4 Total numbers of adult I. pumilio marked and recaptured at each sub- site and movement events between sub-sites. Recapture values refer to captures subsequent to marking. Site Marked Recaptured Movements Individuals Events From To Lay Gutter Valley ♂ 91 107 274 21 47 ♀ 65 36 75 8 9 Total 156 143 349 29 56 Concrete Henge ♂ 227 177 439 63 38 ♀ 161 84 149 16 12 Total 388 261 588 79 50 Gypsy Hollies ♂ 815 560 1520 31 30 ♀ 686 318 648 5 8 Total 1501 878 2168 36 38 South Stream ♂ 4 4 4 2 2 ♀ 1 0 0 0 0 Total 5 4 4 2 2 Beyond Latchmoor ♂ 1 0 0 0 0 ♀ 1 0 0 0 0 Total 2 0 0 0 0 All sites ♂ 1138 848 2237 117 117 ♀ 914 438 872 29 29 Total 2052 1286 3109 146 146

There was no significant effect of sub-site on the estimated lifetime movement parameters (1-way ANOVAs of log10 transformed distances: N, F = 2.04, df = 1211, P > 0.05; G, F = 1.81, df = 1211, P > 0.05; R, F = 2.03, df = 1211, P > 0.05). There was a significant difference between the first mature movement distances originating in different sub-sites (1-way ANOVA of log10 transformed distances: F = 2.65, df = 3104, P < 0.05). A Tukey HSD multiple comparisons test revealed that distances moved from the South Stream sub-site were significantly different from the three other sites (P < 0.05 for each comparison), but pair-wise comparisons between all other sites were non-significant. However, there were only 4 movement events from South Stream, and two of those were transfers to another sub-site, so a much larger mean difference was likely given the distance between South Stream and other sub-sites. Analysis of covariance revealed that transferring individuals did not differ significantly in wing length from their non-transferring counterparts and this variable was dropped from the model. Following stepwise deletion of terms, the significant predictors of wing length were sex (females larger) and first day of maturity (size declined through season). An interaction term indicated that female wing length declined slightly less than male (Table 2.5, Fig. 2.7).

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 25 Table 2.5 Significant predictors of I. pumilio wing length derived by ANCOVA simplified by backwards selection using F-tests on deletion. Starting model included a categorical variable for movement between sub-sites (see text) and all interactions. The F-value and associated P-value, df, R2 and adjusted R2 are shown. For each significant variable the P-value derived from t-tests, parameter estimates and standard errors (SE) are shown (* P<0.05, ** P<0.01, *** P<0.001). Model Variable Parameter SE t P summary estimates

F = 353.5 Sex 1.404 0.052 11.998 *** P = *** 1st day of maturity -0.025 0.117 -9.514 *** df = 1122 Sex: 1st day maturity 0.010 0.003 2.210 * R2 = 0.485 Intercept 16.954 0.052 326.86 *** Adjusted R2 = 0.087

Wing length (mm) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 0 1020304050

First day of maturity

Figure 2.7. The effect of date in season (first day of maturity) and sex on body size (wing length) in I. pumilio (R2 = 0.485, Adjusted R2 = 0.087). Males are shown in blue and females in red.

2.3.3 Movements beyond main sites

Despite regular searches of the surrounding area in 2005, only one male was found outside the main study site, approximately 1km away, but was not recorded again. Similarly, a mature female was captured to the west of the main site, approximately 800m from the nearest main-site capture, but was not recaptured. As these distances are well within the range of lifetime movements recorded and there was only a single individual in each case, they are likely to have originated from the main population.

26 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

Nine individuals were captured in the South Stream sub-site, some of which were either previously, or subsequently, recorded in the main site (Table 2.4). This sub-site was separated from the other three by greater distance, Latchmoor Brook and a considerably larger area of trees and unsuitable habitat. However, as transfers did occur, and over distances well within the range observed in the rest of the site, these individuals were considered to be part of the main Latchmoor population. In 2006, I. pumilio were only recorded at Great Wheal Seton in significant numbers, and a further four individuals were captured at Rosewarne Mill. There were no observed movements between the sites, which are approximately 1km apart and within the range of lifetime movements recorded in the 2005 study.

2.3.4 Factors affecting movement

Multiple regressions of the 2005 data showed a number of variables had a significant effect on movement distance and that these varied somewhat depending on the movement parameter considered. Factors that significantly affected distance moved (d) during the first mature movement are presented in Table 2.6. Time had a highly significant effect on d; greater distances were observed when the capture interval was longer. Slightly longer movements also occurred earlier in the season. The effect of density in starting locations was curved as indicated by the quadratic term. Smaller movements occurred from areas of high density. The first principle component of the weather variables (PC1) was a significant predictor of distance moved. PC1 accounted for 38 per cent of the variance in weather and was most related to temperature. At higher temperatures movement distances were slightly reduced.

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 27 Table 2.6 Significant predictors of distance moved during first mature movement (log10) by I. pumilio derived by multiple regression. The F-value and associated P-value, df, R2 and adjusted R2 are shown. For each significant variable the P-value derived from t-tests, parameter estimates and standard errors (SE) are shown (* P<0.05, ** P<0.01, *** P<0.001). Model Variable Parameter SE T P summary estimates

F = 22.52 Time (log10) 0.28 0.033 8.486 *** P = *** Date (log10) -0.00459 0.001 -3.845 *** df = 1120 Weather PC1 -0.0304 0.011 -2.874 ** R2 = 0.09136 Start density -0.214 0.056 -3.809 *** Adjusted R2 = 0.0873 (Start density)2 0.0646 0.024 2.650 ** Intercept 1.522 0.036 42.174 ***

Net lifetime movement (N) was significantly increased in individuals with longer lifespans and in those reaching maturity earlier in the season (Table 2.7). The effect of density was also significant and took a very similar form to the quadratic effect on d, with smaller movements occurring from high density locations (Fig. 2.9).

Table 2.7 Significant predictors of net lifetime movement (log10) by I. pumilio derived by multiple regression. The F-value and associated P-value, df, R2 and adjusted R2 are shown. For each significant variable the P-value derived from t- tests, parameter estimates and standard errors are shown (* P<0.05, ** P<0.01, *** P<0.001). Model Variable Parameter SE t P summary estimates F = 33.75 Lifespan (T) 0.0121 0.002 6.197 *** P = *** 1st day of maturity -0.00437 0.001 -3.815 *** df = 1121 Start density -0.316 0.060 -5.242 *** R2 = 0.1075 (Start density)2 0.0864 0.026 3.284 ** Adjusted R2 = 0.1043 Intercept 1.654 0.039 42.208 ***

28 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies




) 1.4 10 (Log

N 1.2



0.0 Density (log ) 10

Figure 2.9. Effect of density on mean net lifetime movement (N). Vertical lines show 95 per cent confidence intervals. Dotted line shows partial regression line derived from the multiple regression model (see text and Table 2.7). Density was calculated as the mean number of individuals marked or recaptured in each 10m × 10m section, and allocated to bins of 0.1 for calculation of mean N.

Lifespan was highly significant in the analysis of gross lifetime movement (G) and, in this case, included a quadratic term. G increased with lifespan as before, but tailed off in those individuals living longest. This suggests a potential trade-off between movement and survival, although it may merely reflect senescence (Table 2.8). Males moved significantly further than females. The effect of density in starting locations was of the same quadratic form as in the preceding analyses and there was also a significant quadratic effect of wing length, whereby individuals with intermediate wing lengths travelled the furthest. Factors significantly affecting range (R) were similar to those selected in the preceding analyses (Table 2.9). Males covered a significantly greater range than females. Range increased with lifespan, but tailed off in individuals living longest and also decreased slightly in individuals maturing later in the season. Individuals with mites covered greater distances.

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 29 Table 2.8 Significant predictors of gross lifetime movement (log10) by I. pumilio derived by multiple regression. The F-value and associated P-value, df, R2 and adjusted R2 are shown. For each significant variable the P-value derived from t- tests, parameter estimates and standard errors (SE) are shown (* P<0.05, ** P<0.01, *** P<0.001). Model Variable Parameter SE t P summary estimates F = 70.49 Sex -0.148 0.032 -4.627 *** P = *** Wing length 0.599 0.253 2.365 * df = 1117 (Wing length)2 -0.0177 0.008 -2.356 * R2 = 0.3313 Lifespan (T) 0.0692 0.005 13.766 *** Adjusted R2 = 0.3271 (Lifespan)2 -0.0015 0.0002 -7.595 *** Mites 0.0708 0.027 2.658 ** Start density -0.196 0.052 -3.775 *** (Start density)2 0.0722 0.022 3.208 ** Intercept -3.58 2.14 -1.676 ns

Table 2.9 Significant predictors of Range (log10) by I. pumilio derived by multiple regression. The F-value and associated P-value, df, R2 and adjusted R2 are shown. For each significant variable the P-value derived from t-tests, parameter estimates and standard errors (SE) are shown (* P<0.05, ** P<0.01, *** P<0.001). Model Variable Parameter SE t P summary estimates F = 48.52 Sex -0.108 0.025 -4.377 *** P = *** Lifespan (T) 0.0419 0.005 8.491 *** df = 1120 (Lifespan)2 -0.00092 0.0002 -4.619 *** R2 = 0.178 1st day of maturity -0.00247 0.001 -2.395 * Adjusted R2 = Mites 0.1744 0.0720 0.026 2.786 ** Intercept 1.421 0.032 43.92 ***

Overall, these multiple regression analyses identified several variables with highly significant effects on the movement parameters considered. However, the size of the effects was generally small and the amount of variation explained was low (R2 values from 0.091 to 0.331). Males consistently moved further than females regardless of the movement parameter considered (Fig. 2.10), although sex was only significant in multiple regression analyses of gross lifetime movement and range. The effect of order of movement on individual movement distance was also examined (Fig. 2.11). Individuals travelled further on their first movement than any other and distance declined with each subsequent move.

30 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies


1.8 Males 1.7 Females 1.6


1.4 distance (m) distance 10

log 1.3



1.0 dNGR

Figure 2.10. The effect of sex on mean distance moved for each of the movement parameters considered.



1.3 d

10 1.2 log



0.9 1234567

Order of movement

Figure 2.11. Effect of order of movement on log10 mean distance moved. Error bars represent 95 per cent confidence intervals.

2.3.5 Direction of movements

The direction of first mature movements for each individual in 2005 is summarised in Fig. 2.12. There was a slight tendency for individuals to move along the axis east- north-east to west-south-west (circular mean of movement direction = 209°, where north - 0°) which was the direction of the main watercourse across the site and the orientation of the distribution of suitable habitat. However, there were many tributaries

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 31 to this watercourse and the variety of movement directions may reflect this. The circular variance of the directional mean was 0.92. This suggests the mean was not a good representation of the set of input vectors (as the variance is close to one, its maximum) and that there was little directional bias to these movements (Gaile and Burt 1980). However, if orientation is considered (the angle of movement without direction), the mean axis was 87° - 267° and the circular variance 0.32 (maximum 0.5 for a 180º distribution). This indicates that the orientation vectors were somewhat better represented by their mean and that movements along the angle of the main water body were more common.

To examine the effect of wind direction on direction of movement, the difference in angle between each first mature movement and the mean wind direction during that movement was calculated. As wind direction can vary considerably (Fig. 2.12; circular variance of wind directions between 10am and 7 pm during study = 0.72), only those movements with an inter-catch interval of 1 or 2 days were used (n = 580). There was a small tendency towards movements approximately 50° different from the mean wind direction during that movement (Fig. 2.13). However, the circular mean of the difference between wind and movement direction was 85.7°, which is close to the median of possible differences (90º) and there was no strong trend in the distribution of differences (circular variance = 3.5, maximum 0.5 for 180° distribution). This suggests that adult I. pumilio are able to compensate for wind. This was true even at higher wind speeds as there was no correlation between wind speed and the difference between movement and wind direction (Pearson correlation coefficient = 0.003, P = 0.94).

32 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

(a) (b)

Figure 2.12. Rose diagrams showing the distributions of: (a) direction of first mature movements of I. pumilio at Latchmoor and (b) hourly wind direction measurements (from) between 10am and 7pm during the 2005 study period. Each bar represents 15°. Length of wedges represents proportion of directions.




Frequency 40


0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Difference between movement and wind direction (°)

Figure 2.13. Frequency histogram of flight direction in relation to mean wind direction of first mature movements taking 1 or 2 days.

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 33 2.4 Discussion

2.4.1 Numbers recaptured

The percentage of individuals recaptured in this study (59.2 per cent and 59.5 per cent in 2005 and 2006, respectively) was considerably larger than that of similarly sized damselflies in previous MRR studies (e.g. Conrad et al. 2002; Purse et al. 2003; Rouquette and Thompson 2007a). This may be because of limited dispersal in this species, resulting in more individuals remaining within the study area for recapture. It may also be partly due to the larger proportion of females recaptured in this study than in others (Garrison 1978; Rouquette and Thompson 2007a). A meta-analysis of MRR studies of damselflies found that males are generally more likely to be recaptured, at least once, than females (Beirinckx et al. 2006). In 2005, this held true for this study (although to a lesser extent than in the meta-analysis), but not in 2006 (Fig. 2.5). This may be because the 2006 study site was smaller with fewer individuals, but the same search intensity was applied. When surveying large populations it is easy to overlook cryptic females as there are always conspicuous males to capture. However, when there are fewer individuals more time is spent searching and this increases the probability of finding females. Overall recapture rates were almost identical in the two study sites, despite their considerable differences in area, spatial structure of suitable habitat and population size (see Chapter 4 for a detailed discussion). Over 100 observations of teneral individuals were made during this study, generally in areas close to water, which contrasts with the study of I. pumilio by Cordero Rivera and Andrés (1999) which failed to record a single teneral specimen.

2.4.2 Movement patterns

The distribution of net lifetime movements (N) estimated in 2005 was similar to that found for the similar sized damselfly, Coenagrion mercuriale (Rouquette and Thompson 2007a). However, in 2006 the distribution was similar only at short distances and longer range movements were absent. Although both study areas encompassed several square kilometres, the size of individual patches of suitable habitat in 2006 was much smaller. In butterfly studies a linear relationship has been found between mean movement distance and size of study area (Schneider 2003). The same effect can be observed in this study; because there was no movement away from main sites, the size of the main site was the limiting factor rather than the size of the study area. Therefore, the difference in occurrence of long range movements in each study area is more likely to have been a feature of the distribution of habitat than of the populations themselves. Lifetime movement potential can be better assessed by considering gross lifetime movement (G) and range (R). Maximum G recorded in 2005 was 1165m, which is nearly three times greater than maximum N. Similarly, the maximum range covered by an individual in 2005 was 751m, almost double the maximum N. In 2006, maximum G and R were much reduced at 317m and 148m, respectively, reflecting the smaller size of the main site. However, the value for G was again almost 3 times the maximum value for N (120m). By considering the sum of recorded movements (G), a better idea of the potential distance an individual can travel in its lifetime is obtained. Ultimately, this and individual movement distance (d) may be more useful than the frequently reported N, as they allow decisions to be made about how close areas of breeding

34 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies habitat and stepping-stone habitat patches must be when planning conservation management. Ischnura pumilio is considered to be a weak flier - on a small scale at least - when compared to other odonates (Fraser 1941; Fox 1989; Smallshire and Swash 2004) and this is supported by the findings of this study. Distance moved and dispersal probability have been found to increase with species size in a range of odonates (Conrad et al. 1999; Angelibert and Giani 2003) and in actively dispersing animals more generally (Jenkins et al. 2007). Stettmer (1996) found that both Calopteryx splendens and C. virgo had a median movement distance (d) of about 50m and a maximum of 4km, compared to 21m and 750m, respectively, in this study of the much smaller I. pumilio. Of the two Calopteryx species, 42.5 per cent of individuals moved less than 50m, compared with 80.0 per cent and 92.6 per cent (2005 and 2006, respectively) in this study. In 2005, movements over 200m were rare (1.9 per cent of movements) and there was only one movement over 500m. In 2006, only 1.3 per cent of movements were over 100m and no movements greater than 150m occurred. Among similar sized damselflies, C. mercuriale was found to move more than 500m in 1.3 per cent of cases in one study (Rouquette and Thompson 2007a). In another study, between 2 per cent and 9 per cent of males, and between 4 per cent and 14 per cent of females, moved further than 200m (Purse et al. 2003). Also within the Coenagrionidae, 73 per cent of Enallagma cyathigerum moved less than 100m (Garrison 1978). There were no significant differences in movement parameters between the sub-sites in 2005. The high proportion of individuals transferring between sub-sites (12 per cent) indicates that they were not so isolated as to cause genetic differentiation. Despite daily searches of all four sites in 2006 and regular searches of surrounding areas in both years, no movement away from the main site was observed in either year. As only four individuals were recorded at Rosewarne Mill, it is possible that they were colonisers from the stronghold population at Great Wheal Seton c.1km away, or that they were the offspring of a colonising gravid female in the previous year. It seems improbable that they were all dispersers as all four individuals were recorded within a week of each other and given the range of other sites where none was found. However, of the entire area searched during 2006, Rosewarne Mill was the most similar to Great Wheal Seton in terms of habitat (see Chapter 3, Fig. 3.2). If there were significant numbers of individuals dispersing this may have been the only site with the necessary cues for settlement. The highest maximum temperatures recorded during the 2006 study period were on the 7th (20.9ºC) and 8th (25.6ºC) June 2006. This coincided with the first capture recorded at Rosewarne Mill (7th June) and the other three captures followed within a week. As I. pumilio is reputed to disperse during the warmest weather (Fox 1989; Cham 1993) this peak in maximum daily temperature may have prompted multiple dispersal events, four of which may have ended at Rosewarne Mill. Nevertheless, there is no firm evidence for dispersal between sites in this study. Furthermore, no evidence of a metapopulation structure was found in 2006. This suggests that the long range dispersal, reported previously in this species, either occurs over larger distances than those examined in this (or any) MRR study, or there is another explanation for the appearance of colonies far from other known populations. As I. pumilio is often found in areas where there are no other odonates and in habitat which appears unfavourable, it is likely that populations may have never been recorded due to their location (Dapling and Rocker 1969; Fox 1987). Along with an element of misidentification (Cotton 1981) this has compounded the problem of recording the distribution of this species. It is likely that there are many small transient colonies which remain undiscovered and unrecorded for the duration of their existence (which may be as little as a year as the species is primarily univoltine; Cham 1993; Cordero 1994). These colonies may form stepping-stone populations, cutting the distance between known populations and facilitating movement across the landscape without the necessity for long range movement. This is further supported by the range of habitats

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 35 in which the species can exist (see Chapter 3). Although natural habitat generally supports the more enduring populations, transient populations often occur in areas such as active quarry sites, bomb craters (Fox and Cham 1994), motorway storm water retention pools (Scher and Thièry 2005) and even wheel ruts (Smallshire and Swash 2004). As conditions are highly unstable in these types of habitat there will be constantly changing opportunities for colonisation, enabling progressive movements across the landscape. In addition to the lack of evidence for long range dispersal from inter-site movements, there is also no evidence for the proposed long range dispersal mechanism of upward flight. Despite over 3000 man-hours spent in the field, over two flight seasons and in two geographical regions, not a single instance of upward flight, as described previously (Fox 1989; Cham 1993), was witnessed. During the study periods, weather conditions varied, but were mostly clear, still and very hot; the conditions under which this behaviour was previously observed. On several occasions individuals were seen rising vertically into the air, but on all occasions they were observed alighting on a tree branch nearby or moving horizontally to descend in an area of adjacent vegetation. It is possible that, on a bright day, similar local movement events could be mistaken for movements to a much greater altitude. Following the 2005 study, it was thought that the absence of extra-site dispersal events might simply be because the habitat was ideal, maintained and large. Consequently, there was no stimulus to disperse. It is likely that greater movement than that recorded is possible, as the early-successional habitat more typically occupied by I. pumilio populations is prone to dry out or become overgrown, forcing populations to move on. It was partly for this reason that the study was repeated, in 2006, in an area where the habitat was more polluted, less maintained and comprised several smaller potential sites to which individuals could disperse. However, no long range dispersal movements were recorded.

2.4.3 Factors affecting movement

Distance moved during first mature movements was most affected by the length of time between captures. This has also been observed in C. mercuriale (Purse et al. 2003; Rouquette and Thompson 2007a), Calopteryx splendens (Schutte et al. 1997) and Enallagma cyathigerum (Garrison 1978). Similarly, lifespan (time between first and last captures) had a highly significant effect on all of the lifetime movement parameters considered, but the effect sizes were small. The distance moved by I. pumilio individuals during their first mature movement was inversely density dependent. Inverse density dependent movement was observed in a study of C. mercuriale (Rouquette and Thompson 2007a) which attributed this unusual strategy to individuals aggregating in areas of more suitable habitat. More commonly observed strategies are a tendency to spread out evenly within the available habitat in territorial species (Stettmer 1996; Beukema 2002) or classic density dependent dispersal, where the likelihood of movement increases in areas of high density. The latter is often said to be mediated by competitive effects on fitness or deteriorating environment due to crowding (Denno and Peterson 1995; Matthysen 2005). Inverse density dependent movement may be caused by conspecific attraction (Stamps 1991) which can be explained as either benefits from aggregation, such as decreased predation risk, or the use of conspecifics as a cue for resource or mate availability. It may also be a response away from low density areas, which may suffer Allee effects where aspects of fitness decline with population size (Allee 1949; Kuussaari et al. 1998; Stephens and Sutherland 1999; Stephens et al. 1999). Alternatively, the “social

36 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies fence” hypothesis (Hestbeck 1982; Matthysen 2005) predicts that high densities reduce dispersal by inhibiting emigration through aggressive encounters. There were several centres of high density within the Latchmoor site (Fig. 2.4) and the habitat at each was very similar (see Chapter 3, Fig. 3.2). Areas of increasingly different habitat had decreasing densities. For this reason it is difficult to disentangle the attractant effects of conspecific density and suitable habitat, which are clearly related. A similar problem has been encountered in C. mercuriale, which has been shown to land preferentially on leaves where a male individual is already present (Martens 2000) indicating an element of conspecific attraction. However, they also move greater distances away from certain habitat features, indicating an element of habitat selection (Rouquette and Thompson 2005). The presence of parasites on an individual had a significant positive effect on the gross distance (G) it moved during its lifetime and the range (R) covered. A similar effect was observed in male Coenagrion puella, which were found to have an increased likelihood of dispersal when parasitised than when unparasitised No difference was found in C. puella females or I. elegans in the same study (Conrad et al. 2002). These findings are the opposite of what might be expected, as mites are believed to considerably reduce activity in damselflies by draining body fluids and lowering condition (Smith 1988; Reinhardt 1996; Andres and Cordero 1998). Ceriagrion tenellum exhibited decreased flight and mate searching efficiency (Andres and Cordero 1998) and Nehalennia speciosa moved shorter distances (Reinhardt 1996) when heavily parasitized. Conrad et al. (2002) suggested that increased movement in parasitised individuals may be due to a higher energetic demand necessitating increased foraging activity. It may also represent a tendency to move away from areas with high mite density. Males consistently moved further than females (Fig. 2.9), although this was only a significant predictor in the multiple regressions of G and R. Previous studies of damselflies have reported contrasting evidence for sex differences in movement distance, but where present it is generally females that move further. Conrad et al. (2002) found that dispersing I. elegans females moved significantly further than males, but that there was no difference for Coenagrion puella. However, C. puella females moved significantly further than males in a study by Angelibert and Gianni (2003). Stettmer (1996) found no sex differences in Calopteryx virgo and C. splendens, again contradicting previous studies which found that females move further in both species (Waage 1972). Two studies of Coenagrion mercuriale found no consistent differences between the sexes (Purse et al. 2003; Rouquette and Thompson 2007a). The greater values for gross lifetime movement and range in males may reflect their mate searching behaviour leading to increased overall movement, compared to more directed movement, to and from areas for breeding and foraging, in females. The increased gross lifetime movement observed in individuals of intermediate size is an unexpected result as previous studies have found larger individuals travel further. Conrad et al. (2002) found that dispersing male I. elegans had longer forewings than non-dispersing males, but there was no difference in females or in C. puella. Dispersing Enallagma boreale individuals were heavier at emergence than those returning to their natal area to breed (Anholt 1990), although the results of this manipulation experiment were contested by Thompson (1991) who found no difference in mass or wing length between dispersing and non-dispersing C. puella. The present study also found no difference in wing length, in either sex, between I. pumilio transferring between sub-sites and those not transferring. The studies by Anholt (1990) and Thompson (1991) were of newly emerged individuals, kept overnight in either the field or laboratory and marked and released the following day. As stated by Thompson, this is highly likely to affect behaviour on release. In addition, the number of individuals recaptured in these studies was extremely low. By marking individuals after the teneral period, considering mature movements only and recapturing a significantly larger

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 37 proportion of both transferring and non-transferring individuals, the present study should provide a more accurate analysis of movement in relation to size. A negative effect of date in the season was observed on all movement parameters except gross lifetime movement. This was also observed in C. mercuriale by Rouquette and Thompson (2007a), who proposed two possible causes for a seasonal effect: phenotype and weather. Phenotype varies through the flight period and this can be observed as decreasing body size (wing length) at emergence as the season progresses (Anholt 1990; Purse et al. 2003; Rouquette and Thompson 2007a; Fig. 2.7). Rouquette and Thompson suggested that a correlation between body size and movement would explain the observed pattern. However, body size was considered in this study and found to have a quadratic, rather than a linear, effect. Weather was also considered, but found to have an effect only on first mature movement distance. The negative effect of date on movement distance was small and may have been due to slightly increased mate searching behaviour early in the flight season when fewer individuals were present. The first recorded movement was the longest and distance moved declined with each subsequent move. This pattern has also been observed in C. mercuriale (Rouquette and Thompson 2007a) and may be a reflection of greater initial movements to find good quality habitat, followed by a reduction once found. In contrast, the opposite pattern has been observed in Sympetrum danae (Michiels and Dhondt 1991) and many butterflies (e.g. Warren 1987; Bergman and Landin 2002), where increased dispersal propensity or distance has been observed with increasing age or number of moves.

2.4.4 Direction of movements

There were no strong directional biases in the movement direction of I. pumilio although a tendency to move along main watercourses was suggested. This tendency has been observed in C. mercuriale (J.R. Rouquette and D.J. Thompson, unpub.), but this species inhabits a much more linear habitat than I. pumilio. Sympetrum danae showed a tendency to move away from areas of trees and males oriented more southwards than females (Michiels and Dhondt 1991). An ability to compensate for wind direction, even at the highest wind speeds measured, was demonstrated and served to confirm field observations of relatively strong flight against gusts of wind. A study of Pantala flavescens (Feng et al. 2006) found an ability to compensate for headwind drift during large scale movements at high altitude. However, a radio- telemetry study of similar movements in Anax junius found that this species did not compensate strongly for wind direction (Wikelski et al. 2006). As I. pumilio is considerably smaller than either of these examples and has previously been thought of as a weak flier, it is surprising that movement direction is not more strongly affected by wind. Much of what was previously thought about the movement characteristics of I. pumilio has been thrown into doubt by the findings of this study. No evidence for long range movement has been found, nor was the proposed mechanism for these events, upward flight, observed at all during the study. Dragonflies are notoriously difficult to track due to their accomplished flight and few studies have managed to produce quantitative records of movements other than over short range (Corbet 1999). Those that have succeeded used equipment such as radio transmitters (Wikelski et al. 2006) which is currently too heavy to be fitted to I. pumilio and allow free movement, or radar equipment (Feng et al. 2006) which was beyond the scope of this study. On the other hand, in weak flight close to the ground I. pumilio has been seen to be able to compensate for wind direction. This contradicts previous observations which have suggested even weak gusts of wind can cause considerable displacement (Dapling and Rocker 1969).

38 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

2.4.5 Conservation implications

The limited movement shown by I. pumilio in this study has implications for its conservation. Management should involve creation of new habitat in areas close to existing populations, within the range of movement distances observed in this study, and maintenance of existing habitat in a suitable state (see Chapter 3). Southwood (1962) proposed that insects should evolve to have a level of dispersal capability related to the permanence of their habitat. Ischnura pumilio inhabits inherently ephemeral, early-successional habitats, but there was no evidence of a high dispersal capability in this study. The two main sites considered are unusually permanent with respect to the range of habitats utilised by the species: the first is maintained by grazing and the second by residual pollution from the tin mining industry. These populations may have lost the genes for dispersal, due to the increased costs associated with the uncertain outcome of dispersal compared with remaining at the natal site (Dieckmann et al. 1999; Watts et al. 2004). More generally, limited dispersal capability may be a result of past landscape stability mediated by centuries of traditional land management, rather than the present situation of rapid change and loss of wetlands. This study is the first to quantitatively assess the movement potential of I. pumilio and has provided reliable estimates of the species’ ability to move locally. Commuting flights between breeding and roosting sites have been considered and were included by surveying the entire habitat, including areas away from water. There are types of movement which have been omitted from this study. The maiden flight is the first flight made by an individual on emergence from water and cannot be reliably quantified by MRR techniques without the risk of damage to delicate, teneral individuals or potential effects on behaviour (Thompson 1991). Migration can occur within, and above, the insect flight boundary layer (the few metres of air above the earth’s surface within which wind speed permits active orientation: Corbet 1999). Movements above that boundary may be missing from this study. Odonates transported by wind can cover great distances in random directions from the source and alight in areas far from known populations (Corbet 1999). The quantification of these movements was, unfortunately, beyond the scope of this study, but is highly important if the movement potential of the species is to be fully understood. The dispersal measures presented here and lack of evidence for metapopulation structure suggest that populations are significantly isolated from each other. Forthcoming genetic analysis of these populations will provide further evidence of the degree of isolation between adjacent colonies and the effect of distance. Previous comparisons have found strong correlation between demographic and genetic measures of dispersal in a damselfly (Watts et al. 2006) and a butterfly (Vandewoestijne and Baguette 2004). Creation of patches of suitable habitat between existing populations may serve to connect isolated sites and allow a degree of genetic mixing. Maintenance of genetic diversity is of great importance in times of climatic change as it is this diversity that allows adaptation to new environmental conditions. This is particularly pertinent for species with low dispersal capability as they are less able to move to new areas of suitable habitat. The reputed ability of I. pumilio to rapidly colonise newly formed habitat will be an advantage, if accurate, but the findings of this study do not provide evidence of such abilities. The finding that movement in this species is inversely density dependent has important conservation implications if density itself is the cue for emigration. Small isolated populations will be more prone to extinction if individuals attempt to emigrate due to low density (Rouquette and Thompson 2007a). This emphasises the importance of landscape connectivity; new colonisers will be required to resurrect extinct populations if their persistence is to be ensured.

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 39 3 Habitat requirements of adult I. pumilio

Chapter summary

This chapter describes the habitat requirements of adult I. pumilio identified during a detailed study of 31 sites across Cornwall, Devon and Hampshire in 2006. Key findings were: • Ischnura pumilio was recorded at 17 of the 31 sites surveyed. Many sites without sightings had changed significantly from previous site descriptions, mostly becoming overgrown. NVC communities varied greatly, from aquatic communities (A24) to woodland and hinterland communities (W1, W4 and W25). Mires were the most common NVC type identified and accounted for 11 of the 17 sites with I. pumilio, mostly those in Devon and Hampshire. • Shade and cover of terrestrial dwarf shrubs were important in predicting odonate composition at a site, as were level of disturbance, maximum height of vegetation, percentage cover of Sphagnum moss species, the level of structural complexity at 20m from water and water depth. • Sites with low, but present, levels of shade and mud coverage were favoured by I. pumilio. Silt substrates were preferred over gravel and bog habitats over flushes. Increased structural complexity at 20m from water was also associated with an increase in numbers. • Orthetrum coerulescens and I. elegans were positively associated with I. pumilio. Cordulegaster boltonii was negatively associated. • The importance of habitat away from water was emphasised by this study. There was an overall increase in distance from water in poor weather. Fifty- two percent of females were captured in vegetation away from the immediate water area and this proportion increased during poor weather.

3.1 Introduction

The abundance and status of I. pumilio populations in the UK is not well known, but the species is thought to have been in decline in recent years and certainly has a sparse, localised distribution (see Chapter 1). Like all odonates it is restricted to wetland habitats for larval development and these have declined by 50 per cent in the UK since 1945 (Nature Conservancy Council 1984). To avoid a further decline in this species, an understanding of the important features of its habitat must be developed and sites preserved in a suitable condition for its persistence. Despite its supposed specialised habitat requirements I. pumilio is found in a variety of habitat types in the UK, at different altitudes and levels of disturbance and pollution (Cotton 1981; Fox 1989; Fox and Cham 1994). The unifying features of its habitat, based on previous observational data, are shallow water with a very slow flow rate and a limited amount of emergent vegetation (Fox 1989; Cham 1991). Ischnura pumilio is restricted to southern and western sites in the UK and does not occur where the February minimum temperature isotherm is below 2.2ºC (Chelmick 1980; Fox 1990). The UK is the northern margin of its global range and the species

40 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies may have niches that are narrower than, or different from, niches it occupies further south (Thomas 1994). Changing climatic conditions are expected to cause species’ ranges to extend towards the poles and higher altitudes. This has been documented across taxa (Hickling et al. 2006) and in the Odonata specifically (Hickling et al. 2005; Hassall and Thompson 2008). Such range expansion may be accompanied by changes in the availability of habitat areas. An understanding of what constitutes an organism’s habitat is crucial if successful conservation management is to continue as climatic and environmental conditions change. Surveys of odonates and their habitat are commonly conducted during warm, sunny weather, when adults are active and mating near to water. Structural components of the habitat that surround areas of water are often ignored (but see Stoks 2001a), despite their importance for roosting and feeding (Foster and Soluk 2006; Rouquette and Thompson 2007b). However, to conserve a species it is essential to identifying the extent of its habitat and the resources utilised within it. Without clearly defining what constitutes habitat, as distinguished from the surrounding matrix, studies of dispersal between habitats become problematic. Habitat use may change with daily variation in weather (Dennis and Sparks 2006). Hedges, shrubs and other low level vegetation are utilised at night for roosting (Rouquette and Thompson 2007b) and by females between bouts of mating and oviposition (Banks and Thompson 1987; Anholt 1992; Stoks 2001a; Stoks 2001b). They may also be used during cool, cloudy and windy conditions for shelter and due to insufficient warmth for flight to water. The focus on areas close to water does not encompass the full range of habitat utilised by damselfly species. The composition of Odonate populations at a site will depend on the particular characteristics of that site. Features such as water depth, flow rate and pH (Smallshire and Swash 2004) will favour certain species and deter others. These environmental features will also influence the vegetation community and structure at a site. I. pumilio is often over-looked, due to its small size and ephemeral habitat use (Dapling and Rocker 1969; Cotton 1981; Fox 1987), so a combination of odonate and plant species composition, along with abiotic measurements, may provide a useful indicator of the likelihood of the presence of I. pumilio at a site. Multivariate methods allow the relationship between a multivariate response (odonate composition) and multivariate predictors (vegetation and environmental variables) to be explored. These methods were employed to determine the association between I. pumilio and other damselflies and dragonflies, and the variables which influence these associations. This Chapter reports the results of a detailed assessment of the habitat requirements of I. pumilio and its use of different areas within that habitat. The following specific questions are addressed: • How are environmental variables related to odonate species composition? • Which odonate species are associated with I. pumilio? • What are the significant predictors of I. pumilio abundance at a site? • How is use of different areas within a habitat influenced by sex and weather?

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 41 3.2 Methods

3.2.1 Study sites

Thirty-one sites across Cornwall, Devon and Hampshire were surveyed during summer 2006 (see Table 3.1). Sites were chosen at random from a list of those with a record of I. pumilio during the last 10 years, provided by the respective vice-county recorders for the British Dragonfly Society (Smallshire 1996; Jones 2006; D. Jenkins pers. com.). Included for comparison were two sites recommended by the Cornwall vice-county recorder as appearing ideal, but having no past records (Wimal Ford and Newlyn East Downs). Sites varied from natural, undisturbed areas (e.g. Latchmoor, New Forest) to previously industrialised sites (e.g. Great Wheal Seton) and other highly disturbed or manmade sites (e.g. Smallhanger Waste, Devon and Sand Cottages, Cornwall). Several sites were divided into sub-sites because they were either very large (Latchmoor) or naturally formed two distinct areas in terms of habitat type and I. pumilio presence (Rosewarne and Chapel Porth). One site (Menadue) was omitted from analyses as no water was present at the site, resulting in missing data values. A suite of environmental variables was recorded at the site level and within quadrats these are summarised in Table 3.2. Quadrats were positioned along transects emanating from randomly selected points within the area of water at each site. Six transects were defined at each site, each consisting of 5 quadrats placed at 0, 2, 5, 10 and 20m from the start point within water. An example of the sampling design is shown in Appendix 1. National Vegetation Classification (NVC) classes for each site were assigned using Tablefit 1.0 (Hill 1996). Where two vegetation types had equal ‘goodness of fit’ (GOF) the type with better compositional satisfaction was selected.

42 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

Table 3.1 Table of site names and codes, grid references (centre of site), NVC community codes, NVC goodness of fit values and I. pumilio abundance. Letters in parentheses following Latchmoor refer to sub-sites defined in Chapter 2, Fig. 2.4. Site codes commencing “A” are in Cornwall, “B” in Devon and “C” in Hampshire. NVC community definitions are: A24, Juncus bulbosus community; H9, Calluna vulgaris-Deschampsia flexuosa heath; M6, Carex echinata- Sphagnum recurvum/auriculatum mire; M15, Scirpus cespitosus-Erica tetralix wet heath; M23, Juncus effusus/acutiflorus-Galium palustre rush-pasture; M25, Molinia caerulea-Potentilla erecta mire; M29, Hypericum elodes-Potamogeton polygonifolius soakway; MC8, Festuca rubra-Armeria maritima maritime grassland; MC9, Festuca rubra-Holcus lanatus maritime grassland; S10, Equisetum fluviatile swamp; S11, Carex vesicaria swamp; S25, Phragmites australis-Eupatorium cannabinum tall-herb fen; SD17, Potentilla anserina-Carex nigra dune-slack community; W1, Salix cinerea-Galium palustre woodland; W4, Betula pubescens-Molinia caerulea woodland; W25, Pteridium aquilinum-Rubus fruticosus underscrub. Lower case letters refer to sub-communities which are not defined here due to low GOF values. Site Code GPS GPS NVC GOF Abundance easting northing Great Wheal Seton Aa 165511 41795 S11c 18 26 Roscroggan Ab 165186 42055 W1 21 0 Rosewarne 1 Ac 164469 41739 S10 16 0 Rosewarne 2 Ad 164477 41815 S25 12 3 Bell Lake Marsh Ae 162163 41884 S10 12 0 Peter's Point Af 157706 41045 MC9c 26 0 Chapel Porth 1 Ag 169991 49349 S10 14 0 Chapel Porth 2 Ah 169837 49428 MC8 19 11 Wimal Ford Ai 221241 73469 M15 49 0 Sand Cottages Aj 178934 39707 A24 13 1 Penwithick Ak 202049 56274 M23 16 7 Stepper Point Al 191494 78363 SD17c 10 53 Menadue Am 202791 59385 M29 24 0 Tolgus tin An 168830 44783 W25b 15 0 Carbis Moor Ao 202797 55882 W4 7 2 North Tresamble Ap 174709 40468 A24 18 0 Newlyn East Downs Aq 183618 54353 H9e 17 0 Prewley Moor Br 254226 90996 M25b 15 4 Sheepstor Bs 257837 68200 M25a 42 0 Cadover Bridge Bt 255615 64824 M23 29 51 Blackabrook Bu 256936 63984 M6a 27 13 Smallhanger Waste Bv 257623 59487 M25a 31 29 Whitchurch Down Bw 250816 74189 M25 33 0 Wigford Down Bx 253725 64953 M25a 45 0 Lydford Railway By 250057 82595 M25 40 7 Walla Brook Bz 267066 77138 M6a 33 6 Latchmoor 1 (L) Ca 419402 112778 M25 20 58 Latchmoor 2 (C) Cb 419147 112759 M29 23 23 Latchmoor 3 (G) Cc 419064 112705 M25a 29 19 Shipton Bottom Cd 436269 99603 M25a 26 3 Millersford Bottom Ce 418650 116705 M25a 50 0

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 43 Table 3.2 Potential predictors of odonate species composition and I. pumilio abundance, transformations applied (in parentheses) and number of selections by step procedure in CCA analysis. Letters in parentheses indicate plant groups which were combined due to collinearity in the GLM of I. pumilio abundance, each letter represents a different set. Variable names in parentheses are used in Fig. 3.2. Variable Description

Easting British national grid location (Log10) Northing British national grid location (Log10) Altitude As recorded by handheld GPS (m) (Log10) 2 Area Area of potential habitat (m ) estimated from map (Log10) Bankangle Clinometer reading between transect points 0 and 10 (m) (None) (bank) Disturbance Human disturbance: 0, relatively untouched; 1, partially disturbed, some management, pathways, nearby roads; 2, industrial, heavily used sites (None) Grazing 0, none; 1, light/occasional; 2, heavy. (None) Shade j shade over quadrat (Arcsine) Type Stream/flush/bog (Arcsine) Mudcover % cover of bare mud (Arcsine) Muddepth Depth of mud (cm) in centre of quadrat (Log10) (mud) Watercover % cover of water (Arcsine) Waterdepth Depth of water (cm) in centre of quadrat (Log10) (water) Substrate Silt/silt and gravel/gravel Turbidity Proportion of standard grayscale visible through standard tube of water from quadrat (Arcsine) Conductivity μSiemens measured in quadrat (cond) Flowrate Measured in m s-1 using 1cm2 of polystyrene (Arcsine) Maxheight Maximum height of vegetation within quadrat (cm) (None) Structure zone 0 Structural complexity index at transect point 0m (None) (z00) Structure zone 2 Structural complexity index at transect point 2m (None) (z02) Structure zone 5 Structural complexity index at transect point 5m (None) (z05) Structure zone 10 Structural complexity index at transect point 10m (None) (z10) Structure zone 20 Structural complexity index at transect point 20m (None) (z20) Species count (sp) Number of odonate species observed at site (Log10) ACG Aquatic sedge/grass (% cover) (Arcsine) AFO Aquatic forb (% cover) (Arcsine) AH Aquatic horsetail (% cover) (Arcsine) (a) MC Marginal sedge (% cover) (Arcsine) (b) MFO Marginal forb (% cover) (Arcsine) MG Marginal grass (% cover) (Arcsine) (b) MM Marginal moss (% cover) (Arcsine) MR Marginal Rush (% cover) (Arcsine) TC Terrestrial sedge (% cover) (Arcsine) (c) TD Terrestrial dwarf shrub (% cover) (Arcsine) TFE Terrestrial fern (% cover) (Arcsine) (a) TFO Terrestrial forb (% cover) (Arcsine) TG Terrestrial grass (% cover) (Arcsine) (c) TR Terrestrial rush (% cover) (Arcsine) TS Terrestrial shrub (% cover) (Arcsine) (b) TT Terrestrial tree (% cover) (Arcsine)

44 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

Plant species were grouped to reduce the number of variables to be considered. Table 3.2 contains a full list of groups, which were based on functional group and habitat (aquatic, marginal or terrestrial). Means of explanatory variables, measured at the transect or quadrat level, were calculated for each site. Geometric means of percentages were calculated (Burns 1929); zeroes in the data were converted to a value of 1x10-6 and means estimated at this value converted back to zero (De Muth 2006). Coverage of each plant group at a site was calculated as the sum of the geometric mean coverage of all species in the group. Plant structural complexity was measured by placing a marked pole in the centre of each quadrat and recording the number of contacts with plants in each of the vertical intervals 0-10, 10-30, 30-70, 70-150 and over 150 cm (Lawton and Woodroffe 1991). These measurements were then reduced to a compound measure of structural complexity, for use in the analyses, by using their first principal component. Structural complexity was considered separately at each distance from water (hereafter referred to as zones) sampled along transects. Ischnura pumilio and other dragonflies and damselflies are thought to require a limited amount of emergent vegetation for oviposition, without the water becoming overgrown. However, it was expected that increased structural complexity, as distance from water increased, would be preferred as this provides a richer source of shelter and food. One site was surveyed per day by two people. No surveys were conducted during rain or strong winds. All I. pumilio sighted between 11am and 4pm while conducting the site survey were captured and marked to ensure they were not recounted. Half an hour was spent exclusively searching for I. pumilio during that time. This enabled a comparable count at each site to be obtained. Numbers of all other odonates observed throughout the day were estimated using RA83 codes. The RA83 recording system (formerly RA70) is used on standard odonate recording cards available from the Biological Records Centre ( The system provides codes for abundance and behaviour categories and is widely used for recording odonates in the UK. The median of the abundance range for each RA83 code was then used in the following analyses.

3.2.2 Odonate habitat associations

Multivariate (ordination) analyses were used to examine the associations between odonate species composition and the abiotic factors and plant species (hereafter referred to as environmental variables) at sites. One of the main goals of ordination methods is to produce a two dimensional plot that reveals patterns and relationships between objects (here sites and species). The ordination plot represents the differences in species composition between sites by the plotted distances between them. Co-occurrence of species is represented by a smaller plotted distance. Ordination axes represent environmental gradients to which the species are responding and may be related to measured environmental variables by adding them to the model, as explanatory variables, and subsequently to the plot. The validity of multivariate methods was checked initially by conducting de-trended correspondence analysis (DCA; Hill and Gauch Jr. 1980) and non-metric multi- dimensional scaling (nMDS; Manly 2004) of the odonate composition data from each site. Both methods are considered robust, so if they produce similar ordinations then multivariate methods are likely to produce stable results, (Fig. 3.1). Correspondence analysis (CA) finds ordination axes (environmental gradients) that maximise the correspondence between sites and species. It then uses reciprocal averaging to find site and species values along those axes. DCA is a variant of CA in which ordination axes are rescaled in order to remove curvature in species responses, which is considered to be an artefact of the ordination method. nMDS is fundamentally different

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 45 in design from other ordination methods and is considered the most generally effective for ecological community data (Legendre and Legendre 1998; McCune and Grace 2002). It uses observed dissimilarities between objects (sites and species) to map the objects in two dimensions, minimising the stress on dissimilarities from the original multi-dimensional solution.

Table 3.3 Odonate species, codes used in ordination plots, frequency of occurrence across the 31 sites surveyed and frequency of co-occurrence with I. pumilio. Species Code All sites Co-occurrence Calopteryx virgo 8 3 Ceriagrion tenellum C.te 13 10 Coenagrion mercuriale 6 5 Coenagrion puella C.pu 21 13 Enallagma cyathigerum 5 5 Ischnura elegans I.el 20 13 Ischnura pumilio I.pu 17 n/a Lestes sponsa L.sp 5 5 Pyrrhosoma nymphula P.ny 22 12 Aeshna juncea A.ju 1 7 Anax imperator 12 0 Cordulegaster boltonii 9 5 Libellula depressa 9 4 Libellula quadrimaculata L.qu 7 3 Orthetrum cancellatum 2 1 Orthetrum coerulescens 23 14 Sympetrum danae S.da 1 1 Sympetrum striolatum 2 1

46 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

A.ju Ag Bs P.nyBz Ap Aq Ae C.pu CdL.sp Ai Bx Ca Ak Aa C.teBy Cb Cc Ce

AcL.qu Bv Br Ad Bt AoI.el Ab Bu I.pu Ah

NMDS2 An Af Al Bw

Aj -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0

-1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 NMDS1

S.da A.ju P.ny Bs Ag L.qu An L.deAp Bz Ae Aq

DCA2 C.puAk Ab Ac BxAfBw Aa Ai CdCa Ad I.el O.coCe ByBuBr CbAh Bt Cc Ao Bv L.sp Al C.te I.pu -2 0 2 4

-4 -2 0 2 DCA1

Figure 3.1. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS; top) and de-trended correspondence analysis (DCA; bottom) of odonate count data from each site showing similar groupings of species. Species occurring in less than 20 per cent of sites were down-weighted. Site codes in black are explained in Table 3.1 and species codes in red in Table 3.3.

An unconstrained CA of odonate species produced a scatter of 6 ordination score units along axis 1 and 5 ordination score units along axis 2. Enallagma cyathigerum and

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 47 Orthetrum cancellatum were outliers that strongly influenced this CA solution. Down- weighting of species present in less than 20 per cent of sites lowered the variation in scatter of species points. Constrained correspondence analysis (CCA) was then performed on the same data to examine the variation in species data due to measured environmental variables. CCA only considers the community structure that is related to the measured environmental variables and allows them to be subjected to model selection in a similar way to multiple regression. Model selection followed several stages because of the large number of potential explanatory variables. Initially, the set of environmental variables was split into three random subsets and this was repeated 10 times. Each subset was used to obtain a maximal model. The variance inflation factors (VIFs) were checked for each maximal model and those variables with VIFs greater than 10 (indicating correlation with other variables) were removed before model selection (Oksanen 2008). These maximal models were then subjected to backwards and forwards selection, based on Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC). The full set of variables was fitted to the odonate data 20 times (10 forwards and 10 backwards) in random subsets. The variables selected in these analyses were then combined for further model selection following the same procedure of forwards and backwards selection using AIC. Constrained ordination methods do not have a log-likelihood and, therefore, do not have a true deviance from which to derive AIC. Instead, AIC is the goodness of fit derived from the residual inertia (variance) penalized by the degrees of freedom. Although these methods are implemented in Vegan 1.13-0 and are used by the backward and forward step procedures, they are somewhat unfounded and the significance of terms in the resulting model was therefore checked using a permutation test (Oksanen 2008). The test adds terms to the model, one by one, in the order specified by the model formula, retaining previously added terms. Community (odonate composition) data are permuted following the addition of each term and the amount of inertia constrained by the model calculated. This is repeated a large number of times and the proportion of permuted constrained inertia values that are at least as large as observed constrained inertia represents the significance of that term.

Abundance estimates of odonate species at each site were log10 transformed before analysis. Variables measured in percentage cover were arcsine transformed. All explanatory variables were then standardised to zero mean and unit variance. All multivariate analyses were performed in R 2.4.0 (R Development Core Team 2005) using the package Vegan 1.13-0 (Oksanen et al. 2008).

3.2.3 Ischnura pumilio habitat associations

Generalized linear models (GLM) were used to assess which variables explained a significant proportion of variation in I. pumilio numbers. GLMs can be used to model data with non-normal distributions and have been used in many studies of the effect of habitat variables on species distributions, including damselflies (e.g. Rouquette and Thompson 2005; Strange et al. 2007) and other insects (e.g. Strauss and Biedermann 2005). A Poisson error structure and logarithmic link function were used as they are most appropriate for modelling count data. The logarithmic link function ensures fitted values are positive and Poisson errors account for integer data with variance equal to the mean. However, as I. pumilio distribution was aggregated, there was additional variation in the response (overdispersion) which was accounted for by using quasi- Poisson errors. This applies a scale parameter to the model (Pearson’s χ2 / df), such that the variance increases with the mean (Crawley 2007). The maximal model containing all variables was simplified using a backwards selection procedure. The least significant variables, based on F tests on deletion, were removed until all variables were significant at P ≤ 0.05 (Crawley 2007). All non-normally

48 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies distributed variables were subjected to an appropriate transformation (see Table 3.2). Due to the large number of potential explanatory variables, model building was performed in several stages. Continuous variables were fitted first (along with their quadratic terms to test for non-linear effects) in sets which ensured the maximal model did not have more than n/3 parameters (Crawley 2007). The minimum adequate model at the end of each stage was used as the base for the following stage of model building. Categorical variables were fitted in the later stages and when they remained in the minimum adequate model aggregated categories were also tested (Crawley 2007). D2 and adjusted D2 (the equivalents to R2 and adjusted R2 in regression) were calculated using standard formulae (Guisan and Zimmermann 2000). Several variables were removed from the set of potential explanatory variables due to collinearity. This was determined by examining the covariance matrix of the continuous explanatory variables. Pairs of variables with correlation coefficient (r) values greater than the critical value of 0.463 (df = 28, P < 0.01) were deemed to be significantly correlated. A Bonferroni correction for multiple tests was not applied as, with 630 comparisons, this would result in rejection of many correlated pairs. Variables removed from the analysis were geographical location (eastings and northings), altitude, percentage cover of water, conductivity, maximum height of vegetation and structural indices for zones 2, 5 and 10m. These were removed due to correlation with many variables or to retain variables of greater interest. Despite removal of these variables, collinearity may still have had an effect on model selection as Graham (2003) states that r values as low as 0.28 may result in significant predictors being omitted from the final model. However, such extreme criteria would have prohibited model selection altogether. The criteria used were chosen to allow production of a relatively robust model for comparison with those produced for other damselfly species. These used similar methods, but did not consider collinearity (Coenagrion mercuriale, Rouquette and Thompson 2005; Ceriagrion tenellum, Strange et al. 2007). In a separate GLM analysis, the effects of the various plant groups on I. pumilio abundance were considered. Before proceeding with this analysis some groups were combined to remove collinearity (see Table 3.2). Plant cover data were arcsine transformed and fitted to a GLM model of abundance, as above. The effect of other odonate species on abundance was considered in the same way by using log10 transformed counts of all other species as predictors.

3.2.4 Habitat use

The boundary between the areas adjacent to water and surrounding vegetation was distinct at Latchmoor. This was due to grazing and poaching by New Forest cattle and ponies, which maintained waterside vegetation at a very low level (hereafter referred to as water area). Adjacent vegetation (hereafter referred to as hinterland – the area behind that lying along the shore of a river) was considerably taller and comprised mostly bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) and shrubs (Myrica gale and Ulex europaea) with shorter tussocks of Erica tetralix, Calluna vulgaris and graminoids. The water- hinterland boundary was mapped in ArcView 9.2 using GPS records taken at approximate 10m intervals. To examine differences in habitat use between sexes and the effect of weather, individual capture events were assigned to either the water or hinterland area. The proportion of individuals captured in the water area was then analysed using a GLM with quasi-binomial errors (due to overdispersion) with sex and weather as explanatory variables. Only the first mature capture of each individual was used. This avoided pseudo-replication arising from repeated observations of the same individual and additional error caused by increased foraging behaviour in surrounding vegetation by immature individuals.

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 49 The minimum distance from water of each capture, within this subset, was also calculated using the multiple minimum distance tool extension (Chasan 2005) for ArcGIS 9.2. The log10 transformed distances from water were used in an ANCOVA with the same explanatory variables. Time of day was included as a covariate including a quadratic term to test for any effect of travelling from, or returning to, roosting sites at the beginning and end of the day. The effect of time was not considered in the previous analysis as the necessary sub-setting would have resulted in very sparse data. Due to collinearity between weather measurements, a principal components analysis was performed on the 6 variables (maximum temperature, minimum temperature, rainfall, wind speed, cloud cover and solar radiation) obtained from local Met Office weather stations at Ibsley and Hurn (British national grid references SU162094 and SU117978 respectively; UK Meteorological Office 2006). The first two principal components from this analysis accounted for 67 per cent of the variance in weather conditions and formed the weather variables in the habitat use analyses (Graham 2003; Knell 2005). The first was strongly positively correlated with cloud cover and strongly negatively correlated with solar radiation and the second axis was strongly negatively correlated with maximum and minimum temperatures. Wind and rain were less correlated with the first two principal components, although both exhibited a positive relationship with PC1. Therefore, both principal components can be thought of as representing good weather when negative and poor weather when positive.

3.3 Results

3.3.1 Site description

Ischnura pumilio was recorded at 17 of the 31 sites surveyed (Table 3.2). Many of those without sightings had changed significantly from the site description that accompanied the past record, most had become overgrown. NVC communities varied greatly, from aquatic communities (A24) to woodland and hinterland communities (W1, W4 and W25). Mires were the most common NVC type identified and accounted for 11 of the 17 sites with I. pumilio, mostly those in Devon and Hampshire. Of the four mire communities associated with I. pumilio presence, the most common was Molinia caerulea-Potentilla erecta mire (M25) followed by Juncus effusus/acutiflorus-Galium palustre rush-pasture (M23). Goodness of fit values were generally low (range 7 – 56 out of 100) and are all were regarded as poor or very poor (Hill 1996). This may be due to the sampling design, which inherently captured a long moisture gradient and therefore different sub-communities within sites. Most sites were shallow flushes or boggy areas with slow-flowing or still water and a silt or silt and gravel substrate. Juncus bulbosus was present at every site where I. pumilio were recorded and Juncus effusus was present at all except one. The most commonly occurring plants at I. pumilio sites are listed in Table 3.4.

50 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

Table 3.4 Plant species occurring in 10 or more I. pumilio sites, number of occurrences in all 31 sites and in the 17 I. pumilio sites. Species All I. pumilio sites sites Juncus bulbosus 30 17 Juncus effusus 29 16 Juncus articulatus 22 14 Erica tetralix 21 13 Festuca rubra 23 13 Lotus pedunculatus 21 13 Ulex europaea 23 13 Calluna vulgaris 25 12 Potamogeton polygonifolius 18 12 Holcus lanatus 17 11 Potentilla erecta 17 11 Agrostis canina 14 10 Molinia caerulea 18 10 Viola sp. 15 10

3.3.2 Odonate habitat associations

Twenty-seven variables were selected at least once during the first stage of analysis (Table 3.1). All of these variables could not be considered together in the second stage (due to insufficient df). Consequently, those selected three or more times in the 20 initial analyses were considered first. GPS northing values were removed from the model due to correlation with eastings and when fitted separately eastings had a lower AIC value. Forwards and backwards selection of this model resulted in the same model specification. Each of the variables selected once or twice in the first stage were then added to the model, one by one, provided they did not cause overfitting with existing variables (indicated by VIFs > 10). Those resulting in a decrease in AIC were added to the model, which was then subjected to a final stage of forwards and backwards selection. The best five models based on AIC are listed in Table 3.5.

Table 3.5 Model specification and AIC values for the best 5 CCA models of odonate species composition (log10 count data). Variable names are explained in Table 3.2. Model AIC bankangle + conductivity + disturbance + easting + maxheight + MC + MM + 29.81 muddepth + shade + spcount + TD + TFO + TG + waterdepth + z00 + z10 + z20 bankangle + conductivity + disturbance + easting + maxheight + MC + MM + 30.1 shade + spcount + TD + TFE + TFO + TG + waterdepth + z00 + z10 + z20 bankangle + conductivity + disturbance + easting + maxheight + MC + MM + 30.56 shade + spcount + TD+ TFO + TG + waterdepth + z00 + z10 + z20 bankangle + conductivity + disturbance + easting + maxheight + MC + MM + 32.25 muddepth + shade + spcount + TD + TFE + TG + waterdepth + z00 + z10 + z20 bankangle + conductivity + disturbance + easting + maxheight + MC + MM + 32.39 muddepth + shade + spcount + TD + TG + waterdepth + z00 + z10 + z20

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 51 Eighty-one per cent of the variation in species composition was accounted for by the final model. All terms in the final model were analysed simultaneously using a permutation test. Due to sequential addition of terms, alternative sequences generated slightly different significance levels for some variables. However, most changed very little and the order of significance of variables was generally maintained. All terms in the best model, based on AIC, were significant in at least one of the five sequential permutations tests that were conducted. Table 3.6 presents the results of the test when performed with terms arbitrarily added in the order they appear in Table 3.2. Inevitably, several models will describe the data similarly well. However, the most significant terms in Table 3.6 were highly significant in all models and are likely to be the most important.

Table 3.6 Significance of predictors of odonate composition derived from a minimum adequate CCA model based on AIC. For each significant variable df, constrained inertia (χ2) and the P-value derived from permutation tests (number of permutation = 9999) are shown (* P<0.05, ** P<0.01, *** P<0.001).

Variable Df χ2 P Easting 1 0.1101 *** Shade 1 0.1251 *** TD 1 0.0617 *** Disturbance 1 0.0382 ** Maxheight 1 0.0389 ** MM 1 0.0411 ** Structure zone 20 1 0.0442 ** Waterdepth 1 0.0394 ** Bankangle 1 0.0344 * Conductivity 1 0.0298 * MC 1 0.0341 * Muddepth 1 0.0344 * Spcount 1 0.0366 * Structure zone 0 1 0.0346 * TFO 1 0.0336 * TG 1 0.0393 * Structure zone 10 1 0.0275 . Residual 12 0.1878

The most important variables predicting odonate composition at a site were GPS location (east-west, although as GPS eastings and northings were highly correlated this may reflect latitude also), percentage cover of shade and the percentage cover of terrestrial dwarf shrubs. Also highly significant were level of disturbance, maximum height of vegetation, percentage cover of Sphagnum moss species, the level of structural complexity at 20m from water and water depth. Figure 3.2 shows an ordination diagram of the final model.

52 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies


Bs Ag + An maxheight sp Ap mud P.ny TD L.qu Aq MM shade Ae Bz bank Ak C.pu Bx Ac Ab Ai Cd

Aa TFOCe 0 Bw condI.el CbCa By Af MC CCA2 Ad TG Br +C.te dist Ao Ah Bu + water Bt Cc easting Bv z10 I.pu z00


-2 -1 1 2 Aj z20

-3 -2 -1 0 1 2


Figure 3.2. Ordination diagram of the final CCA model of odonate community composition. Species codes in red are explained in Table 3.3 and site codes in black in Table 3.1. Some variable names have been abbreviated to reduce overlap of labels, the reduced names are explained in Table 3.2. Where species codes overlap, the less abundant species is represented by “+”. The “+” adjacent to represents S.da and those adjacent to C.te represent L.sp and Arrows represent the direction of the gradient of significant predictors. Sites and species are scaled symmetrically by the square root of eigenvalues (Oksanen et al., 2008).

In an ordination plot, the sites that have the most similar species composition are plotted closest together. Similarly, species which frequently co-occur appear close together and species common within a particular site are plotted close to that site. The arrows represent the direction of increase in measured environmental variables. Therefore, sites with deep water and species preferring deep water will appear at the side of the plot to which the water depth arrow (labelled “water” in Figure 3.2) points. The difference in arrow lengths is the result of a multidimensional solution being plotted in two dimensions and is not indicative of the strength of correlation (Oksanen 2008). This plot shows only the community structure related to the environmental variables in the final model. However, the similarity of the relative positioning of sites and species to those in Fig. 3.1 suggests that it was justified to omit community structure not related to measured environmental variables. Orthetrum cancellatum, E. cyathigerum and to a lesser degree Anax imperator formed a group to the left of the plot, all are associated with large water bodies and can tolerate brackish, eutrophic or mineral rich water (Smallshire and Swash 2004). The arrows show that these species were associated with deeper water and higher levels of disturbance, which were common features of the clay mining sites surveyed. Aeshna

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 53 juncea, Calopteryx virgo, Sympetrum striolatum, S. danae and Cordulegaster boltonii formed another group, all preferring acid water (Smallshire and Swash 2004). Although pH was not included in the analysis there was an association with Sphagnum moss species, which are a common feature of acid bogs and mires. Along with Pyrrhosoma nymphula, which has broader habitat requirements, this group was associated with greater odonate species richness. Libellula quadrimaculata also prefers acidic habitat and appears somewhat associated with the previous group, but was not observed outside Cornwall and is therefore plotted at a lower easting value. In the centre of the plot are the species with broad habitat requirements, but preferring smaller sites with standing water. These include Libellula depressa, Coenagrion puella and, to a lesser degree, Ischnura elegans, which is less common in acidic waters and is plotted further from those species preferring acid conditions. Lestes sponsa, Ceriagrion tenellum and Coenagrion mercuriale were very closely associated and O. coerulescens was plotted in the same area. These species are all associated with heathland sites characterised by bog mosses (as indicated by the Sphagnum arrow labelled MM) with the exception of C. mercuriale, which is more specific in its requirements and prefers base rich, open, slow flowing waters (Smallshire and Swash 2004). Ischnura pumilio was most associated with this group, it also prefers small, open and shallow water bodies, but tolerates a wide variety of water quality conditions. However, I. pumilio was plotted relatively far from any other species, suggesting that it has different habitat requirements to all the other species considered.

3.3.3 Ischnura pumilio habitat associations

I. pumilio was plotted centrally on the first CCA axis, which represents the major environmental gradient influencing species composition. This axis was correlated with eastings, so that sites in Cornwall were mainly plotted on the left and those in Devon and Cornwall on the right. Also correlated with this axis were shade, water depth, disturbance, maximum vegetation height, bank angle, conductivity and the percentage cover of several plant groups. Ischnura pumilio’s central placing indicates that these factors do not strongly influence its distribution. The positioning of I. pumilio at a low value along the second CCA axis suggests the species prefers shallow mud, a low species count and increased diversity of vegetation structure.

Table 3.7 Significant predictors of I. pumilio abundance at a site derived from a generalized linear model with quasi-Poisson errors. The F-value and associated P-value, df, D2 and adjusted D2 are shown. For each significant variable the P- value derived from t-tests, parameter estimates on the logarithmic scale and standard errors (SE) are shown (* P<0.05, ** P<0.01, *** P<0.001). Model Variable Parameter SE t P summary Estimates Deviance = 63.903 Mud cover 4881.00 1150.00 4.248 *** df = 19 Mud cover2 -1.22 x106 2.79x105 -4.361 *** Dev/df = 3.36 Shade 27710.00 5510.00 5.026 *** D2 = 0.901 Shade2 -4.04 x107 8.42x106 -4.801 *** Adj. D2 = 0.850 Substrate - silt 3.623 0.91 3.971 *** Type – flush -2.223 0.51 -4.365 *** Structure z20 0.93870.31 3.046 ** Turbidity 21.04 8.46 2.488 * Turbidity2 -8.369 3.25 -2.572 * Area 0.5685 0.32 1.777 . Intercept -1.87E+015.39 -3.473 **

54 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

GLM analysis supported the results of the CCA analysis in terms of I. pumilio habitat preferences. Sites with low levels of shade and mud coverage were favoured by the species, although absence, or very low levels, of shade or mud were associated with a decrease in numbers as indicated by the quadratic term (Table 3.7). Substrates consisting mainly of silt were preferred over gravel and bog habitats were preferred over flushes. Increased structural complexity at 20m from water was associated with an increase in numbers. However, vegetation structure at the water did not feature in the final model, despite being closely associated with I. pumilio in the CCA plot. Numbers were greater in water with moderate to high turbidity ratings, which may be linked to finer substrates being suspended in water, but at the highest levels abundance decreased. A positive association with area was marginally significant and an F test on deletion indicated a significant decrease in explained variation, so the term was retained.

When odonate species’ abundances (log10 transformed) were used as predictors in a separate GLM analysis of I. pumilio abundance, three species were found to be significant predictors (Table 3.8). Orthetrum coerulescens and I. elegans were positively associated with I. pumilio and Cordulegaster boltonii was negatively associated. A negative association with Libellula quadrimaculata was marginally significant and an F test on deletion indicated a significant decrease in explained variation, so the term was retained. However, when these predictors were added to the overall model they were non-significant and were removed by stepwise deletion. Habitat features were better predictors of I. pumilio abundance than the estimated abundance of any of the other recorded odonates.

Table 3.8 Significant predictors of I. pumilio abundance at a site derived from a generalized linear model with quasi-Poisson errors. The F-value and associated P-value, df, D2 and adjusted D2 are shown. For each significant variable the P- value derived from t-tests, parameter estimates on the logarithmic scale and standard errors (SE) are shown (* P<0.05, ** P<0.01, *** P<0.001). Model Variable Parameter SE t P summary Estimates Deviance = 321.02 C. boltonii -5.219 2.036 -2.563 * df = 25 O. coerulescens 1.335 0.490 2.728 * Dev/df = 12.84 I. elegans 1.177 0.512 2.298 * D2 = 0.505 L. quadrimaculata -2.531 1.271 -1.990 . Adj. D2 = 0.425 Intercept 0.513 0.864 0.594

Due to severe multicollinearity both between plant groups and with other habitat variables, a separate GLM analysis of the effect of plant groups was conducted to identify the important groups for consideration in the general model. No significant effects were found. There may be several reasons for this, including collinearity causing omission of significant variables (Graham 2003). However, it may be expected that I. pumilio abundance will not depend on the cover of broadly defined plant groups. Within these groups, plant species will have different habitat requirements and if an association with a plant species were based on common requirements these would remain undetected due to the groupings. Furthermore, I. pumilio is able to occupy a very broad range of habitats, particularly with respect to chemical factors that are likely to influence plant community. It was expected that associations with plant groups would be based on structural features more than on common habitat requirements. However, many different plants can provide the same structural characteristics and, therefore, species or even groups may not be important. Ischnura pumilio seems more dependent on features of the site and substrate than specific vegetation and other odonates. Observations during field

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 55 work suggested that important vegetation features were emergent vegetation, for oviposition and male perching, and tussocks of graminoids and heathers, for shelter during windy conditions and, presumably, at night. This is supported by Table 3.4 where graminoids or heathers frequently co-occur (62 per cent) with I. pumilio.

3.3.4 Habitat use

There was an overall increase in distance from water in poor weather (Table 3.9). Distance of captures from water increased with increasing cloud cover and decreasing solar radiation (PC1). Lower maximum and minimum temperatures were associated with greater distances from water in female I. pumilio, but had virtually no effect on the relative location of males (PC2). Time of day had no direct effect on distance from water, but later captures exhibited a stronger positive correlation between PC2 and distance. There was a significant increase in the proportion of recorded females to males with time of day (P < 0.0001, D2 = 0.625; Fig. 3.3). This may have caused the increased correlation between PC2 and distance later in the day as females exhibited this trend more than males. Overall the back transformed mean distance of males from water predicted by the model (5.95m) was less than that of females (6.53m). This is likely to be an underestimate of the difference, as a large number of females inevitably went undetected away from water due to their greater crypsis.

Table 3.9 Significant predictors of distance from water (log10) derived by multiple regression. The F-value and associated P-value, df, R2 and adjusted R2 are shown. For each significant variable the P-value derived from t-tests, parameter estimates and standard errors are shown (* P<0.05, ** P<0.01, *** P<0.001). Model Variable Parameter SE t P summary Estimates F = 11.57 PC1 0.050 0.008 6.414 *** P = *** PC2 -0.187 0.073 -2.558 * df = 1117 Sex 0.054 0.024 2.233 * R2 = 0.059 Time 0.143 0.124 1.153 Adjusted R2 = 0.053 PC2:Sex 0.063 0.025 2.544 * PC2:Time 0.3050.121 2.517 * Intercept 0.7300.077 9.485 ***

56 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

Proportion male Proportion 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75

10 12 14 16 18 20

Time (h)

Figure 3.3. Relationship between the proportion of captures which were males and time of day. Time values are measured on the 24 hour clock and points include all captures made in the hour preceding the plotted time (D2 = 0.625, adjusted D2 = 0.578).

The proportion of males captured in the area adjacent to water, compared with hinterland, (0.575) was significantly greater than that of females (0.481). However, this relationship varied significantly with temperature (Fig. 3.4); the proportion of females captured at water decreased markedly at lower temperatures (PC2), whereas that of males increased slightly. The relationship was very similar to that between distance from water and temperature (PC2) in males and females and for this reason only one figure is included. There was no significant effect of cloud cover and solar radiation (PC1) in this analysis, suggesting that temperature was the most important weather element influencing the location of I. pumilio. The results of this analysis are summarised in Table 3.10.

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 57 Table 3.10 Significant predictors of the proportion of individuals captured in the area adjacent to water derived from a generalized linear model with quasi- binomial errors. The F-value and associated P-value, df, D2 and adjusted D2 are shown. For each significant variable the P-value derived from t-tests, parameter estimates on the logit scale and standard errors (SE) are shown (* P<0.05, ** P<0.01, *** P<0.001). Model Variable Parameter SE t P summary Estimates

Deviance = 138.86 PC2 0.07227 0.0779 0.928 df = 76 Sex -0.38467 0.17212 -2.235 * Dev/df = 1.83 PC2:Sex -0.52105 0.18215 -2.861 ** D2 = 0.109 Intercept 0.30125 0.09192 3.277 ** Adj. D2 = 0.056

The proportion of variance in the response variables explained by these models is small (R2 = 0.059 and D2 = 0.109, respectively). Evidently there were significant factors influencing an individual’s location in relation to water which were not measured. The need to forage is likely to cause individuals to venture further from water, but examination of gut contents was not possible so this could not be accounted for. Also, females only visit water when ready to mate (Banks and Thompson 1987; Anholt 1992; Stoks 2001a, b) and this could not be accounted for as it would require examining ovaries for mature eggs. Proportion at water at Proportion 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

-3 -2 -1 0 1 2


Figure 3.4. Relationship between the proportion of individuals captured in the area adjacent to water and the second principal component of weather variables representing lower temperatures at higher values (D2 = 0.109, adjusted D2 = 0.056).

58 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

3.4 Discussion

3.4.1 Odonate habitat associations

In this study, shade was very important in predicting odonate composition. This has also been reported in a previous study, which found most dragonflies were restricted to sunnier biotopes (Samways and Steytler 1996). Remsburg et al. (2008) found strong evidence for shade avoidance in dragonflies at 75 per cent and 30 per cent shade cover. Dragonflies were found at all levels of shade within the sites in this study, but all of these sites were relatively open and the shade range surveyed is unlikely to include sufficiently high levels to exclude these species. Vegetation height and structure was also very influential on odonate species composition. Structure of vegetation was more important than species in predicting odonate composition (Samways and Steytler 1996) and composition of other insect taxa (e.g. aphids; Strauss and Biedermann 2005). It has been suggested that vegetation structure is an indirect measure of a site’s microclimate. This may also be true in this study, as sparse vegetation causes more extreme temperature conditions and provides less shelter from wind, rain and predators. However, Schaffers et al. (2008) found plant species composition to be a better predictor of arthropod species composition for several groups, but many of these were specialised herbivores and might be expected to rely heavily on particular plant species. As adult odonates are generalist predators of insects (Corbet 1999) and utilise plants solely for perching and roosting, structural features are likely to be of greater importance. In the range of habitats surveyed, there was a negative relationship between structural diversity of vegetation (measured up to 1.5m) and the maximum height of vegetation and corresponding shade cover (Fig. 3.2). This may be interpreted as a distinction between early-successional sites and and more mature sites. Early-successional sites have abundant, tussocky low-level vegetation, but little to no taller vegetation, while more mature sites have more shrubs and trees that overshade low-level vegetation, changing its composition and decreasing density. Damselflies were mostly associated with the denser, low-level vegetation, although P. nymphula, Coenagrion puella and Calopteryx virgo were intermediate. The larger dragonflies were mostly associated with less structurally diverse vegetation with a greater maximum height. Damselflies are generally restricted to one site, where significant over-shading will reduce their ability to warm up and thus negatively affect foraging and mating behaviour (Remsburg et al. 2008). As dragonflies are more mobile than damselflies and may visit several sites in a day, they are less likely to be affected by increased shade at certain sites, visiting them only briefly for foraging or mate searching. Other than shade and percentage cover of exposed macrophytes, the important predictors of odonate composition in this study were different to those found by Samways and Steytler (1996). Water temperature was important in their study, but due to missing data could not be included in this analysis. Flow rate featured in their analysis, both directly and indirectly through amount of exposed rock, but was not significant in this study. This may be due to the small range of flow rates encountered as a result of concentrating on sites previously inhabited by I. pumilio, which is known to prefer slow-flowing water (Cham 1991; Smallshire and Swash 2004). Cornish habitat types were more varied than those in Devon and Hampshire and as a result had more diverse species compositions. This is demonstrated by the spread of Cornish sites, and associated species, around the periphery of the ordination plot and

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 59 by the dominance of one half of the plot by only Cornish sites. Sites in Devon and Hampshire were plotted more closely and associated with some of the most common species in the study; I. pumilio and Keeled Skimmers. Also associated with these sites and species were the less commonly observed species Ceriagrion tenellum, Lestes sponsa and the nationally rare Coenagrion mercuriale. Increased marginal Carex and Sphagnum species and terrestrial grasses, flowering plants and dwarf shrubs characterised these sites, along with low levels of shade, shallow bank angles, shallow water, low maximum vegetation height and increased vegetation structural diversity. Rouquette and Thompson (2005) found that C. mercuriale was associated with wide underwater berms (resulting in shallow underwater ledges), bankside monocots and the absence of trees (attributed to shade avoidance) which is in accordance with the findings of the CCA. Coenagrion mercuriale was not recorded at all in Cornwall and along with Ceriagrion tenellum and L. sponsa (recorded twice and once in Cornwall, respectively) clearly prefers the more hom*ogenous habitats found further east. The ordination plot indicates a few Cornish sites that are similar to those inhabited by this rare species and that might be considered if a Coenagrion mercuriale reintroduction program were planned. These sites are Chapel Porth 2, Peter’s Point and Wimal Ford. However, of these sites, only Wimal Ford is large enough to support a reasonable breeding population. Given the relative rarity of suitable habitat, to disperse to, in Cornwall a re-introduction program might not be successful. The most commonly observed damselfly species were the nationally common and eurytopic P. nymphula, Coenagrion puella and I. elegans. However, the most commonly observed dragonfly was O. coerulescens, which is nationally much less common and has more specific habitat requirements. The species has a similar south- west distribution in the UK to I. pumilio (Smallshire and Swash 2004) and is frequently observed alongside it in Cornwall (S. Jones, pers. com.). The results of the GLM indicate that it is associated with I. pumilio and its greater frequency of occurrence suggests that O. coerulescens can persist at a site after succession has excluded I. pumilio.

3.4.2 Ischnura pumilio habitat associations

In this study, I. pumilio preferred sites which were somewhat muddy with silt, rather than gravel substrates. This is characteristic of slow flowing, or standing, water where silt can accumulate without being carried away by the current. A preference for some turbidity is linked to these habitat features as small particles become suspended in water, particularly where poaching by livestock or other disturbance takes place. Grazing and disturbance did not feature in this model, although they are often said to be important factors (Fox 1987; 1989; Cham 1991). However, the openness of some I. pumilio sites was maintained in other ways. For example, high soil mineral levels from previous tin mining resulted in sparse and unusual vegetation communities at sites such as Great Wheal Seton. A degree of bare ground is known to be favoured by the species (Fox et al. 1992) and it is openness, rather than the method of maintaining it, which is likely to be important to I. pumilio, as indicated by a decrease in numbers where there was no bare ground. The CCA analysis (Fig. 3.2) showed that I. pumilio was associated with increased structural diversity, but low maximum height, of vegetation and with low odonate species counts. This is characteristic of the early-succession sites known to be preferred by the species (Fox 1989; Daguet 2005), where low-level vegetation may be dense before larger, over-shading plants have colonised. This was supported by the GLM results that indicated a preference for low levels of shade, which may be associated with low vegetation and an absence of trees. Remsburg et al. (2008) found

60 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies that shade alone reduced dragonfly numbers in Trithemis species and it was negatively associated with abundance of those species close to I. pumilio in Fig. 3.2. Increased structural diversity of vegetation provides greater shelter from wind, rain and predators and I. pumilio individuals were regularly observed dropping down into tussocks of vegetation when approached on cooler, windier days. This was an effective defence, when conditions were perhaps too cool to fly away, as these individuals were subsequently very difficult to find. The base of tussocks is a sheltered microclimate, with a low risk of being damaged by wind in the dense, soft grass stems. Tenerals and adult females have been reported to take shelter in thick scrub formed by bog myrtle (Fraser 1941). However, sheltering individuals were never observed on shrubs. Rouquette and Thompson (2007b) reported that the majority of C. mercuriale roosted on tussock forming Juncus inflexus and Deschampsia cespitosa, preferring grassy areas to forest edges or other linear features. Askew (1982) suggested that coenagrionid damselflies select roosting perches that are very similar in width to the distance between the individual’s eyes. It was proposed that this allowed surveillance while maintaining camouflage. Observations during this study support this hypothesis, as I. pumilio individuals were observed rotating around a perch in order to position it between them and the observer; a behaviour which has also been observed in larval stages (Fraser 1949). The plant species most frequently co-occurring with I. pumilio (Table 3.4) were different to those listed by Fox (1987, 1989) and Cham (1990) and featured only one common species, Juncus effusus. However, Ranunculus flammula listed by Fox (1987) was recorded at 8 of the 17 I. pumilio sites and a female was observed ovipositing into this species. It is unlikely that particular plant species are preferred by damselfly species, but they may either indicate favourable habitat or have soft stems suitable for oviposition (Rouquette and Thompson, 2005 and refs therein). Associations with plant species could not be more quantitative than this due to the large number of plant species identified and the sparse distribution of many, which could not have been normalised before analysis. Therefore, plants were combined into functional groups to reduce the problem of collinearity, which is common with many predictor variables. This resulted in no significant effects being found, which may be due to the loss of detail caused by grouping. Ischnura pumilio was not absent from sites where Sphagnum moss was recorded but, as suggested by Fox (1987), was absent from sites dominated by this species. Sphagnum species commonly dominate acid bogs and wet heaths and indicate a low pH. Ischnura pumilio was previously thought to prefer base-rich water and dislike acidic sites (Fox 1987). Due to missing data values pH could not be included in the analyses, but I. pumilio was recorded at sites with pH values ranging from 4.4 to 7.2. The lowest pH recorded was within the range characterising acid heathland (3.4 – 6.5; Price 2003) suggesting that I. pumilio can occur in a wider range of habitat types than previously thought. The variety of NVC types inhabited by I. pumilio is surprising (Table 3.1). Coenagrion mercuriale has a similar distribution in the UK, although it is less common and is restricted to only a few NVC types. Purse and Thompson (2009) found that the habitat of C. mercuriale at Upper Crockford, New Forest, represented five NVC communities (S19, Eleocharis palustris swamp; M21, Narthecium ossifragum-Sphagnum papillosum valley mire; M15; M25 and M29 definitions provided in Table 3.1). Furthermore, the species is known to be restricted to two specific habitat types throughout the UK; small, base-rich, lowland, heathland streams and calcareous streams and fens. The nine NVC communities where I. pumilio was present, fall into six major NVC vegetation types, compared with only two for C. mercuriale. This supports the findings of the analyses above that vegetation type and the underlying factors controlling plant communities, such as pH and conductivity, do not significantly affect the suitability of a site for I. pumilio. It is interesting that, although I. pumilio and C. mercuriale are often associated with heathland (Smallshire and Swash 2004; Rouquette and Thompson

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 61 2005), neither this study nor Purse and Thompson (2009) classified any vegetation type as heath as defined by NVC, both species appearing to prefer mire communities. Water depth could not be included in the analysis due to collinearity and as measurement of depth at the centre of the water was not possible at some sites. However, as all but two sites were previously inhabited by I. pumilio, it is unlikely that the range of depths was great enough to detect an effect, as bank angle and depth (irrespective of the water table) are unlikely to change. Ischnura pumilio is known to be able to tolerate fluctuating water levels to the point of complete drying out for short periods (Cham 1991; Fox et al. 1992; Cham 1992a) and this suggests that, within the range of shallow waters surveyed, depth is unlikely to be important. This is supported by the fact that I. pumilio was recorded, albeit in small numbers, at the deepest water bodies in this analysis, some of which were large pools that may have been several metres deep at the centre. This contradicts previous suggestions that I. pumilio is restricted to shallow, spring-fed water courses due to thermal requirements (Cham 1991; Fox and Cham 1994; Strange et al. 2007). As almost all of the sites had previously supported I. pumilio populations, those factors selected as predicting greater abundance may also be those required for its persistence at a site. Absence of I. pumilio from sites with past records is likely to be due, in the main, to those sites becoming overgrown and over-shaded. This was evidenced by a preference for some bare ground near water (mud cover), as observed previously (Cham 1991; Fox and Cham 1994) and a low level of shade. Increased odonate species count was associated with the absence of I. pumilio in the CCA analysis, which may be coincidental due to changing habitat conditions or may result from competition for resources, interspecific aggression or predation of I. pumilio by larger species. Similarly, the negative association with Cordulegaster boltonii and Libellula quadrimaculata may be due to predation by these species or to their preference for acidic conditions and, in the case of C. boltonii, fast flowing water. A positive association with C. boltonii has been previously suggested (Fox 1987), but this seems unlikely given their different habitat preferences. Large dragonflies, such as C. boltonii, may cover large areas every day and so may visit areas preferred by I. pumilio, particularly where they are close to faster running water such as at Latchmoor. Libellula depressa was not associated with I. pumilio as might be expected given the latter’s tendency to colonise newly formed ponds and mineral workings. This species was more common where I. pumilio was absent than where it was present (5 and 4 observations respectively). The relative closeness of Coenagrion mercuriale and Ceriagrion tenellum to I. pumilio on the ordination plots, suggests frequent co-occurrence and is in agreement with the observations of Fraser (1941). The plots also suggest that I. pumilio is equally associated with Lestes sponsa, at least in terms of its preference for the measured environmental variables. Despite the associations discussed here, the GLM revealed that the significant environmental variables we identified are better predictors of I. pumilio abundance than other odonate species. No direct measurement of pollution or water quality was made in this study, but it was apparent from the variety of conditions supporting I. pumilio populations that water quality was not of major importance. Figure 3.5 illustrates the range of conditions in which I. pumilio was recorded. An element of pollution at a site may not exclude I. pumilio as previously suggested (Fox and Cham 1994; Daguet 2005), but may in fact favour the species by exclusion of other odonates or suppression of vegetation to maintain an early-successional habitat type, as at Great Wheal Seton and other Cornish ex-industrial sites (Jones 1985). The records of I. pumilio from motorway storm-water retention ponds, with high concentrations of copper and zinc in the top sediment layer and herbicides in the water column (Scher and Thièry 2005), support the suggestion that the species can tolerate considerable levels of pollution.

62 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

Figure 3.5. From top left to bottom right: Great Wheal Seton, Cornwall, the most visibly polluted I. pumilio site; close-up of water at Great Wheal Seton; Stepper Point, Cornwall, a coastal site with the highest conductivity of those with I. pumilio records in this study; Latchmoor, New Forest, a relatively undisturbed, unpolluted stronghold site for I. pumilio. The two sites considered ideal I. pumilio habitat, which had no past records were Wimal Ford and Newlyn East Downs (S. Jones, pers. com.). These sites had values mainly within the ideal range for any of the significant predictors of I. pumilio habitat, but colonisation by the species was not recorded. Newlyn East Downs had deeper mud than most I. pumilio sites, which could not be included in the GLM due to collinearity. However, it seems unlikely that mud depth would be highly influential as neither larvae nor adults utilise mud per se. Neither of the sites is particularly isolated relative to other I. pumilio sites and both appear to be suitable habitat. Development of an effective conservation strategy requires detailed knowledge of the habitat requirements of all life stages (Thompson et al. 2003). Therefore, the findings of this study cannot represent the full range of habitat requirements of I. pumilio or the other species considered. Larval habitat is potentially more important than adult habitat as larvae are confined to the water body (Thomas 1994; Hardersen 2008). Vegetation preferences may be stronger in larvae as plants provide shelter from predators (Thompson 1987; Elkin and Baker 2000) and are also important for foraging (Convey 1988). Water temperature is likely to be important for larvae (Hickling et al. 2005) along with the physical conditions that influence it such as depth of water and over-shading. To date, no study of larval habitat associations in I. pumilio has been undertaken, possibly because of the difficulty of distinguishing larvae and exuviae from those of the co-occurring I. elegans, although reliable methods are available (S. Jones, pers. com.). Additionally, Fraser (1949) noted that I. pumilio nymphs were difficult to dredge due their concealment in vegetation.

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 63 3.4.3 Ischnura pumilio habitat use

The importance of habitat away from water was emphasised by the findings of this study. On average, 52 percent of females were captured in vegetation away from the immediate water area and this increased during poor weather. The distance of males from water changed very little during poor weather. This indicates that females spend more of their time foraging and sheltering in vegetation and move to water to mate only during favourable weather (Banks and Thompson 1987; Anholt 1992; Stoks 2001a, b). In a study of Somatochlora hineana, Foster and Soluk (2006) found females spent more time away from breeding habitat and attributed this to avoidance of harassment by males. Harassment is costly to females in terms of energy expenditure, foraging time lost and potential damage during forced mating attempts (Corbet 1999; Foster and Soluk 2006). Males on the other hand were likely to be captured at water at similar frequencies regardless of weather. This might be expected as increased time at the water will increase the potential number of matings a male can make. Tandem and copulating pairs of I. pumilio were frequently observed in surrounding vegetation during good weather. The maximum recorded distance of a mating from water was 55m (maximum for any capture 101m) and 30 per cent of matings were recorded at more than 10m from water. Whether mating commenced in these locations or mating pairs moved away from water once in copula, this highlights the importance of the surrounding area for providing protection, from displacement behaviour from other males, during copulation. Foster and Soluk (2006) observed that males may optimise their mating rate by seeking out females where they are most abundant. They attributed the absence of this behaviour in S. hineana to reduced reproductive success in males mating away from water, because fully receptive females re-mate when returning to water. Both dragonflies and damselflies have mechanisms that ensure the last male to mate with a female has a high proportion of the fertilisation precedence when oviposition takes place immediately after mating (Corbet 1999). A female leaving the hinterland to mate at water is likely to be receptive and ready to oviposit immediately. This will reduce the sperm precedence of males from previous matings in the hinterland. I. pumilio was frequently observed mating away from water, which may result in reduced reproductive success. One explanation for this is that pairs move away from water after commencing copulation to avoid displacement behaviour by other males. Alternatively, some males may remain in the hinterland, or visit it periodically, and mate with any females they encounter. These males will obtain high fertilisation precedence in some of those matings when, by chance, they mate with a female that is ready to oviposit. It is common for MRR studies to capture more individuals at high temperatures, low wind speeds and low levels of cloud cover (e.g. Ward and Mill 2006) and most studies are conducted only during these conditions. All odonates require solar energy to reach a sufficient body temperature for flight. When this temperature is not reached, the animal will be unable to move away from its roosting location, resulting in the increased number observed in the hinterland during poor weather in this study. The effects of wind speed, cloud cover and other weather variables on odonate behaviour are all likely to be ultimately related to their effect on ambient temperature, with the additional risk of damage to individuals flying during strong winds (Ward and Mill 2006). The protection from wind and low temperatures offered by the tussocky vegetation used for roosting was discussed in the previous section. Other studies of odonates have found the area surrounding water to be important. A study of Coenagrion puella and I. elegans at a group of ponds made 75 per cent of all sightings more than 45m from water (Conrad et al. 2002). In a survey of dragonfly species, Bried and Ervin (2006) found that mean abundance did not change with distance from water up to 160m. Furthermore, males were more frequent within 40m of

64 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies water and females between 130 and 160m. Samways and Steytler (1996) recommended that a 20m riparian strip of indigenous shrubs should be maintained between river and trees to attract odonates such as Chorolestes tessallatus and Cordulegaster boltonii in South Africa. Coenagrion mercuriale chose roosting locations based on suitable vegetation, rather than minimal distance from water and were evenly distributed throughout 50×50m plots (Rouquette and Thompson 2007b). The study also determined that diurnal perching vegetation was different to nocturnal roosting vegetation, suggesting that daytime surveys do not capture the entire range of habitat utilised by a species and emphasising the importance of roosting vegetation. The width of an effective buffer will depend on the species or species assemblage in question. At Latchmoor only 1.1 per cent of captures were over 50m from water and only 5.8 per cent over 25m from water. However, at sites with lower habitat quality, individuals may have to fly further to roost and it must be ensured that areas for roosting are maintained within a reasonable distance based on the species’ movement capacity. The increased proportion of female captures as the day progressed indicates that females become more active later in the day. In contrast, Ward and Mill (2006) found that activity of both male and female Calopteryx splendens exhibited two peaks, at approximately 11am and 2pm. However, I. pumilio does not become active until late morning and remains active until mid evening (pers obs; Verdonk 1979) unlike many other damselflies, which commence and cease activity earlier in the day (Banks and Thompson 1985b; Corbet 1999; Ward and Mill 2006). Ischnura elegans females are known to oviposit during the last few hours before sunset (Miller 1987) and I. pumilio may behave similarly. Unfortunately, oviposition was witnessed on very few occasions during both field seasons, which lends support to this hypothesis, as fieldwork ceased several hours before sunset. However, females are perhaps at their most cryptic during oviposition., Ovipositing females were extremely hard to follow as their green colouration gives them the appearance of small emergent leaves and stems.

3.4.4 Conservation implications

Threats to I. pumilio’s persistence have been identified as continued mineral extraction at quarry sites, lack of habitat management, serial succession and scrub encroachment, water pollution and disturbance of aquifer fed spring lines leading to loss of habitat (Daguet 2005). However, it seems that I. pumilio can inhabit a broad range of habitat types. Jones (1985) noted that the species is able to survive in the potentially toxic waters of previous tin mining sites and the species persisted at one such site in Cornwall in 2006 (Great Wheal Seton). Continued mineral extraction may not present a problem provided new habitat for colonisation is created by the process. However, succession, scrub encroachment and lack of management that allows these processes to occur, are all likely to be detrimental. This study identifies habitat features that would assist the development of a conservation management plan for I. pumilio. Although neither grazing nor human disturbance were selected in the final model, they seem the ideal method for maintaining the degree of openness required by I. pumilio (Fox and Cham 1994). Grazing and poaching by New Forest cattle and ponies creates the open, muddy areas characteristic of the best of the I. pumilio sites described here, Latchmoor. Grazing also maintains the early-successional status of a site and suppresses the growth of over- shading larger vegetation. Ischnura pumilio was previously thought to have specific habitat requirements, based mostly on anecdotal evidence (Fox 1987; 1989; Cham 1990; 1991; 1992a; Fox and Cham 1994). Some of the features, previously thought to be important, did not feature in this study. The species was found in habitats with a range of water depths, management regimes and levels of pH, pollution, grazing and disturbance. However,

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 65 as previously suggested, the sites surveyed were generally slow-flowing, with some bare ground in and around the water’s edge and relatively open in terms of shade from tall vegetation. Before application of these findings to conservation projects, particularly at lower latitudes, it would be desirable to validate the models by applying them to data sets from other regions (Guisan et al. 2002). I. pumilio reaches the northern limit of its range in the UK and the niches it is able to occupy may rapidly become narrower towards the margins of its range as conditions become increasingly prohibitive. The pronounced ecological flexibility of I. pumilio has been attributed to its high chromosome number, compared to other species in the Coenagrionidae family, which increases the recombination index and potentially allows an increased capacity for ecological adaptation (Kiauta 1979). Genetic analysis of the UK I. pumilio population will reveal the level of genetic distinction between regions, but genetically distinct populations may also have evolved different habitat selection (Whittingham et al. 2007). Therefore, these results may not be useful in other geographical areas. Transferability of habitat models has been demonstrated in other insects (e.g. Bonn and Schröder 2001; Binzenhöfer et al. 2005) but has not been attempted with odonate species. Unfortunately, the data set analysed here was too small to split for model building and validation. Management of a habitat will depend on whether the priority is conservation of the maximum number of species or a single species such as I. pumilio. Maintenance of vegetation that is low level, but structurally diverse, at sites with shallow water will favour less common species such as I. pumilio, O. coerulescens and the nationally rare Coenagrion mercuriale. Ischnura pumilio requires a low level of bare ground (Cham 1991; Fox et al. 1992), specifically shallow mud. It is associated with low overall odonate species count. Management for other species, or assemblages of species, would require different criteria. It is clear that any designated conservation area should include the adjacent hinterland, which may not be covered by current laws restricting wetland development (Foster and Soluk 2006), but is recognised by the IUCN Odonata Specialist Group as key to conserving odonates globally (Moore 1997). These areas should certainly be included in any studies of odonates and their habitat, as different individuals may be present and may exhibit different behaviours.

66 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

4 Estimating survival rates and populations sizes in Ischnura pumilio populations

Chapter summary

This chapter presents the results of population modelling techniques applied to the I. pumilio data sets from 2005 and 2006. This is the first MRR study of damselflies to apply multistate modelling techniques. Key findings were: • There was little or no difference in survival between males and females, but recapture rats were lower in females. Future studies should be designed to cover all areas used for feeding, mating, ovipositing and all other behaviours, to ensure females at all stages of maturity are well represented. • Survival rates declined both linearly with individual age and more generally through the flight season as the population aged. A tendency for mites to reduce survival was indicated, but was not statistically significant. • No effect of leg removal on survival was detected. This is an important finding for studies using concurrent behavioural and genetic analyses, as a leg is often removed for DNA extraction. • This study demonstrates that transect walks represent a valuable, reliable and relatively uncomplicated solution to monitoring changes in population size in I. pumilio and more work should be done to establish a relationship across sites and years. • The size of the Cornish population in 2006 was considerably smaller than any of the C. mercuriale populations considered in Chapter 5, which is likely to have caused inbreeding and low levels of genetic variation. Furthermore, two Cornish populations have disappeared in the last ten years and at a third site only three individuals were recorded.

4.1 Introduction

Information about ecological parameters, such as survival rates and population sizes, can be crucial when considering a species’ conservation requirements. Differences in survival between groups within a population and the effect of external factors on survival rates can provide valuable information about how conservation management should be directed. The mark-release-recapture (MRR) methodology is widely used and well established for studying survival and estimating population sizes in wild populations. Odonates are particularly suitable for study using MRR methods because they are easily captured and marked, have a relatively short adult life span and are restricted to aquatic habitats and surrounding areas. Many MRR studies of survival in odonates have been conducted and these commonly report higher survival rates in males than

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 67 females (Banks and Thompson 1985b; Fincke 1986; Michiels and Dhondt 1989). However, many of these studies did not consider differences in recapture probabilities between groups within the population, instead assuming an animal to be dead or dispersed if not re-sighted (Michiels and Dhondt 1989; Anholt 1991; Cordero 1995). If groups differ in their probability of recapture (for example, due to behavioural differences between sexes) then differences in re-sighting rates cannot be directly attributed to differences in survival. It has often been suggested that lower recapture probabilities in female odonates lead to reduced survival estimates (Garrison and Hafernik 1981; Hinnekint 1987; Cordero 1994). Modern techniques for modelling MRR data provide estimates of survival that account for differences in recapture probabilities. These methods are based on models developed by Cormack (1964), Jolly (1965) and Seber (1965). Lebreton et al. (1992) have recently extended them to consider the effects of time, age and categorical variables (e.g. sex), as well as external covariates such as weather. Using these methods Cordero Rivera and Andrés (1999) found that survival rates did not differ between the sexes, but recapture rates were reduced in female Ischnura pumilio. The same was found by Anholt (1997) in a population of Lestes disjunctus, where the recapture rate of males was 2.5 times that of females. However, Anholt et al. (2001) captured a greater number of males than females in both C. puella and I. elegans. MRR modelling revealed that the cause was a greater male recapture rate in the former and greater male survival in the latter. Advances in multistate MRR models (Arnason 1973; Schwarz et al. 1993; Lebreton and Pradel 2002) allow individuals to move between a set of states in the intervals between captures. Survival and recapture probabilities may be estimated separately for individuals in each state, along with the probability of transition between states. States may be defined as geographical sites or categorical individual covariates which change over time, such as state of maturity or parasite load. Recent studies have used these methods to address questions relating to dispersal (Fric and Konvička 2002; Zimmerman et al. 2007) and reproductive tradeoffs (Rivalan et al. 2005; Townsend and Anderson 2007). Although many MRR studies of damselflies have been undertaken, this is the first to apply multistate modelling techniques and the first to use these techniques to consider the effect of parasitism on damselflies. This Chapter presents the results of single and multistate models analysing survival and recapture probabilities in two populations of I. pumilio in the south of England. The effects of sex, state of maturity, time, age, parasitism and weather were considered. The aim of this study was to inform conservation management by providing information on the factors that influence survival rates in I. pumilio populations. Information on recapture rates and their influencing factors will also be useful in determining effective survey techniques for future studies of the species. The original focus of mark-recapture models was the estimation of population size (Schwarz and Seber 1999). Although, in recent years, the emphasis has moved to estimation of survival rates, sophisticated and accurate population size estimates are still very useful in conservation management;, these estimates are rare for odonate populations. The transect walk method of monitoring population size was originally developed for butterflies (Pollard 1977), but has also been used to monitor populations of dragonflies (Jenkins 1986). This gives a measure of relative abundance that may reflect variation in absolute population size. The advantage of this method is that it can be carried out by virtually untrained field workers (e.g. members of the public) and so has led to the accumulation of some very large data sets (e.g. Butterfly Monitoring Scheme database). However, these methods are subject to bias because of the heterogeneity of sighting (capture) probabilities as described above. Furthermore, in species, such as odonates, which exist as adults for only one year or season, the total population size for that period might be of interest. Transect walks do not account for

68 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies repeat sightings of individuals on several occasions, but consider those visible on each individual occasion as independent events. Recapture rates from open population models were used to produce Horvitz-Thompson estimates of daily and total population size and estimates of its variance (Horvitz and Thompson 1952; Pollard 1977; McDonald and Amstrup 2001). The relationship between these estimates and those produced using other methods, for example simultaneously collected transect walk data, was also examined.

4.2 Methods

4.2.1 Study sites and populations

The two populations studied were those at Latchmoor Brook, New Forest and Great Wheal Seton, Cornwall and are described in Chapter 2. MRR data collection followed the methods described in Chapter 2. Two thousand and fifty-two individuals were captured, marked and released in 2005. A further 12 individuals that were found dead were included in the analysis. In 2006, 252 individuals were captured and no dead individuals were recovered. Capture histories for each individual were constructed and survival and recapture probabilities (and transition probabilities for multistate analyses) were analysed using the program MSURGE (Choquet et al. 2004). Capture histories from 2005 were gathered into two-day intervals as the data was too sparse in single day interval format. A multistate approach was used to model survival, recapture and transition probabilities for the 2005 data set. States were defined as state of maturity (immature or mature, as defined in Chapter 2) to investigate a potential difference in demographic rates before and after maturation. The same data were used to consider the effect of parasite load on survival and recapture rates, again this used a multistate approach. Only the first 20 two-day capture occasions were used for the mite analysis, as the number of damselflies and mites that were observed began to decline after this time and sparse data can cause problems identifying effects. Individuals with incomplete histories of mite load were also omitted, leaving 1737 individuals in this dataset. Single state models were applied to the 2006 data set to estimate survival and recapture rates in the Cornish population and compare them with the New Forest population. It was not necessary to gather this data set into two-day capture occasions. A subset of the 2006 data was used to test the effect, on individual damselflies, of removing a leg for genetic analyses, as this practice is commonly used during MRR studies (e.g. Watts et al. 2007a). A leg was taken from alternate individuals within each sex, until approximately 30 legs from each sex (33 male and 28 female) were obtained. The capture histories of these individuals, along with the first 30 from each sex captured without leg removal, formed the data set for the legs analysis.

4.2.2 Models and assumptions

The Jolly-Seber (JS) method (Jolly 1965; Seber 1965) uses summary statistics of numbers of marked and unmarked animals at each capture occasion to compute estimates of population size (Nt), survival rates (φt), recruitment numbers (Bt) and recapture probabilities (pt). The following assumptions are typically listed for the JS model (Amstrup et al. 2005).

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 69 1. Every animal alive in the population (marked and unmarked) at a given capture occasion (t) has an equal chance (pt) of being captured (assumption of equal catchability). 2. Every animal in the population at a given capture occasion (t) has an equal chance of survival (φt) to the next capture occasion. 3. Marked animals do not lose their marks and marks are not overlooked. 4. Sampling periods are short relative to the intervals between them (recapture duration assumption). 5. Emigration is permanent. The Cormack-Jolly-Seber model (Cormack 1964; Jolly 1965; Seber 1965) only requires information on the recaptures of marked animals and that these animals are representative of the population. This model is implemented using iterative techniques based on individual capture histories and probabilistic models for the events that give rise to those histories. Two primary parameters are used: the probability of a marked animal surviving and remaining in the population from time t to time t+1 (φt); and the probability that a marked animal in the population is captured at time t (pt). The complete likelihood for the CJS model is the product of the probabilities for each capture history (Seber 1982; Lebreton et al. 1992). Maximum likelihood estimation allows estimates of the model parameters, φt and pt, to be obtained. All parameters are time specific under this model. The first capture probability cannot be estimated and the final survival and recapture probabilities cannot be separately estimated, only their product. The assumptions typically listed for the CJS model include those listed above for the JS model (assumptions 1 and 2 refer only to marked individuals in the case of the CJS) and one further assumption (Amstrup et al. 2005): 6. The fate (recapture and survival probability) of each animal is independent of any other in the population. Where group membership can change unpredictably through time, the CJS model can be generalised to include multiple states. These multistate models were initially developed to consider movement between geographical areas, but can also be used to consider states such as level of parasitism. The first of these models was the conditional Arnason-Schwarz (CAS) model (Arnason 1973; Schwarz et al. 1993) and produces estimates of the probability of transition (ψ) between groups, conditional on survival, as well as survival (φ) and recapture (p) probabilities. In addition to variation through time, parameters in multistate models are also permitted to vary with current and previous state. Survival parameters are not permitted to vary with current state as transitions are assumed to happen instantaneously immediately before each capture interval, therefore, survival cannot be influenced by state of arrival. CAS models do not allow recapture probabilities to depend on previous state, but a further generalisation to the Jolly-move (JMV) model (Brownie et al. 1993) allows this dependency. In addition to the CJS assumptions listed above, multistate models make the following further assumptions: 7. State of recapture is recorded without error. 8. Movement probabilities are equal for all individuals in a given state at time t. 9. Movement and recapture probabilities do not depend on the past history of the animal (memoryless assumption). Assumptions 1 and 2 are frequently violated in field studies, as recapture and survival rates often vary as a function of individual attributes. Substantial attention has been devoted to modelling this variation and allowing survival (φ) and recapture (p) probabilities to be modelled as functions of time specific covariates such as

70 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies environmental conditions and to vary between groups within the population (e.g. Lebreton et al. 1992). The full time dependence of the CJS model may be too general in some cases and survival or recapture probabilities which are constant over time may be more appropriate. The methodology of Lebreton et al. (1992), based on the CJS model, but also applicable to multistate models, allows these problems to be accounted for by comparing reduced parameter models. The population may be partitioned into sub-populations or groups, to consider the effect of variables such as sex and age (here defined as time since first capture). Time specific external covariates such as environmental variables may also be considered as potential effects on parameters. These additional effects may be applied only to survival probabilities, only to recapture probabilities or to both. Models may be specified so that two or more effects that influence a parameter do so in an interactive or additive manner.

4.2.3 Model selection

Model selection is performed by first choosing a fully-parameterised starting model that accounts for the major structural features of the data, then reducing the parameterisation of subsequent models toward a more parsimonious model. The CAS model was used as the starting model for the 2005 maturity and mite analyses. This was preferred to the JMV as the dependence of capture probabilities on either state of maturity or mite load at the previous capture occasion, did not seem particularly biologically meaningful. Also, reduced parameterisation of recapture specification allows greater power to consider effects on survival. The single state analyses of the 2006 data used the CJS model. The best model in a candidate set is identified using the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), which selects the most parsimonious model according to the formula AIC = 2k – 2ln(L), where k is the number of parameters and L is the likelihood function. This methodology attempts to find the model that best explains the data with a minimum number of parameters, this model has the lowest AIC value. Model selection was performed in stages because of the vast number of possible parameter combinations. As transition parameters were of least interest, these were dropped from the model first, keeping full parameterisation for survival and recapture. Next, the recapture parameters were reduced, keeping full parameterisation for survival. At the end of each stage, the model with the lowest AIC value was used for parameter reduction in the next stage. For example, if ψf was selected as the best model for transition parameters, then at the next stage of model selection, considering recapture parameters, ψf was used in the model specifications. Deleted effects from model specifications with similar AIC values to the “best” model at the end of each stage were added to the best model at the end of the following stage, to confirm that the hypothesised effects were still unsupported (Lebreton et al. 1992). For example, the second and third best models for transition parameters were reconsidered once the best model for recapture parameters had been found. An a priori set of models was defined to include and exclude each of the considered effects in an interactive manner. Additive effects were also included where they seemed biologically plausible. A degree of post hoc model simplification was then undertaken to ensure the selected effects should be included in the best model. A list of all considered models for each analysis appears in Appendix 2.

Normalised Akaike weights (wi) were used to consider the relative plausibility of the best models given the data (Burnham and Anderson 1998). These weights were calculated as exp(−ΔAIC / 2) w = {exp(−ΔAIC / 2)} ∑

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 71 Akaike weights not only show which model is best, but also by how much in relation to the next best model. They allow statements to be made about the results, without resorting to arbitrary significance levels and they can be thought of as the probability that a model is correct or the proportion of support for it in the data (Cooch and White 2006).

4.2.4 Goodness of fit tests

Model selection, based on AIC, requires that at least one model in the set fits the data adequately. Otherwise, overparameterised models may be incorrectly selected because of inflated model deviance values. This can lead to incorrect biological conclusions and bias in parameter estimates (Pradel et al. 2005). Therefore, the umbrella, or most general, model must be shown to fit the data using goodness of fit (GOF) tests. Begon (1983) showed that less than 11 per cent of studies using the Jolly- Seber method quantitatively addressed or discussed the assumptions of the model. Since then several general methods for testing GOF have been developed (Pradel et al. 2005). Modern GOF procedures allow a global test of fit to the CJS model (Pollock et al. 1985) which incorporates specialised tests for transience (Pradel et al. 1997a) and trap dependence (Pradel 1993). These tests and the multistate equivalents are implemented in the program UCARE, allowing the user to formally test the fit of the relevant model to the data. Departures from underlying assumptions indicated by GOF tests can be of two types: structural failure of the model or extra-binomial variation (Lebreton et al. 1992). Structural failure due to transience (Brownie and Robson 1983) or trap dependence (Pradel 1993; Gimenez et al. 2003) can be accounted for by modifying the umbrella model to incorporate these effects. Once structural problems are resolved, extra- binomial variation can be caused by heterogeneity of true survival and recapture rates and/or failure of the ‘iii assumption’ (independence of fates and identity of rates between individuals, a combination of assumptions 1, 2 and 6). This can be summarised by a variance inflation factor ĉ, which indicates the amount of residual variation present in the data (Lebreton et al. 1992). There are several methods for calculation of ĉ (Cooch and White 2006), but this study uses that recommended by Lebreton et al. (1992), which is the ratio χ2/df (pooled chi squared statistics and degrees of freedom from GOF tests). This is modified when structural modifications to the umbrella model are made, by subtracting the values for χ2 and degrees of freedom from the relevant component of the GOF test. For example, if transience is indicated 2 2 then ĉ is calculated as (overall χ – test 3G.SR χ )/(overall df - test 3G.SR df) (Choquet et al. 2005b). GOF tests were implemented using the program UCARE 2.2 (Choquet et al. 2005b). UCARE tests the fit of the JMV model to the data for multistate and the CJS model to single state data. A further test of the suitability of the CAS model, as the umbrella model for a multistate data set, can be performed using a likelihood ratio test (LRT) of the JMV vs. the CAS models (Pradel et al. 2003). A likelihood ratio test (LRT) is used to test for a significant difference in fit between two nested models. Provided the reduced parameter model is satisfactory, the difference in deviance between the two models is distributed as χ2, with degrees of freedom equal to the difference in number of parameters (Cooch and White 2006). Therefore, a non-significant result indicates that the two models fit the data equally well and the simpler of the two should be preferred based on parsimony. As the CAS model is nested within the JMV, the CAS is a suitable umbrella provided the LRT test is not significant.

72 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

4.2.5 Model specification

In all analyses it was expected that survival and recapture probabilities could be dependent on sex (s) and/or time (t). Survival probabilities might also depend on age. Multistate analyses allowed survival, recapture and transition probabilities to be modelled with an effect of state. State of departure is symbolised “f” (from) and state of arrival “to”; transition and recapture parameters can be modelled with an effect of both or either, but only an effect of state of departure on survival can be considered. For the 2005 analysis, states were defined as immature and mature (as defined in Chapter 2). As an individual cannot become immature once mature, the probability of that transition was set to zero when specifying the models. For the mite analysis, states were defined as mite load categories. Individuals were assigned to one of three states: no mites, low mite load (1 to 4 mites) or high mite load (5 or more mites, maximum 33). Where the damselfly was captured on both days of the capture occasion, the maximum mite number during the two-day period was used. The effect of various daily weather variables (maximum temperature, minimum temperature, rainfall, solar radiation, wind speed, cloud cover) were included in the analysis as covariates of time, along with a negative linear trend as a potential effect of age.

4.2.6 Population size estimates

Estimates of recapture probabilities from the best models in each analysis were used to calculate estimates of population size using a Horvitz-Thompson type estimator (Horvitz and Thompson 1952; McDonald and Amstrup 2001). The estimated population size (Nt) at each time (t) is calculated as:

Nt = nt / pt

where nt is the number of individuals recorded during each capture period and pt is the recapture probability for that period. Variances for the estimates were calculated using the following formula (McDonald and Amstrup 2001):

n ˆ 2 ˆ ˆ 2 ⎡n (1− pˆ ) nitσ ˆ nit (1− pit )σ ˆ ⎤ vaˆr(Nˆ ) = ⎢ it it + pit + pit ⎥ t ∑ ˆ 2 ˆ 3 ˆ 4 i =1 ⎣⎢ pit pit pit ⎦⎥

Approximate 95 per cent confidence interval for the population size estimates were calculated using the Wald method (Evans et al. 1996).

Nˆ ± 1.96√var( Nˆ )

Where the calculated value for the lower limit was less than the numbers seen, the lower limit was amended to equal the numbers seen (Huggins 1989). Confidence intervals calculated using the Wald method perform well for estimates based on a large sample size when compared to bootstrapped or profile likelihood methods, which are far more computationally intense (Evans et al. 1996). Therefore, the intervals estimated for population size estimates, in the central portion of the study period, are likely to be good. However, estimates at the start and end of the study period may be more unreliable and are specifically likely to underestimate the upper limit (Evans et al. 1996). However, given the time required to make more sophisticated estimates, such as profile likelihood, the confidence intervals estimated using the Wald method were judged to be adequate for these analyses. To obtain an estimate of total population size, this method was repeated using newly captured individuals only. This requires that unmarked individuals have the same

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 73 capture rate as marked individuals, as the models make no recapture estimate for the first capture occasion. This assumption was justified as no difference in behaviour or visibility was noted between the two groups. The estimated number of new individuals was calculated, as above, and summed to obtain a total estimate. Variances for daily estimates were also summed to give an overall variance estimate (M. Spencer, pers. com.). Although some individuals were omitted from the data set used in the modelling procedure, due to missing data, all were used in the calculation of population size because an accurate value for numbers seen is required. Individuals missing data on number of mites were assigned to the 0 mites category, as this was the most common category (86.9 per cent of all captures). For comparison, daily population size was also estimated using the Jolly-Seber (JS) method, as implemented in the program Simply Tagging (Pisces Conservation, 2003). The two series of estimates were compared to numbers of unique individuals seen and minimum numbers alive (MNA) at each occasion. MNA is the sum of all individuals known to be alive during each capture period. An individual is known to be alive if it was captured during a capture session, or was captured before and after that capture session. To compare the various methods I. pumilio data was combined with Coenagrion mercuriale data from Chapter 5 and one pair of daily estimates from each site (individual C. mercuriale sites considered separately) to form two datasets. The first contained maximum HT estimates for each site and the corresponding daily number of captures. The second contained every population size estimate (number of captures, HT, JS and MNA) for a randomly selected day at each site. On 18 consecutive days in 2006 a transect walk was conducted at Great Wheal Seton, Cornwall, by walking an established route through the habitat and counting the number of individuals observed using a method adapted from Pollard and Yates (1994). Although partly determined by the structure of the site and the walkways within it, the route was designed to cover the range of habitat types in the site, from good to poor. Walks were conducted between 11am and 3pm to limit diurnal and temperature related effects on observed numbers (Harker and Shreeve 2008). Males and females were counted separately as they are easy to distinguish in this species. These counts were compared to their corresponding daily HT estimates. Statistical analyses were performed in R 2.4.0 (R Development Core Team 2005). A map of the transect walk route is shown in Appendix 1.

4.3 Results

4.3.1 2005 analysis

Initial GOF tests revealed that the JMV model ψf*to*t φf*t pf*to*t was strongly rejected for males (χ2 = 148.216, P = 0.001, df = 98) but supported for females (χ2 = 122.582, P = 0.992, df = 163). Examination of the component tests revealed that males failed test 3G.SR (χ2 = 58.391, P = 0.001, df = 21), which considers the null hypothesis that there is no difference in the probability of being reencountered between new and old individuals. This initial structural failure was accounted for by including a two-age-class effect on survival (Brownie and Robson 1983) to account for a transience (individuals passing through the population) or marking effect. The two-age-class effect allows survival estimates to vary between the first interval and all subsequent intervals. The umbrella model to be used in this analysis was the CAS model, so a further likelihood

74 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies ratio test of JMV vs. CAS was performed. The LRT test revealed no difference in fit between the two umbrella models (χ2 = 24.617, P = 1, df = 104) so model simplification proceeded from the CAS. GOF tests indicated that the data violated the memoryless assumption (that transition between states does not depend on previous states) as test WBWA was significant. This is due to the definition of states as immature and mature, transition between them can only have one direction. This type of departure, from the assumptions of multistate models, may be dealt with by use of memory models (Brownie and Robson 1983). These are beyond the scope of this report. Alternatively, a variance inflation factor can be applied (Pradel et al. 2005; Choquet et al. 2005b). The variance inflation factor, ĉ, was calculated as (overall χ2 – test 3G.SR χ2) / (overall df - test 3G.SR df) (Choquet et al. 2005b; Pradel, pers. comm.). A value of 0.888 was obtained for ĉ, indicating underdispersion in the data. When data are overdispersed, indicated by a ĉ value greater than 1, this can be accounted for by modifying AIC calculations using ĉ to give a QAICc value. However, when ĉ <1 the default value of 1 is retained because this suggests no lack of fit and no modification of the AIC is necessary (Amstrup et al. 2005; Cooch and White 2006). Underdispersion can be an artefact of sparse data (Schwarz 2002) and this is supported by the problems encountered modelling the data in single day interval format.

Table 4.1 The best 10 models based on AIC values for the 2005 maturity analysis. Number of parameters (NP), model deviance, Akaike information criterion (AIC), AIC differences (ΔAIC) and AIC weights. Subscripts – a = age (NL indicates negative linear effect, 2 indicates two-age-class effect), f = state of maturity on previous occasion, to = state of maturity at current occasion, s = sex, t = time. Model NP Dev AIC Δ AIC AIC weight Ψf*s φ[a NL]+t+f*s pt+s 59 12027.557 12145.557 0.0000 0.7053 Ψf*s φ[a NL]+t+f pt+s 57 12033.707 12147.707 2.150 0.2407 Ψf*s φ[a NL]+t pt+s 56 12040.848 12152.848 5.141 0.1831 Ψf φ[a NL]+t+f pt+s 56 12054.981 12166.981 19.274 0.0002 Ψf φ[a NL]+t+f pto [t+s] 81 12005.647 12167.647 19.940 0.0001 Ψf φ[a NL]+t pt+s 55 12063.141 12173.141 25.434 0.0000 Ψf*s φa2+t+f pto*[t+s] 83 12007.443 12173.443 25.736 0.0000 Ψf φa+t+f pto*[t+s] 100 11979.931 12179.931 32.224 0.0000 Ψf φa+f+t+s pto*[t+s] 101 11977.988 12179.988 32.281 0.0000 Ψf φa+t+s pto*[t+s] 99 11982.047 12180.047 32.340 0.0000

Values of deviance, AIC, difference in AIC, AIC weight and number of parameters for the best 10 models are listed in Table 4.1. In excess of 90 models were tested and these are listed in Appendix 1. Using AIC as the tool for model selection, the model ψf*s φ[a NL]+t+f pt+s was the best explanation of the data. This indicates that survival rates varied with time and that maturity and age had an additive effect, the effect of age (defined here as time since first capture) was best described with a negative linear trend (symbolised NL; two-age-class symbolised a2). Recapture rates varied through time, with an additive effect of sex. Probability of transition between states depended on sex. Previous state of maturity also featured in the model specification, as transition can only occur if an individual is immature.

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 75 1.0



0.4 Survival probability

0.2 Immature males Mature males Immature females Mature females 0.0 0 2 4 6 8 101214161820222426 Capture occasion

Figure 4.1. Maximum likelihood estimates of survival probability for 2005 maturity data. Rates for newly captured individuals are shown. Lines connecting values for the same sex and state are intended for orientation only. Estimates were calculated by MSURGE using the model Ψf*s φ[a NL]+t+f*s pt+s.






0.5 Survival 0.4




0 0 2 4 6 8 101214161820222426 Capture occasion

Figure 4.2. Maximum likelihood estimates of survival probability for 2005 maturity data. Points at each capture occasion represent new individuals (age class 1) at the top, sequentially through age classes to the maximum age possible at that time at the bottom (e.g. age class 10 at occasion 10). Rates for mature individuals are shown. Lines connecting values for the same age class are intended for orientation only. Estimates were calculated by MSURGE using the model Ψf*s φ[a NL]+t+f*s pt+s.

76 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies


Males Females 0.8


0.4 Recapture probability


0.0 02468101214161820222426

Capture occasion Figure 4.3. Maximum likelihood estimates of recapture probability for 2005 maturity data. Lines connecting values for the same sex are intended for orientation only. Estimates and error bars representing 95 per cent confidence intervals were calculated by MSURGE using the model Ψf φ[a NL]+t+f pt+s.

The AIC weights show that this model had almost 3 times as much support in the data as the next model ψf*s φ[a NL]+t+f pt+s. Therefore, the best model was used to obtain parameter estimates, which are shown in Figs. 4.1 to 4.3. Final recapture and survival estimates are confounded when both are time dependent, as they cannot be estimated separately (Lebreton et al. 1992; Gimenez et al. 2003). Therefore, calculated values cannot be interpreted in the same way as all other estimates and have been omitted from figures where a fully time dependent model is shown.

Based on the model ψf*s φ[a NL]+t+f*g pt+s, survival in mature males and females was almost identical, but immature males had a greatly reduced probability of survival compared to both immature females and mature individuals (Fig. 4.1). Survival rates were lower for immature than mature individuals and decreased linearly (on a logit scale) with age, here defined as time since first capture (Fig. 4.2). Error bars are omitted from some figures in this chapter to aid interpretation, but the level of error in the estimates, as calculated by MSURGE, was generally large. Recapture rates were higher in males (Fig. 4.3). Both survival and recapture rates exhibited temporal variation, but neither was significantly influenced by any of the weather variables considered. The estimated probability of transition from immature to mature in any two- day period was 1 for males and 0.36 for females. The calculated two-daily survival rates from this study were converted to estimated daily survival rates by taking the square root (Cook et al. 1967), assuming that survival is approximately constant across two-day intervals. The average survival rate for mature male I. pumilio was 0.77 and for females 0.79, which correspond to daily rates of 0.88 and 0.89 respectively. For immature individuals, mean two daily and daily survival rates for males were 0.48 and 0.70 and for females 0.70 and 0.84, respectively.

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 77 4.3.2 Mites analysis

The I. pumilio population of Latchmoor Brook was parasitised by mites of the genus Hydryphantes. The larvae of these mites encounter adult damselfly hosts while walking on the water’s surface or nearby vegetation (Smith 1988) and can attach at emergence or later, for instance when damselflies visit the water for mating or oviposition. Of the 1737 individuals in this analysis, most had no mites at first capture (93.7 per cent of males and 78.3 per cent of females). Females were more intensely parasitised than males; 18.5 per cent had between 1 and 4 mites at first capture and 3.2 per cent had 5 or more, compared with 6.0 per cent and 0.3 per cent, respectively, in males. These percentages were almost identical when all captures and recaptures were considered. Mature females were also parasitised more frequently (1-4 mites 21.5 per cent, 5+ mites 4.8 per cent) than immature females (1-4 mites 7.6 per cent, 5+ mites 0.0 per cent), suggesting that mites continued to attach throughout a female’s life. The distribution of mites on newly captured individuals was non-random (Chi squared test against Poisson distribution, males: χ2 = 1324.89, df = 6, P < 0.001; females: χ2 = 15697.33, df = 11, P < 0.001). The variance to mean ratio of mite numbers recorded at each recapture indicated that the distribution of mites in males (8.02) and females (4.95) was aggregated in some individuals. Parasite load increased during the season and declined towards the end (Fig. 4.4).




0.4 Mites per individual Mites


0.0 0246810121416182022242628 Capture occasion Figure 4.4. Mean number of mites recorded per individual during the 2005 study period. Error bars represent 1 standard error.

The CAS model (ψf*to*t φf*t pto*t) was supported overall for males and females. However, closer examination of the individual tests revealed some evidence for structural failure because of a transience or marking effect on males; this is indicated by the near significance of the test 3G.SR (χ2 = 45.283, P = 0.060, df = 32). This was accounted for, as above, by starting model selection from a two-age-class model and removing the values of χ2 and degrees of freedom for test 3G.SR from the calculation of ĉ. This cautious approach was taken because an age effect was identified in the same data in the 2005 analysis. Females failed the M.LTEC test (χ2 = 14.708, P = 0.040, df = 7), which tests for a difference in the expected time and state of reencounter between those individuals encountered and not encountered at a given occasion. This can be accounted for with the variance inflation factor ĉ (Choquet et al. 2005b). An overall value of 0.574 was obtained for ĉ, so no modification was made to the default value of 1 in MSURGE. A likelihood ratio test of JMV vs. CAS showed that the two models fit the data equally well (χ2 = 49.468, P = 0.780, df = 58), therefore, the CAS model was used as the umbrella model.

78 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

Values of deviance, AIC, difference in AIC, AIC weight and number of parameters for the best 10 models tested are listed in Table 4.2. One hundred and fifteen models were tested and these are listed in Appendix 2. The model ψf*to+s φa2*s+t+f ps*to+t was the best explanation of the data, based on AIC. Model subscripts in this analysis were defined as: a - age, f – mite load on previous occasion, to – mite load on current occasion, s – sex and t - time. The AIC weights show that the second model had almost twice as much support in the data. The only difference between the models was an effect of parasitism on survival. An LRT test was performed to assess the significance of this effect. The result of the test was non-significant, although close to the 0.05 boundary (χ2 = 5.2559, P = 0.072, df = 2). Therefore, the simpler model, which excluded the effect of mites, should be preferred, based on parsimony. However, as the test was so close to significance, the model including parasite level was used to obtain parameter estimates in order to examine the effect on parameters. Examination of the parameter estimates indicated that transition and recapture parameters were unaffected by the inclusion of a mite effect on survival and that the effect of other variables on survival parameters was also unaffected.

Table 4.2 The best 10 models based on AIC values for the 2005 mites analysis. Number of parameters (NP), model deviance, Akaike information criterion (AIC), AIC differences (ΔAIC) and AIC weights. Subscripts – a = age (2 indicates two- age-class effect), f = mite load on previous occasion, to = mite load on current occasion, s = sex, t = time. Model NP Dev AIC ΔAIC AIC weight ψf*to+s φa2*s+t+f ps*to+t 55 8294.847 8404.847 0.000 0.6069 ψf*to+s φa2*s+t ps*to+t 53 8300.103 8406.103 1.256 0.3239 ψf*to+s φa2+t+f ps*to+t 53 8305.872 8411.872 7.025 0.0181 ψf*to φa2*s+t ps*to+t 52 8307.888 8411.888 7.041 0.0180 ψf*to+s φa2+t ps*to+t 51 8310.149 8412.149 7.302 0.0158 ψf*to+s φa2+f+t+s ps*to+t 54 8305.723 8413.723 8.876 0.0072 ψf*to+s φt+f ps*to+t 52 8311.669 8415.669 10.822 0.0027 ψf+to φa2*s+t ps*to+t 51 8313.682 8415.682 10.834 0.0027 ψf*to+s φa2*f+t ps*to+t 55 8305.97 8415.97 11.123 0.0023 ψf*to+s φs+t+f ps*to+t 53 8311.666 8417.666 12.819 0.0010

The model ψf*to+s φa2*s+t+f ps*to+t indicated that survival rates differed between new and recaptured individuals and between the sexes and that these effects were interactive (Fig. 4.5). Survival was greater for newly marked males than those later recaptured, but survival of newly marked females was reduced. Survival in recaptured individuals was marginally lower in males than females. Survival rates also decreased with increasing mite load (Fig. 4.6). The average survival rate for males was 0.67 and for females 0.71, which correspond to daily rates of 0.82 and 0.84, respectively. These values were converted into average life expectancies using the method recommended in Cook et al. (1967). The calculated life expectancy for males was 5.04 and for females 4.02 days. These values are considerably lower than the estimates of mean life span calculated from the original data as time between first and last capture (males = 8.23; females = 8.06 days). This may be due to some exceptionally long capture histories that bias the mean in the latter estimate. These calculations were not performed for the previous analysis; incorporating immature survival rates would require that mean survival was weighted by the number of days alive in each state, which is somewhat circular.

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 79 1.0



Survival 0.4

New males 0.2 Recap males New females Recap females

0.0 0 2 4 6 8 101214161820 Capture occasion Figure 4.5. Maximum likelihood estimates of survival probability, for 2005 mites data, showing the difference in rate between new and recaptured individuals and between males and females. Estimates for individuals with no mites are shown. Lines connecting values for the same sex and state are intended for orientation only. Estimates were calculated by MSURGE using the model Ψf*to+s φa2*s+t+f ps*to+t.




0.4 Survival probability

0.2 0 mites 1-4 mites 5+ mites 0.0 02468101214161820 Capture occasion

Figure 4.6. Maximum likelihood estimates of survival probability, for 2005 mites data, showing the effect of mite load on males after the first capture interval (females show same pattern). Lines connecting values for the same state are intended for orientation only. Estimates were calculated by MSURGE using the model Ψf*to+s φa2*s+t+f ps*to+t.

Recapture rates varied interactively with level of parasitism and sex and varied through time (Fig. 4.7). Individuals with a low mite load had the highest recapture probability in both sexes. Probability of transition between levels of parasitism was dependent on both previous and current mite load and also varied with sex (Table 4.3). Males were most likely to remain at the same level of parasitism, regardless of the preceding state, although transition from a low level to no mites was also common (0.395). Females were also highly likely to remain in the same state overall, but those with a low level of parasites were more likely to lose them all (0.542) than retain a low level (0.367).

80 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

Table 4.3 Probability of transition between levels of mite load calculated by program MSURGE using the model ψf*to+s φa2*s+t+f ps*to+t. Males Current Females Current Previous 0 1-4 5+ Previous 0 1-4 5+ 0 0.962 0.037 0.000 0 0.927 0.072 0.001 1-4 0.395 0.538 0.066 1-4 0.542 0.367 0.091 5+ 0.032 0.000 0.968 5+ 0.062 0.000 0.938

1.0 0 mites 1-4 mites 5+ mites 0.8


0.4 Recapture probability Recapture 0.2 (a)

0.0 0 2 4 6 8 101214161820 Capture occasion

1.0 0 mites 1-4 mites 5+ mites 0.8


0.4 Recapture probability Recapture 0.2 (b)

0.0 0 2 4 6 8 101214161820 Capture occasion Figure 4.7. Maximum likelihood estimates of recapture probability, for 2005 mites data, showing the effect of mite load on males (a) and females (b). Lines connecting values for the same state are intended for orientation only. Estimates were calculated by MSURGE using the model Ψf*to+s φa2*s+t+f ps*to+t.

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 81 4.3.3 2006 analysis

Initial GOF tests suggested a significant transience effect in males. Although test 3.SR for males was non-significant overall (χ2 = 21.607, P = 0.486, df = 22) sub-components of this test were significant. Therefore, a two-age-class effect on survival was included to allow comparison with the 2005 analysis. A value of 0.708 was obtained for ĉ, indicating underdispersion in the data. The default value of 1 was retained for the model selection process, as explained above.

Table 4.4 The best 10 models based on AIC values for the 2006 analysis. Number of parameters (NP), model deviance, Akaike information criterion (AIC), AIC Differences (ΔAIC) and AIC weights. Subscripts – a2 = two-age-class effect, s = sex, t = time (MX and MN indicate maximum and minimum temperature constraints respectively). Model NP Dev AIC ΔAIC AIC weight φa2 pt+s 28 2015.532 2071.532 0.000 0.178 φa2+t[MX] pt+s 29 2013.709 2071.709 0.177 0.163 φa2 pt 27 2018.137 2072.137 0.605 0.132 φa2+t[MN] pt+s 29 2014.231 2072.231 0.699 0.126 φa2+t[MX] pt 28 2016.403 2072.403 0.871 0.115 φa2+s pt+s 29 2015.487 2073.487 1.955 0.067 φa2+t[MX]+s pt+s 30 2013.565 2073.565 2.034 0.065 φa2*s pt+s 30 2013.661 2073.661 2.129 0.062 φa2+s pt 28 2017.896 2073.896 2.365 0.055 φa2*s pt 29 2016.691 2074.691 3.160 0.037

Values of deviance, AIC, difference in AIC, AIC weight and number of parameters for the best 10 models tested are listed in Table 4.4. In total, 38 models were tested and are listed in Appendix 2. The model φa2 pt+s was the best explanation of the data, based on AIC. Model subscripts in this analysis were defined as: a - age, s – sex and t - time. This model indicates that survival was reduced in the first interval following capture, compared with all subsequent intervals. Recapture rates varied through time with an additive effect of sex (Fig. 4.8).


Males Females 0.8


0.4 Recapture probability


0.0 0 2 4 6 8 101214161820222426

Capture occasion Figure 4.8. Maximum likelihood estimates of recapture probability for 2006 data. Lines connecting values for the same sex are intended for orientation only.

82 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

Estimates and error bars representing 95 per cent confidence intervals were calculated by MSURGE using the model Φa2 pt+s.

The AIC weights show that this model had a similar amount of support in the data as the next model φa2+t[MX] pt+s, which includes an effect of maximum temperature on survival. However, an analysis of deviance (ANODEV) revealed no significant effect of temperature (F(1,23) = 1.30, P = NS). An ANODEV is appropriate for testing the significance of cohort-level, as opposed to individual-level, covariates and is based on an F ratio (Skalski et al. 1993; Johannesen and Ims 1996). The test partitions models’ deviances in the way that ANOVA partitions models’ sums of squares and produces F ratios that are interpreted in the same way. In this case the numerator quantifies the amount of variation attributable to temperature and the denominator quantifies the residual temporal variation. The results of this analysis are presented in Table 4.5.

Table 4.5 Analysis of deviance testing for an effect of maximum temperature on survival rates I. pumilio (2006). Corrected total deviance and degrees of freedom (df) represent the difference in respective values between the models φa2+t pt+s and φa2 pt+s. Total covariate deviance and df represent the difference in values between models φa2 pt+s and φa2+t[MX] pt+s. Mean deviance (MD) is obtained by dividing deviance by its df, and F is the ratio (total covariate MD) / (error MD). Source df Deviance Mean Deviance F P Corrected total 24 34.113 Total covariate 1 1.823 1.823 1.298 NS Error 23 32.290 1.404

The third model in the list has 75 per cent as much support in the data as the best model, indicating that the effect of sex on recapture rate may not be significant. An LRT test to compare the models φa2 pt+s and φa2 pt indicated no significant difference in fit between them (χ2 = 2.605, P = 0.107, df = 1) therefore, the simpler model is preferred. This suggests that the effect of sex on recapture parameters is small and non- significant. This is illustrated in Fig. 4.8, which shows recapture parameter estimates from the best model, where values for males and females at a given interval are visibly similar. Daily survival rates from the best model were 0.71 for individuals in their first interval following capture and 0.88 for any subsequent interval. Average life expectancy was calculated as 7.82 days, based on the latter estimate and was greater than the mean life span calculated from the original data (6.42 days).

4.3.4 Legs analysis

GOF tests revealed no departure from the assumptions of the model φt pt in this subset of the 2006 data. A ĉ of 0.249 was calculated, indicating severe underdispersion of the data, which may be due to the small data set. The default value of 1 was again retained in the model selection process. Values of deviance, AIC, difference in AIC, AIC weight and number of parameters for the best 10 models tested are listed in Table 4.6. In total, 23 models were tested and are listed with the above values in Appendix 2. Model subscripts in this analysis were defined as: l - leg removal, s – sex and t - time. The model φi pi was the best explanation of the data, based on AIC. This indicates that, in this subset of data, no variation in daily survival or recapture rates was detected. The daily rate of survival

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 83 from the best model was 0.836 and the recapture rate was 0.414. This model had more than twice as much support in the data as the model containing an effect of leg removal on survival (φl pi). An LRT test indicated no significant difference between the best 2 model, φi pi, and the model, φi pl, (χ = 0.0516, df = 1, P = 0.820), confirming that effect of leg removal on survival is not significant.

Table 4.6 The best 10 models based on AIC values for the legs analysis. Number of parameters (NP), model deviance, Akaike information criterion (AIC), AIC differences (ΔAIC) and AIC weights. Subscripts – s = sex, l = leg removal, “.” = no effects. Model NP Deviance AIC ΔAIC AIC weight φ. p. 2 1066.589 1070.589 0.000 0.327 φ. ps 3 1066.425 1072.425 1.837 0.131 φ. pl 3 1066.466 1072.466 1.877 0.128 φl p. 3 1066.537 1072.537 1.948 0.124 φs p. 3 1066.575 1072.575 1.986 0.121 φl ps 4 1066.374 1074.374 3.785 0.049 φs ps 4 1066.423 1074.423 3.834 0.048 φl pl 4 1066.439 1074.439 3.850 0.048 φs*l p. 5 1066.515 1076.515 5.926 0.017 φ. pt 25 1028.979 1078.979 8.390 0.005

4.3.5 Population size estimates

Parameter estimates from the best model in the mites analysis were used to calculate population sizes for 2005: these were deemed more reliable because there were fewer GOF issues. These estimates do not cover the end of the study period, but this is unlikely to affect population sizes as most individuals would have emerged by capture occasion 20 (14th and 15th July 2005). Only 60 new individuals were captured after this time and all but two were mature. Estimates are shown separately for males and females, in Fig. 4.9, so that sex ratio may be discussed. Estimates from the 2005 maturity analysis are presented in Fig. 4.10 for comparison with all other estimates. These follow a similar pattern to the mites model estimates, although they are generally smaller. The maximum estimated number occurred at capture occasion 10, the 24th and 25th of June 2005. An estimated 1508 (± 259) individuals were present in the population during this period, comprising 633 (± 108) males and 876 (± 236) females. Wald 95 per cent confidence intervals are given in parentheses. The overall population size for the season, calculated using the Horvitz-Thompson estimator with new individuals as described above, was 8723 (± 470) comprising 3064 (± 166) males and 5659 (± 440) females.

84 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

1200 Males Females 1000



400 Population size (HT Population estimate) 200

0 02468101214161820 Capture occasion Figure 4.9. Number of adult males and females in the Latchmoor population (2005) estimated using the Horvitz-Thompson (HT) method with parameter estimates from the model Ψf*to+s Fa2*s+t+f ps*to+t and the mites data set. Lines connecting values for the same sex are intended for orientation only. Error bars represent 95 per cent Wald confidence intervals.

1600 Mites HT 1400 Maturity HT JS MNA 1200 Seen


800 Numbers 600



0 0 2 4 6 8 10121416182022242628 Capture occasion

Figure 4.10. Estimates of the size of the Latchmoor Brook I. pumilio population in 2005, calculated using different methods. HT = Horvitz-Thompson, MNA = minimum number alive, JS = Jolly-Seber. Lines connecting values for the same method are intended for orientation only.

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 85 100 Males HT Females HT





0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Capture occasion Figure 4.11. Number of adult males and females in the Cornish population (2006) estimated using the Horvitz-Thompson (HT) method with parameter estimates from the model φa2 pt+s. Lines connecting values for the same sex are intended for orientation only. Error bars represent 95 per cent Wald confidence intervals.

160 HT JS 140 MNA Seen 120 Transect


80 Numbers 60



0 02468101214161820222426 Capture occasion Figure 4.12. Estimates of the size of the Great Wheal Seton I. pumilio population in 2006, calculated using different methods. HT = Horvitz-Thompson, MNA = minimum number alive, JS = Jolly-Seber and Transect walk counts. Lines connecting values for the same method are intended for orientation only.

Table 4.7 Total numbers of I. pumilio in both study years. Observed values (Obs: total numbers marked) and Horvitz-Thompson (HT) estimates are presented with their 95 per cent Wald confidence intervals. Year 2005 2006 Obs HT Obs HT Males 1138 3064 ± 166 162 315 ± 40 Females 914 5659 ± 440 90 212 ± 38 Total 2052 8723 ± 470 252 527 ± 55

86 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

The 2006 population did not exhibit a definite peak in numbers (estimated using the HT method), but the highest estimate of 102 (± 21) individuals, comprising 66 (± 16) males and 36 (± 13) females, occurred on day 14 (Fig. 4.11). Where no individuals were recorded on a capture occasion, no HT estimate or variance could be calculated and no data point appears on the graph. The overall estimated population size for the study period was 527 (± 55), comprising 315 (± 40) males and 212 (± 38) females. Observed and estimated overall population sizes for the I. pumilio populations in both years are summarised in Table 4.7 and daily estimates are presented in Figs. 4.10 and 4.12. A total of 18 transect walks was carried out on consecutive days during the 2006 study period (occasions 9 to 26; Fig. 4.12). The mean percentage of the population (as estimated by HT) recorded by transect walks was 26.8 per cent (s.e. = 10.4 per cent calculated as √(p(1-p)/n) where p = mean percentage; Crawley 2005). Daily percentages ranged from 0 (when no individuals were observed despite their known presence) and 53 per cent. Both methods of estimation placed maximum abundance on 17th June 2006 and identified a second small peak in abundance on 21st June 2006. No negative relationship between the proportion of the population recorded by transect walk and HT estimates was found (r = 0.210, P = 0.402), this indicates that transect walks were equally as reliable as an index regardless of density. There was a significant positive relationship between transect counts and HT estimates of population size (rs = 0.532, P = 0.023). As these data were all taken from the same population, the data pairs were not independent and so the residuals of the linear model were examined for temporal autocorrelation (Keller-McNulty and McNulty 1987; Crawley 2007). A linear regression was performed on the data to examine residuals. The distribution of both Pollard walk counts and HT estimates was approximately normal, as were the residuals of the linear model. A positive relationship between the two estimates was identified (r = 0.600, P = 0.008). A plot of residuals against time and an autocorrelation plot of the residuals revealed no trend; this supports the assumption of independence. The relationship between maximum daily HT estimates and number of I. pumilio and C. mercuriale recorded, using MRR counts, was positive, but non-significant (r = 0.443, P = 0.233). However, the datum for C. mercuriale at the Lower Itchen Complex (LIC) was an outlier. This large HT estimate was from a period of bad weather, during which capture numbers varied greatly across consecutive days and sites. Consequently, this may be an overestimate due to the problem of modelling days with few captures. Removing this datum from the analysis resulted in a significant positive relationship (r = 0.955, P = 0.0002). The slope of the linear regression model was 3.48 and the intercept 281. Although the explanatory power of this model is very high (r2 = 0.913) it should be treated with caution for predictive purposes because of the exclusion of a significant outlier. A significant positive relationship was also found between MRR counts and HT population size estimates based on randomly selected data pairs from each site (r = 0.784, P = 0.012). Jolly-Seber estimates of population size correlated most strongly with HT estimates (r = 0.999, P < 0.00001) and are visually similar across days and locations (Figs. 4.10 and 4.12). The slope of the linear model was 0.967 and the intercept was 95.26, this indicates that JS estimates consistently underestimate HT population size by approximately 95 individuals.

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 87 4.4 Discussion

4.4.1 Assumptions

Initial departures from the assumptions of the umbrella models were found in all data sets, because of a transience or marking effect, this was accounted for by fitting a two- age-class model. The 2005 maturity data set also failed the memoryless assumption; that movement and recapture probabilities do not depend on the past history of the animal. This was because the states were defined as immature and mature and clearly transition between these states can only occur in one direction. In these circ*mstances, the suggested alternative to using a memory model, which is beyond the scope of this analysis, is to modify ĉ and proceed with caution (Choquet et al. 2005b). However, the calculated value of ĉ for this analysis was less than 1 and, therefore, was not modified for model selection and parameter estimation. Although all the relevant advice was followed, as far as possible, the parameter estimates and the effects selected may be biased by the departure from assumptions and should be treated with caution. Among the effects considered in the maturity and mites analyses, the same effects were selected in both final models. This suggests the effect of violating the memoryless assumption was minimal as these analyses use the same data. Heterogeneity of survival or recapture rates and/or non-independence of individual’s fates (assumptions 1, 2 and 6) can cause overdispersion (Lebreton et al. 1992), which is indicated by a value of ĉ greater than 1. As all the calculated values of ĉ were less than 1, it is unlikely that these assumptions were severely violated. Sparse data can cause underdispersion and may have contributed to that observed here. Individuals were marked with a spot of paint on the thorax and a unique ID code to ensure that marks were not lost or overlooked (assumption 3). On the rare occasion (0.8 per cent of captures in 2005, 1.5 per cent in 2006) that the wing carrying the ID was lost or the number was obscured, this could be detected from the presence of the paint mark and these individuals were omitted from analyses. Very little long range movement was recorded in these populations (Chapter 2) and it seems unlikely that there was a significant amount of emigration. However, as the proposed mechanism of dispersal between populations in this species is carriage on wind currents, it seems highly likely that any emigration that did take place would have been permanent (assumption 5). The recapture duration assumption (4) is violated in this study because long capture periods (9 hours) relative to the interval between them (15 hours) were necessary to obtain sufficiently large sample sizes. Furthermore, gathering the data into two-day capture intervals significantly increased the capture period to interval ratio. However, O’Brien et al. (2005) recommend this approach, as they found increased precision of parameter estimates, but no increased bias when the recapture duration assumption was violated in favour of a larger sample size in simulation and empirical data. Furthermore, Lebreton et al. (1992) state that the effect of violating this assumption is minimised when using models more complex than the JS.

4.4.2 2005 analysis

Survival rates varied through time, declining towards the end of the season (Fig. 4.1). Stochastic variation in survival rate was probably due to environmental conditions, although none of the tested weather variables was found to have a direct effect. However, weather variables such as temperature, solar radiation and rainfall may have complex interactive effects on survival, which are not detectable as individual effects. Rain may reduce survival in some species (e.g. Córdoba-Aguilar 1994) but it is unlikely that rainfall during the study was sufficiently heavy to have an effect. Decreased

88 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies survival would be expected as the end of the main flight season for I. pumilio approaches (Smallshire and Swash 2004). Almost all individuals would have emerged by mid–July due to very good weather and thereafter the population would be aging with increasing mortality rates. The age of an individual (days since first capture) also influenced survival; rates were higher in mature, compared to immature, individuals and decreased linearly with age within those stages. Although survival in mature males and females was almost identical (Fig. 4.1) immature males had a greatly reduced probability of survival compared to both immature females and mature individuals. Maturation in males is much more rapid than in females; taking approximately one day following the teneral stage (Cham 1993). Definition of the immature period is somewhat subjective and can be based on colouration or the state of the gonads, but no general standard exists (Corbet 1999). Although tenerals were excluded from this study, males may have been more vulnerable during the immature stage (as defined here) due to incomplete hardening of the cuticle and development of flight. Consequently, these males may have suffered higher mortality from predators, intra-specific aggression and handling. Female maturation takes longer, so many females captured during this period were past the teneral stage and consequently more robust if exposed to previously mentioned causes of damage. This effect may also reflect sparse data, only 4 per cent of new males were immature compared to 31 per cent of females. Many studies of damselflies have concluded that males live longer than females, but have often suggested that lower female recapture probabilities may lead to this apparent reduced survival (Garrison and Hafernik 1981; Hinnekint 1987; Cordero 1994). Models that estimate, separately, survival and recapture rates allow some resolution of this problem (Anholt 1997). Cordero Rivera and Andrés (1999) found that survival rates did not differ between the sexes, but that recapture rates were reduced in female I. pumilio, which agrees with the results for mature individuals in this study. The same effect was found in a population of Lestes disjunctus, where the recapture rate of males was 2.5 times that of females (Anholt 1997), in Pyrrhosoma nymphula (Bennett and Mill 1995) and in the butterfly, Parnassius clodius, (Auckland et al. 2004). Cordero (1994) found reduced survival in immature males of four damselfly species, including I. pumilio. Male Ceriagrion tenellum suffered greater mortality during the pre- reproductive period than females and the same pattern occurred in laboratory populations. Mature males had slightly higher survival rates (Andres and Cordero Rivera 2001). In a study of Ischnura elegans, Anholt et al. (2001) concluded that males suffered greater mortality whilst immature, as the predicted sex ratio calculated using adult survival and recapture rates was more male biased than observed numbers. Indirect estimates of survival in other species have suggested that females have higher mortality rates than males during maturation (Anholt 1991; 1997), which might be expected because of the greater energy demands of growth and egg maturation. Other studies have found no such effect (Córdoba-Aguilar 1993; Bennett and Mill 1995; Stoks 2001b). Sex had a significant effect on recapture probability (Fig. 4.3). Males were twice as likely to be recaptured as females, on average. This is probably due to differences ins behaviour and colouration between the sexes. Males are present at the water every day that weather conditions are suitable. In contrast, females spend most of their time away from water in the surrounding vegetation, feeding and avoiding harassment from males (Banks and Thompson 1987; Anholt 1992; Stoks 2001a, b). Although these areas were searched regularly, females mostly remain hidden within vegetation unless disturbed or hunting. Male I. pumilio are much more brightly coloured than mature females, which may have influenced the recapture rate. Immature females are highly visible because of their bright orange colouration.

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 89 Recapture rates also varied stochastically through time. This was probably due to the effects of weather, which influences the location of odonates within a habitat (Foster and Soluk 2006; Chapter 3) and hence the ease with which they can be captured. Recapture rates were highest at the beginning and end of the season, as numbers were low, but the capture effort remained the same. There was a general decline in recapture rates in the busiest part of the season (c. weeks 4 to 6) when the numbers seen were at their highest (Figs. 4.9 and 4.10) and exceeded the maximum number it was possible to process in a day. A two-way ANOVA was performed to assess the effect of week and sex on the log-transformed time to next capture (Table 4.8). Only the first movement of individuals captured more than once was used. The few first movements recorded after week 6 were omitted from this analysis. The effects of both sex (F(1,1190) = 30.40, P < 0.01) and week (F(5,1190) = 20.40, P < 0.01) were significant, but a non-significant interaction term was removed from the model (F(5,1190) = 0.56). The model was further simplified by combining weeks with no significant difference between them (Crawley 2005). Therefore, the final model had 3 categories: early season (comprising weeks 1, 2 and 3); week 4; and late season (comprising weeks 5 and 6). The interval between captures increased in the middle of the study, when numbers were highest, and was significantly larger in the fourth week than any other (Fig. 4.13). This confirms that individuals known to be present in the population were missed more frequently in the early to middle part of the study period, causing recapture rates to be lower.

Table 4.8 Linear model output of a two-way ANOVA considering the effect of sex and week on log10 time to next capture, a non-significant interaction term was removed. Stars indicate significant differences (* P<0.05, *** P<0.001) between each term and the initial term (week 1/female). Differences between other pairs were deemed significant if greater than the sum of their standard error (SE) terms. Estimate SE t P Intercept 1.10678 0.07686 14.399 *** Week 2 0.12426 0.08331 1.492 Week 3 0.15844 0.07803 2.03 * Week 4 0.40092 0.08988 4.46 *** Week 5 -0.32309 0.09249 -3.493 *** Week 6 -0.38727 0.09766 -3.965 *** Sex (male) -0.27897 0.05055 -5.519 ***

90 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

1.8 Male 1.6 Female c

1.4 b a/b 1.2

1.0 a d d

time (days) 0.8 10

log 0.6



0.0 123456 Week Figure 4.13. The effect of study week on time (days) to next capture in 2005. Males and females differ significantly, as do weeks with different letters above the respective bars (2-way ANOVA of log10 times – Sex: F(1,1198) = 32.29, P < 0.01, Week: F(2,1198) = 47.78, P <0.01).

Higher recapture rates in males have been reported in many damselfly studies (e.g. Parr and Parr 1972; Waage 1972; Garrison 1978; Van Noordwijk 1978; Bennett and Mill 1995; Anholt 1997; Andres and Cordero Rivera 2001). In contrast, Duffy (1994) found higher recapture probabilities for females of L. disjunctus, and Robinson (1983) found recapture rates to be highest in mature female Ischnura posita. In studies where observations were restricted to the water and water’s edge, increased recapture rates in males may be expected because males and females use this part of the habitat differently (see Chapter 3). This remained a problem in the present study, albeit to a lesser degree, because the area surrounding the water was included. Probability of transition between states of maturity was dependent on sex (as well as previous state, because transition was only possible in one direction). Males spend only a day or two as immatures, whereas females can take up to 12 days to reach maturity (Cham 1993). This was reflected by the estimates of transition to maturity over a two-day period, which was 1 for males and 0.36 for females.

4.4.3 2005 Mites analysis

There was an effect of sex on survival in newly marked individuals, but very little in recaptured individuals. New males had greater survival rates than recaptured individuals, whereas survival rates among new females were reduced in comparison to recaptured females. In the previous analysis, survival was found to decline with age since first capture, across all ages, whereas here a two-age-class effect was sufficient to describe the age effect. This is probably due to the omission of the last 7 capture occasions for the mites analysis, this excludes age classes above 40 days (20 capture occasions) where survival rates were much reduced (all below 0.4). These low survival estimates for older age classes would have favoured a negative linear effect of age, but when these are removed a two-age-class effect is sufficient. The longest recorded lifespan in this study was 31 days, but this can reach 57 days in the laboratory (Cordero 1994).

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 91 Male survival was lower in subsequent capture intervals than in the first, as was the case for both sexes in the previous analysis. However, female survival in the mites analysis was lower during the first interval. This may be the result of the effect of maturity on female survival that was found in the previous analysis. As so few immature males were recorded, they will contribute little to the calculation of survival rates in the mites analysis, where maturity is not considered. However, 31 per cent of newly captured females were immature, which could have influenced survival rates in this analysis, as new females are more likely to be immature and so have reduced survival. Cordero (1994) found that mortality, following marking, was low in captive I. pumilio, which is, to some degree, supported by the findings reported here. Survival in the first interval was increased in males, so it can be concluded that males are not negatively affected by marking. Females may be negatively affected to some extent, or may exhibit reduced survival during the first interval simply due to reduced survival during the maturation stage. Following the first interval, females had a slightly higher survival rate than males. This has also been found in laboratory populations of this species (Cordero 1994) and is likely to be due to increased flight activity and damage from intrasex aggression in males. Survival was negatively affected by mite load (Fig. 4.6). Compared to individuals with no mites, survival rates were decreased, on average, by 4.9 per cent in individuals with 1 to 4 mites and by 15.0 per cent when 5 or more mites were present. However, when an effect of mite load on survival was included in the final model, this was not fully supported (see results). The suggested effect is discussed here, but further work will be required before the effect of mites on survival in I. pumilio can be confidently established. Parasitism by water mites is common in damselflies and has been found to negatively affect survival in some odonates (Robinson et al. 1983) and insects in general (Smith 1988 and refs therein). Mites are thought to drain considerable amounts of body fluids from their host (Åbro 1990). This is likely to deplete nutrients and energy reserves and alter internal water balance (Smith 1988), all of which may have an effect on mortality. Parasitised individuals are also likely to increase foraging behaviour, because of the need to replace nutrients drained by mites. This will increase energy requirements and lead to increased predation risk. Mites have been found to reduce flight ability in damselflies (Reinhardt 1990) and in insects in general (Smith 1988). However, it was found that movement was slightly increased in parasitised individuals, in this study (see Chapter 2). Increased parasite-induced-dispersal could confound a mark-recapture study because permanent emigration and death are indistinguishable. However, the increased movement detected in parasitised individuals of this species occurred only over short distances within sites and, therefore, increased movement is likely to genuinely reduce survival as a result of increased energy demands. Parasitism by water mites has been found to negatively affect survival in various insect groups (see Smith 1988 for a review) but the effects on damselfly species are varied (Forbes et al. 2004 and refs therein). Andrés and Cordero (1998) found no effect of intensity of parasitism on survival in Ceriagrion tenellum, but 98 per cent of the population studied was parasitised, preventing comparison between individuals with and without mites. Robinson (1983) found a negative effect of mites on survival of mature females in Ischnura posita, but was unable to detect an effect on males. A strong effect of mites on female survival in laboratory populations of Coenagrion puella has been reported and parasitised females with relatively low mass at emergence suffered greater mortality in field cages (Braune and Rolff 2001). A higher level of parasitism was associated with decreased longevity in food-deprived male Enallagma ebrium and reduced fecundity in females (Forbes and Baker 1991). Most studies have considered the effects of Arrenurus spp. mites on odonate hosts. Léonard et al. (1999) studied Limnochares americana parasitizing E. ebrium. To the author’s knowledge this is the first study to consider the effects of Hydryphantes mites on an odonate. The effects of different genera of mites on a damselfly, once attached, are likely to be very similar, as they all attach to the host by piercing the exoskeleton

92 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies and engorge on the internal tissues and haemolymph of the host. However, the modes of attachment to the host vary between genera. Arrenurus spp. attach immediately after damselfly larvae emerge from the larval skin and remain anchored by their chelicerae until fully engorged. Limnochares and Hydryphantes spp. are free living and can transfer freely from vegetation, or the water’s surface, to a host, and vice versa, allowing the number of mites per individual to vary over successive visits to the water (Smith 1988; Fig. 4.14). Léonard et al. (1999) also reported higher prevalence and intensity of mite parasitism in older individuals. Their experimental study of L. americana on E. ebrium revealed that survival was only affected by a high level of parasites and that a low level had no effect. However, they note that survival may be reduced indirectly by a sub-lethal level of parasites through reduced anti-predator responses, which may contribute to the overall effect on survival in this study.




2 Mean mitesMean per individual 1

0 123456 Order of capture Figure 4.14. Mean number of mites recorded per individual on successive captures during the 2005 study period. Only individuals with at least one mite are shown as mite distribution was found to be aggregated. Error bars represent one standard error.

The effect of sex and time on recapture rates was very similar to that found in the previous analysis, with an additional effect of mite load (Fig. 4.7). Individuals with a low level of parasites had the highest recapture probability in both sexes. Unparasitised females were less likely to be recaptured than females with mites, regardless of the intensity of infestation; whereas unparasitised males were almost as likely to be recaptured as males with a low mite load. Males with a high mite load were least likely to be recaptured. This difference between the sexes may be due to behavioural differences. In general, males are more likely to be captured than females and their recapture rate was only greatly reduced by a high level of parasitism. This may be caused by severe depletion of energy and resources resulting in a reduction in activity. A low level of mites may deplete resources enough to necessitate extra foraging behaviour, which would increase their visibility and therefore capture rate, but not enough to diminish activity. A low level of mites may also cause increased foraging behaviour, leading to increased recapture rates, in females. However, females with a high level of mites were more likely to be recaptured than their unparasitised counterparts. This suggests that females are more resistant to the effects of heavy mite loads than males and are able to increase their foraging behaviour to compensate for the presence of parasites. This may be because they are larger than males. Alternatively, as mite distribution was

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 93 aggregated, it may be that females that visit the water more frequently to mate, are more available for mite attachment and for capture. Conversely, those females that visit the water less frequently will have lower recapture rates and are less likely to acquire mites. In contrast to this, Robinson (1983) found that mite-free, Ischnura posita females had a greater recapture rate than mite infested females. Mites were found to be aggregated on certain individuals and to parasitize females more than males. The apparent preference for females is surprising as generally females spend less time at the water. However, behaviour, when at the water, differs considerably between the sexes and this may account for the increased parasitism of females. Males are often actively searching the water area for mates, whereas females visit only for mating and oviposition. It is likely that a female is most susceptible to attachment of mites during oviposition, when she must make regular contact with both the water surface and emergent vegetation, for two hours or more in some cases (Fox and Jones 1991). Male I. pumilio do not accompany females during oviposition and are, therefore, not subject to this prolonged exposure. A preference of mites for females over males has been found in previous studies of odonate species (Andres and Cordero 1998; Forbes et al. 2004) In territorial species, such as Leucorrhinia frigida, the pattern may be reversed as males spend large amounts of time defending perches, which are frequented by mite larvae (Smith and Cook 1991). However, in the laboratory, male L. frigida are less susceptible to mite parasitism than females, which suggests there may be a sex bias in grooming efficiency, which is masked by different exposure rates in the field (Léonard et al. 1999). Transition rate estimates indicated that individuals were likely to remain at the same level of parasitism, regardless of the preceding state. Females with a low level were more likely to lose all their mites and this was also quite likely in males. This indicates that females were parasitised for a shorter time than males. Recapture rate was increased in parasitised females, whereas male recapture rates were severely negatively affected by high levels (Fig. 4.7). If mites can fully engorge and be ready to detach faster on a female host, this might explain the observed preference for female hosts. If more body fluids are drained over a shorter space of time, an individual’s fitness is more likely to be affected and an increase in mortality may result. The probability of transition from high mite load to low mite load is 0 in both sexes. This indicates either that all mites drop off within a short space of time, or that during the mid-season, when these high numbers were mostly observed, gaps between captures were insufficient to record the decline in numbers.

4.4.4 2006 analysis

In 2006, survival was found to be reduced in the first interval following marking compared to all subsequent intervals. This suggests that marking has a negative effect or causes an increased tendency to emigrate following marking. This effect was suggested in females in 2005 but not in males. As the habitat was of lower quality and size than Latchmoor (see Chapter 3) it is possible that more emigration took place, although no dispersal events were recorded. No effect of sex on survival rates was found, nor an interaction with the two-age-class effect as observed in the mites analysis. Recapture rates did not differ between sexes in 2006 and were similar to those for males in 2005. The site and population studied in 2006 were considerably smaller than those in 2005 (see Chapter 3). As the same level of sampling intensity was applied (albeit over a shorter number of hours per day) this allowed more time per individual and resulted in more captures of females. Time to next recapture did not differ between males and females (Mann-Whitney U-test: U = 2035.5, P = .0155). Recapture probability varied through time, probably due to stochastic environmental factors. Certainly, the two noticeable dips in recapture probability at occasions 10 and

94 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

15 directly followed days of relatively heavy rain and strong wind, although these variables were not selected as improving model fit.

4.4.5 The effect of leg removal on survival

Removal of a leg was found to have no significant effect on survival in the subset of data taken from the 2006 population. The daily rate of survival from the best model (0.836) is similar to that estimated from the whole 2006 data set for intervals after the first (0.87). The recapture rate (0.414) is in the lower range of those estimated across the study period (Fig. 4.8). MRR studies with concurrent genetic analyses often remove a leg for DNA extraction (e.g. Watts et al. 2007a) while assuming that survival and behaviour will remain unaffected. This result shows that the effect of leg removal is no greater than the effect of handling for marking, allowing greater confidence in this procedure for future studies. Damselflies in the field are frequently observed with one or more legs missing and during the course of this study such individuals were observed copulating and feeding. Legs are used for perching, grooming and manipulating food. As an individual has 6 legs, the loss of one or more is unlikely to hinder normal behaviours. The minimum number of legs recorded in the field was three; in all but one of these cases at least one leg on each side of the body remained and the individual’s behaviour seemed unaffected.

4.4.6 Population size

Few studies have estimated population size in damselfly species, and none has used the Horvitz-Thompson method to incorporate recapture probabilities from a CJS- derived model. The calculated two-daily population size estimates are likely to be more reliable than the overall population size estimates (see below) and also allow comparison to other studies, none of which have calculated total population size. More males than females were captured in 2005 (observed ratio of males to females = 1.24), This could be because fewer females were present in the population due to increased mortality or dispersal, or that they were harder to catch due to differences in behaviour and habitat choice. However, population size estimates for males and females were similar throughout the season in 2005 (Fig. 4.9) and the average two-daily sex ratio from these estimates is in fact female biased (0.78 : 1 from maturity analysis, 0.88 : 1 from mites analysis) as is the overall sex ratio (Table 4.9). This suggests that the bias in observed sex ratio was mainly caused by different recapture rates (Figs. 4.3 and 4.7). In 2005, little difference was found in survival rates between mature males and females after the first capture interval (Figs. 4.1 and 4.5). Males suffered greater mortality during the pre-reproductive period, but this should not have affected the sex ratio greatly because of the brevity of this period in males. It is interesting that the MNA method estimates more females than males towards the end of the season, when reduced damselfly numbers and increased proficiency of field workers ensures greater capture efficiency. This suggests more females may have been present throughout, but not been detected. However, this may also be due to increased survival, or later emergence, of females. In 2006, no difference in survival between males and females was found and recapture rates were almost equal (Fig. 4.8). However, the observed sex ratio was again male biased (1.8:1). Horvitz-Thompson estimates indicated an average daily ratio of two males to one female (Table 4.9). This may be due to the difference in habitat between the two study sites. Latchmoor Brook is open and almost universally accessible, whereas Great Wheal Seton has a considerable amount of habitat surrounding the main site, which is inaccessible due to high walls, steep banks and thick gorse hedges. These areas may be used by females during maturation and any female mortality occurring in this dense vegetation, or females that emerged late in the study period and

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 95 had not returned to the water to mate by the end, would have been effectively excluded from the study. Population rates can be biased if the study area is of a limited size (Barrowclough 1978; Steen and Haydon 2000). The Latchmoor Brook site allowed searching over a larger area than that in which I. pumilio occurred. In 2006 this was not possible and may have biased population size estimates towards males.

Table 4.9 Sex ratio of Latchmoor (2005) and Cornish (2006) I. pumilio populations. Observed sex ratio is calculated simply from the number of males and females captured and marked. The HT mean is the mean sex ratio across two-day capture occasions as calculated using the Horvitz Thompson method. HT total is the total population sex ratio calculated as described in the text. All values represent the ratio of males to one female. Site Observed HT Mean HT Total 2005 1.2 0.88 0.54 2006 1.8 2.0 1.5

Observed sex ratios in studies of damselfly populations are often male biased (e.g. Córdoba-Aguilar 1994; Stettmer 1996; Stoks 2001a; 2001b). The suggested reasons for this are lower female recapture and survival rates. Anholt et al. (2001) found that Coenagrion puella males had greater recapture rates and that male Ischnura elegans had greater survival, both resulting in a male biased sex ratio. Anholt (1997) estimated male Lestes disjunctus to be 2.5 times as abundant as females, when calculated using MRR methods, and nearly 8 times more abundant based on a transect walk count. This highlights the effect of recapture rate on transect walk estimates and the resulting underestimation of female numbers. A detailed discussion of male biased sex ratios in damselfly populations is presented in Chapter 5. It is interesting that in the only study in this report that attempted to survey all areas used by females, a female biased sex ratio is reported at Latchmoor, based on HT estimates. Immature I. pumilio females are bright orange in colour and are much more visible than the females of many other damselflies. This may result in more captures and sightings of females during the immature stage. In addition, many MRR studies have focused on the breeding sites within a habitat (e.g. Bennett and Mill 1995; Stettmer 1996; Conrad et al. 1999; Stoks 2001b; Rouquette and Thompson 2005), whereas this study included the surrounding area. Males and females utilise these areas of taller vegetation at night for roosting (Hunger and Röske 2001; Rouquette and Thompson 2007b), but during the day they are used more by females (Foster and Soluk 2006; Chapter 3). By including these areas, this study may provide a more accurate estimate of the sex ratio of the general population, rather than only that at the breeding site. This suggests that the male biased sex ratios reported in most other studies may be, at least partly, the result of underrepresentation of females in the data. It should be noted that when known recapture rates are less than 0.2, the results from MRR models can be unreliable (O'Brien et al. 2005). As the recapture rates for females estimated in these analyses were frequently below 0.2, it is possible that a degree of unreliability was present in the female parameters and therefore population size estimates. Consequently, confidence in the calculated female biased sex ratio was reduced, as it may have resulted from modelling problems when capture rates were low. The estimated total population size in 2005 (8723 ± 471) was larger than expected and over four times the numbers seen (2052). This was due to a problem with the method of calculation. In the height of the flight season, it was not possible to mark all new individuals each day and some remained unmarked for a day or more. This was due to the unexpectedly large population size and the limit imposed on the number of

96 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies captures by the minimum handling time. Evidence for this reduced capture frequency is shown in both Fig. 4.3, illustrating reduced recapture rates during most of the central part of the study period and in Fig. 4.13 (and accompanying ANOVA described above) which shows the difference in time to next capture for individuals captured in each of the first six weeks of the study. Consequently, the proportion of unmarked individuals in the population would have increased during this time, while individual capture rates declined. This discrepancy is more likely to affect female estimates as the daily percentage of captured individuals that were unmarked was 20 per cent higher in females, on average. A higher percentage of new females, combined with lower recapture rates, has caused the estimated female population size (5659 ± 440) to be almost twice that of males (3064 ± 166). In females, longer intervals between captures has been shown to positively bias female population size estimates when it constitutes temporary emigration from the water’s edge (Kendall et al. 1997; Stoks 2001a). In 2006, the total population size was estimated at 527 (±55), comprising 315 (±40) males and 212 (±38) females. The HT total method may perform better for the 2006 data as it is likely most new individuals were caught. It should be noted that, as no estimates could be produced for occasions when no new individuals were caught, no contribution was made to the variance of the total population size estimate for that occasion. Consequently, the Wald confidence intervals for total population sizes may be underestimated. Additionally, where assumptions are violated (as is common in field studies) estimated variances are invalidated (Cook et al. 1967) and are, therefore, provided for guidance only. Estimation of population size using the HT method is both time consuming and subject to substantial sources of error. In almost all studies the strict assumptions of the MRR models used may not be entirely met. Confidence intervals for the HT estimates are relatively large and given the time required to produce them, a simpler method of estimation may be preferred. This study presents several series of daily population size estimates, produced using several methods, varying in their ease of data collection and calculation. Transect walks cannot be expected to record all individuals in a population as the route represents only a linear section through the range of the population. However, in order to monitor changes in abundance, transect data must represent constant proportions of total population size (Harker and Shreeve 2008). This study reports transect reliability (proportion of abundance estimated by HT) of between 0 and 53 per cent, which is remarkably similar to the range recorded for the butterfly Lassiomata megera (0 to 51 per cent; Harker and Shreeve 2008), but greater than that for the solitary bee Andrena hattorfiana (5.5 to 23.4 per cent; Larsson and Franzén 2008). No negative relationship between the reliability of transect walks and HT estimates was found, indicating that transect walks were equally as reliable as an index, regardless of density. Transect counts were correlated with HT estimates in this study (r2 = 0.36, P = 0.008). The degree of correlation was less than that seen in studies of the butterfly, Theclinesthes albocinta, measured across three sites over two years (r2 = 0.88, P = 0.017; Collier et al. 2008). To establish a predictive relationship between transect counts and population size it would be necessary to collect data from multiple sites and several years (Pollard 1977). The strong correlation across sites and years reported by Collier et al. (2008) suggests that this would be highly informative. Two peaks in abundance were identified, equally well, by the two methods providing additional verification of both methods. The coefficient of variation, for the Pollard walk counts of I. pumilio, was 69.5 per cent. This value is relatively low in the range of values obtained for 22 species of butterflies (14.0 per cent to 377.3 per cent; Harker and Shreeve 2008). However, the transect walks at Great Wheal Seton did not cover the entire flight season, unlike the butterfly data and consequently, they are subject to less seasonal variation and so are not directly comparable.

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 97 Diurnal variation in transect reliability was minimised in this study by restricting the timing of walks to between 11am and 3pm, which is the hottest time of the day when activity is greatest (Corbet 1999; Ward and Mill 2006). Annual indices can only be robust to variation in individual counts if effects such as temperature and time of day are minimised (Pollard 1977; Harker and Shreeve 2008). Furthermore, weekly sampling should be conducted on similarly warm days, or a series of observations made and one per week used as the official index based on similar weather conditions. Females were underrepresented in the transect walk data, which was due to the inaccessibility of many of the areas utilised by females. However, in more accessible habitat, with a well planned route incorporating water and surrounding vegetation, this sampling problem should be largely resolved. Jolly-Seber estimates of population size proved a highly effective method when compared to HT estimates. Where MRR data is available and population size estimates are required, without information on effects on survival and recapture rates, then the JS method, as implemented in Simply Tagging (Pisces Conservation Ltd 2003) or similar software, may be preferred because of their speed of use and low computational requirements. These estimates have very small confidence limits in comparison to HT estimates, although, as the assumptions of the JS model are not fully met, they are likely to be inaccurate (Cook et al. 1967). Minimum number alive (MNA) values were also correlated with HT estimates. However, as the JS estimates were more highly correlated and less time consuming to compute, the JS method may be preferred.

4.4.7 Summary

In 2005, females exhibited greater survival rates, except in the first interval following capture. , in 2006, no effect of sex was detected. The differences in survival rates among mature individuals, after the first capture interval, were small (mean difference: maturity analysis 0.015; mites analysis 0.039) and may not be biologically meaningful, as they equate to differences in longevity of less than half a day (0.24 and 0.31 days, respectively). Survival rates decreased with increasing mite load and also declined both linearly with individual age and more generally through the flight season as the population aged. No effect of leg removal on survival was detected. Recapture rates in females were reduced in all analyses, although to a lesser degree in the Cornish population, where capture effort per unit area was higher. Survival and recapture rates were also subject to stochastic variation through time due to weather. The results of this study have implications for the design of future studies where population sizes estimates and modelling of survival and recaptures rates is required. Study sites must cover all areas that females (and males) may use for feeding, mating, ovipositing and all other behaviours, to ensure that females of all stages of maturity are well represented in the data. Alternatively, a study must be designed so that all areas of water can be watched, to ensure that every female is recorded when visiting to mate (Banks and Thompson 1985b; Stoks 2001a). Reduced female survival in the first interval between captures suggests a potential handling effect and as such great care must be taken while marking individuals. This study demonstrates that transect walks represent a valuable method of monitoring population size in I. pumilio and more work should be done to establish a relationship across sites and years. This may be extended to other damselfly species and may be used as a tool to assist their conservation management. Efforts should be made to minimise bias due to weather conditions and site effects such as habitat size, but if well managed this method could be used to establish a successful monitoring program for damselflies like that used by the Butterfly Monitoring Scheme. The method would be particularly suitable for large scale studies comparing many populations as it has much

98 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies smaller effort-per-site requirements than MRR methods. O’Brien et al. (2005) recommend a concurrent, independent method of estimating demographic rates, which could be compared with MRR estimates and used to detect biases therein. The results of this study indicate that transect walks may offer a reliable and relatively uncomplicated means to monitor changes in population size, provided efforts are made to reduce bias and to include areas utilised by both males and females. Ischnura pumilio is declining in the UK and efforts should be made to manage habitat at sites where the species persists, according to sound management guidelines (Thompson et al. 2003; Rouquette and Thompson 2005; Chapter 3). The size of the Cornish population was considerably smaller than any of the C. mercuriale populations considered in Chapter 5. This is likely to have caused inbreeding and low levels of genetic variation, which will be determined by forthcoming genetic analyses. Along with many previous I. pumilio populations (Chapter 3), two of the surveyed Cornish sites have disappeared in the last ten years and at a third site (Rosewarne Mill) only three individuals were recorded in 2006. Reintroduction strategies must be given careful thought as isolated populations can be locally adapted (Watts et al. 2004). This is particularly likely in these sites because of their industrial history and unusual habitat characteristics (Chapter 3). These sites would require substantial management if a reintroduction scheme were to be successful, however this should be given serious consideration if the species is to persist in the Red River valley.

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 99 5 Estimating survival and population size in Coenagrion mercuriale populations

Chapter summary

This chapter reports the results of survival analyses and population size estimates for Coenagrion mercuriale, performed using the methods applied to I. pumilio in Chapter 4. Data from two previous C. mercuriale studies were also analysed; these were collected in the Itchen Valley during summer 2001 and at Beaulieu Heath, New Forest in 2002. Observed and estimated sex ratios for both species are also presented. Key findings were: • Survival rates varied between sites. To conserve the species where it persists, sound management guidelines should be put in place to manage the habitat at sites where survival rates have decreased. There was little or no difference in survival between males and females. • Males were almost three times as likely to be captured as females and recapture rates also varied between sites. • Population size estimates at Itchen and Beaulieu are among the highest reported for damselfly species. These estimates suggest that while the distribution of C. mercuriale is decreasing in the UK, where populations exist they can be very large. • Calculated sex ratios were male biased in all cases, more so in the Itchen population. This is likely to have been caused, at least partly, by the large proportion of females omitted from the analysis by sampling design. • Future studies should be designed to minimise modelling problems in order to give reliable results. This is especially pertinent when the results are required to make conservation management decisions.

5.1 Introduction

Coenagrion mercuriale is a conservation priority among European odonates and is protected by law at a national and continental level (Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981; Bern Convention; European Community Habitats Directive). It is listed as rare in the British Red Data Book of Insects (Shirt 1987) and until 2008 was the only odonate given priority status in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan (HMSO 1994; 1995). It has a severely restricted range in the UK, occurring at only a few southern and western sites (Thompson and Watts 2006; Watts et al. 2007b). The species requires one of two habitat types, which are increasingly fragmented in the UK: shallow, permanently- flowing, small streams and channels found in lowland, heathland streams over base- rich substrates, or calcareous streams in water meadow systems (Rouquette and

100 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

Thompson 2005). The species is also found in two fen sites in Oxfordshire and Anglesey. Coenagrion mercuriale has been more comprehensively studied in the UK than in other European countries (Rouquette and Thompson 2007a). Estimates suggest that the UK population has declined by 30 per cent since 1960, principally due to anthropogenic factors such as changing land use (Watts et al. 2004). The species has been well studied in England and Wales (e.g. Strange 1999; e.g. Purse and Thompson 2003c; Watts et al. 2004; Purse and Thompson 2005a; Watts et al. 2007a; Rouquette and Thompson 2007b). Several mark-recapture studies have been undertaken (Purse et al. 2003; Thompson and Watts 2006; Rouquette and Thompson 2007a), but no study has made use of available MRR software to produce estimates of survival and recapture probabilities, or to consider survival in this species. This chapter reports analyses using recently developed modelling procedures to estimate survival and recapture probabilities in two populations of C. mercuriale in the south of England. The effects of sex, time and age were considered. The aim of this study was to provide information on the factors influencing survival rates in C. mercuriale populations to inform their conservation management. Further insights may be gained by comparing the factors influencing survival in C. mercuriale to those discussed in the previous chapter for Ischnura pumilio. The two species belong to the same family (Coenagrionidae), have similar habitat requirements (see Chapter 3; Thompson et al. 2003; see Chapter 3; Rouquette and Thompson 2005) and often inhabit overlapping areas within a site as adults (pers. obs.). Estimates of population size in odonates are generally rare, although attempts have been made in C. mercuriale (Thompson and Watts 2006; Watts et al. 2006). No studies have made use of the HT method discussed in the previous Chapter, but have opted for less computationally intensive Jolly-Seber estimates, based on male counts doubled to account for females. Given the uncertainty of a sex ratio equal to unity, in damselfly species, this method may overestimate population size. Reliable population size estimates are important for rare species such as C. mercuriale as, along with estimates of genetic variation, they provide information on the relative ability of populations to adapt to environmental change and ultimately avoid extinction.

5.2 Methods

5.2.1 Study sites and populations

The data analysed were taken from two previous MRR studies of C. mercuriale. The first study area was located between Winchester and Southampton, Hampshire, England (SU464199). Here the species is found mainly on old water meadow ditches along the flood plain of the River Itchen. There were three main areas covered by this study, no movement took place between them (Rouquette and Thompson 2007a). These sites are, from north to south: Mariner’s Meadow, Highbridge and the Lower Itchen Complex (LIC, comprising 5 sub-sites in Rouquette and Thompson 2007a). Approximately 3km separates each adjacent site, comprising mostly unsuitable habitat, including urban areas and intensive agriculture. A more detailed description of the Itchen sites is available in Rouquette and Thompson (2005). The study was conducted over 42 consecutive days commencing on 12th June 2001. The second study took place at Beaulieu Heath, within the New Forest National Park, Hampshire, England (SZ336977). C. mercuriale is found here on a network of small flushes and runnels, which were divided, in the original study, into seven central areas and four peripheral sites. This study will consider these as two central areas and two

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 101 peripheral sites. The central areas are Crockford and Peaked Hill and the peripheral sites are Roundhill and Hatchet Stream. No movement occurred between any of these four sites, except one individual which moved from Crockford to Peaked Hill and was omitted from this analysis (Thompson and Watts 2006). Sampling for this study took place every day for 5 weeks commencing the 11th June 2002. Data collection followed similar methods to those described in Chapter 2. Searches were performed along linear sections of stream in the Itchen study area and wider searching techniques were employed at Beaulieu. This is partly due to the nature of the habitat in the two areas: the study area at Itchen comprised linear stretches of stream and ditch, only some of which were accessible, whereas the Beaulieu site covered a complex network of wet and dry areas. In the Itchen study, females were only captured when in copula, but lone females were also recorded at Beaulieu. Numbers of individuals captured, marked and released are summarised in Tables 5.3 and 5.4 for Itchen and Beaulieu, respectively. Some individuals were omitted because of missing data (27 individuals from Itchen and 16 from Beaulieu). Capture histories for each individual were constructed and modelling of survival and recapture probabilities was conducted using the program MSURGE (Choquet et al. 2004). Capture histories from both locations were grouped into two day intervals as the data was too sparse to use in single day interval format.

5.2.2 Models, assumptions and model selection

Procedures for goodness of fit (GOF) testing and model selection are equivalent to those outlined in Chapter 4. As no transition between sites occurred, single state models were used to analyse the Beaulieu and Itchen data sets. Modelling of both data sets used the CJS model (described with assumptions in Chapter 4), modified as indicated by failure of components of the GOF test for the CJS model in U-CARE. The variance inflation factor, ĉ, was calculated as the ratio χ2/df using pooled chi squared statistics and degrees of freedom from GOF tests (Lebreton et al. 1992).

5.2.3 Model specification

It was expected that survival and recapture probabilities could be dependent on sex (s) and/or time (t) and/or site (location - l). An a priori set of models was defined that included and excluded each of the considered effects in an interactive manner. Additive effects were also included where they seemed biologically plausible. A degree of post hoc model simplification was then undertaken, to ensure the selected effects should be included in the best model. A list of all the models considered for each analysis appears in Appendix 2.

5.2.4 Population size estimates

Estimates of recapture probabilities, from the best models in each analysis, were used to estimate population size using a Horvitz-Thompson type estimator (Horvitz and Thompson 1952; McDonald and Amstrup 2001), following the methods described in the previous chapter.

102 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

5.3 Results

5.3.1 Itchen

Initial GOF tests revealed that the CJS model φt pt was strongly rejected for the Itchen data (χ2 = 540.526, P < 0.0001, df = 242). Examination of the component tests revealed that males at Mariner’s Meadow and LIC failed test 3.SR (Mariner’s Meadow: χ2 = 61.171, P < 0.0001, df = 13; LIC: χ2 = 45.878, P = 0.0003, df = 18), this indicates a transience or marking effect in these groups. Males at Mariner’s Meadow and LIC also failed test 2.CT, which tests for trap dependence (Mariner’s Meadow: χ2 = 45.107, P < 0.0001, df = 10; LIC: χ2 = 105.406, P < 0.0001, df = 16). A z test performed in U-care indicated trap-happiness, rather than trap-shyness, in both cases. These initial structural failures were dealt with by, firstly, including a two-age-class effect on survival (Brownie and Robson 1983) to account for a transience or marking effect and, secondly, including a trap dependence effect that allowed recapture probabilities to vary between individuals captured at the previous capture occasion and those not (Pradel 1993; Gimenez et al. 2003). Structural modifications were applied only to the groups that failed the relevant component test, i.e. males at Mariner’s Meadow and LIC in both cases. Once the indicated transience and trap dependent effects had been accounted for, the GOF tests remained highly significant (χ2 = 282.964, P < 0.0001, df = 185) suggesting additional lack of fit. The two remaining subcomponents of the GOF test (3.Sm and 2.CL) were also failed by males at Mariner’s Meadow and LIC. These subcomponents test for a difference in the expected time of reencounter between new and old individuals and for a difference in the expected time of reencounter between those individuals encountered and not encountered on a given occasion. These structural deviations do not have standard alternative models that can be used to account for their lack of fit. Therefore, they must be, at least partially, accounted for by modifying the variance inflation factor, ĉ, in MSURGE to the calculated value of 1.53 (Pradel et al. 2005). Model selection should proceed from a model which adequately fits the data, but in cases like this that is not possible. The most important (R. Pradel, pers. com.) structural deviations from the CJS model were accounted for (transience and trap- dependence) and the ĉ value adjusted, this allows model selection to be undertaken, but the results must be interpreted with caution. Lebreton et al. (1992) state that when it is not possible to determine the subtle structure of the data that causes lack of fit, it is appropriate to incorporate this residual structure into the model error component. Modifying the variance inflation factor, ĉ, fulfils this requirement, by inflating the standard errors of the estimates to reflect the level of uncertainty about the true parameter values. The formula for calculating AIC is also modified to give a “quasi- likelihood adjust AIC” or QAICc. The formula for QAICc is: − L) K K + = + K + cˆ M − K −

This modification favours models with fewer parameters as the value of ĉ increases (Cooch and White 2006).

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 103 Table 5.1 The best 10 models based on AIC values for the Itchen data. Number of parameters (NP), model deviance, Akaike information criterion (AIC), AIC differences (ΔAIC) and AIC weights. Subscripts – l = location/site, s - sex, t - time. Two-age-class and trap-dependence effects were included in the general model, but were not featured in the final model. Model DF Dev AIC ΔAIC AIC weight

φt+l pt*l+s 79 20709.66 13693.73 0.000 0.6277 φt+s+l pt*l+s 80 20709.63 13695.7 1.979 0.2334 φt pt*l+s 77 20721.5 13697.47 3.742 0.0967 φt+s*l pt*l+s 82 20708.73 13699.12 5.393 0.0423 φt*s+l pt*l+s 98 20688.73 13718.05 24.320 0.0000 φt+l pt*s*l 124 20640.86 13738.76 45.033 0.0000 φt+s+l pt*s*l 125 20639.84 13740.09 46.367 0.0000 φt pt*s*l 122 20652.42 13742.31 48.587 0.0000 φt+s*l pt*s*l 127 20637.86 13742.79 49.069 0.0000 φt+s*l pt*l 127 20637.86 13742.8 49.069 0.0000

Values of deviance, AIC, difference in AIC, AIC weight and number of parameters for the best 10 models tested are presented in Table 5.1. Sixty-four models were tested and are listed in Appendix 2. The model selected, by AIC, as best explaining the data was φt+l pt*l+s. Model subscripts in this analysis were defined as: a2 – two-age-class effect, l - location/site, m - trap-dependence, s - sex, t - time. The AIC weights show that this model had over twice as much support in the data as the next model φt+s+l pt*l+s. The final model indicates that survival rates vary through time and that site has an additive effect (Fig. 5.1). Error bars are omitted from some figures in this chapter to aid interpretation, but the level of error in the estimates, as calculated by MSURGE, was generally large. Highbridge had slightly higher survival rates than Mariners Meadow (mean difference = 0.049) and LIC (mean difference = 0.043), where survival rates were almost identical (mean difference = 0.005). The calculated two-daily survival rates from this study may be converted to estimated daily survival rates by taking the square root (Cook et al. 1967), if it is assumed that survival is approximately constant across two-day intervals. The average survival rate for C. mercuriale at Itchen was 0.62, which corresponds to a daily rate of 0.78. This value was converted into an average life expectancy of 4.02 days, using the method recommended in Cook et al. (1967). Recapture rates also varied through time and between sites, but in this case an interaction was indicated and a further, additive, effect of sex, where males were almost three times as likely to be captured as females (Fig. 5.2).

104 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies




Survival 0.4

0.2 Mariner's Meadow Highbridge LIC 0.0 0 2 4 6 8 101214161820

Capture occasion Figure 5.1. Maximum likelihood estimates of survival probability for C. mercuriale at Itchen. Lines connecting values for the same site are intended for orientation only. Estimates were calculated by MSURGE using the model φt+l pt*l+s.

1 Males Mariner's Meadow Males Highbridge Males LIC 0.8 Females Mariner's Meadow Females Highbridge Females LIC 0.6

0.4 Recapture


0 02468101214161820 Capture occasion

Figure 5.2. Maximum likelihood estimates of recapture probability for C. mercuriale at Itchen calculated by MSURGE using the model φt+l pt*l+s. Lines connecting values for the same site are intended for orientation only.

5.3.2 Beaulieu

2 Initial GOF tests rejected the CJS model φt pt for the Beaulieu data (χ = 547.48, P = 0.0001, df = 432). Examination of the component tests revealed that males at Roundhill failed test 3.SR (χ2 = 29.11, P = 0.0156, df = 15), indicating a transience or marking effect in this group. Males at Crockford and Peaked Hill failed test 2.CT, which tests for

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 105 trap dependence (Crockford: χ2 = 23.63, P = 0.05079, df = 14; Peaked Hill: χ2 = 69.46, P < 0.0001, df = 14). U-care indicated trap-happiness rather than trap-shyness in both cases. To account for structural failure, a two-age-class effect on survival and a trap dependence effect on recapture were included for the groups that failed the relevant component tests. Once the transience and trap dependent effects had been accounted for, the overall GOF test was non-significant (P = 0.0992) indicating that the modified umbrella model fitted the data adequately. The calculated value of ĉ was 1.09, indicating slight residual overdispersion, and the value was modified in MSURGE to account for this when calculating standard errors and QAICc values.

Table 5.2 The best 10 models based on AIC values for the Beaulieu data. Number of parameters (NP), model deviance, Akaike information criterion (AIC), AIC differences (ΔAIC) and AIC weights. Subscripts – l = location/site, s - sex, t - time. Two-age-class and trap-dependence effects were included in the general model but were not featured in the final model. Model DF Dev AIC ΔAIC AIC weight φt+s+l pt*l+s 84 34153.531 31501.515 0.000 0.5557 φa2[1]*t+l pt*l+s 85 34153.270 31503.275 1.760 0.2305 φt+l pt*l+s 83 34157.821 31503.451 1.936 0.2111 φt+s+l pt*[l+s] 99 34132.610 31512.321 10.806 0.0025 φa2[1]*t+s pt*l+s 83 34172.914 31517.297 15.783 0.0002 φt*l+s pt*l+s 125 34082.919 31518.733 17.218 0.0001 φa2[1]+t*l pt*l+s 126 34084.174 31521.885 20.370 0.0000 φt pt*l+s 80 34203.610 31539.459 37.944 0.0000 φa2[1]*t pt+s+l 38 34323.430 31565.385 63.870 0.0000 φa2[1]*t pt*s*l 137 34116.417 31573.466 71.951 0.0000

Values of deviance, AIC, difference in AIC, AIC weight and number of parameters for the best 10 models tested are presented in Table 5.2. Eighty-one models were tested and are listed in Appendix 2. The model selected, by AIC, as best explaining the data was φt+s+l pt*l+s. Model subscripts in this analysis were defined as: a2 – two-age-class effect, l - location/site, m - trap-dependence, s - sex, t - time. The AIC weights show that the best model was over twice as well supported as the next model φa2[15]*t pt*l.




Males Roundhill 0.4 Females Roundhill

Survival Males Hatchet Stream Females Hatchet Stream Males Crockford 0.2 Females Crockford Males Peaked Hill Females Peaked Hill 0 0 2 4 6 8 10121416 Capture occasion

106 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

Figure 5.3. Maximum likelihood estimates of survival probability for C. mercuriale, at Beaulieu, calculated by MSURGE using the model φt+s+l pt*l+s. Lines connecting values for the same sex and site are intended for orientation only. Survival is greatest at Roundhill, followed by Peaked Hill, then Crockford. Hatchet Stream has the lowest survival rate. Female survival is lower than that of males at each site.

1 Males Roundhill Females Roundhill Males Hatchet Stream 0.8 Females Hatchet Stream Males Crockford Females Crockford Males Peaked Hill 0.6 Females Peaked Hill Recapture 0.4


0 0246810121416 Capture occasion

Figure 5.4. Maximum likelihood estimates of recapture probability for C. mercuriale, at Beaulieu, calculated by MSURGE using the model φt+s+l pt*l+s. Lines connecting values for the same sex and site are intended for orientation only.

This indicates that survival rates vary through time, while site and sex each have additive effects (Fig. 5.3). Crockford and Peaked Hill had almost identical, intermediate survival rates; Hatchet Stream the lowest and Roundhill the largest (Fig. 5.4). Females had a slightly lower survival rate than males. The average survival rate for male C. mercuriale at Beaulieu was 0.72 and 0.69 for females, which correspond to daily rates of 0.85 (6.15 days) and 0.83 (5.37 days) respectively. These survival values are very similar and the difference may be considered negligible, although the inclusion of the effect of sex was significant when tested using LRT (χ2 = 4.29, P = 0.0383, df = 1). Recapture rates were again subject to interactive effects of time and site with an additive effect of sex (Fig. 5.4).

5.3.3 Population size estimates

Population size estimates calculated for the combined Itchen sites are shown in Figure 5.5. Numbers are shown separately for males and females so that predicted sex ratio may be discussed. The maximum estimated number occurred at capture occasion 16, the 12th and 13th July 2001. An estimated 12495 (± 967) individuals were present in the population during this period, comprising 9487 (± 875) males and 3009 (± 1002) females. The overall population size for the season, calculated using the Horvitz- Thompson estimator with new individuals (see Chapter 4), was 71976 (± 5029), comprising 52142 (± 4518) males and 19834 (± 2209) females (all estimates presented with 95 per cent Wald confidence intervals). Observed and estimated overall population sizes for the C. mercuriale population at Itchen are summarised in Table 5.3. Where no individuals were recorded on a capture occasion, an HT estimate or variance cannot be calculated and no data point is shown on the relevant chart. Where parameters were

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 107 estimated close to the boundary, with standard errors so large that confidence intervals included negative values, the estimate for that date was omitted.

Table 5.3 Total numbers of C. mercuriale in the Itchen population. Observed (Obs) values (total numbers marked and released) and Horvitz-Thompson (HT) estimates are presented with their 95 per cent Wald confidence intervals. Site Mariner’s Highbridge LIC Total Meadow Obs HT Obs HT Obs HT Obs HT Males 1613 3046 1101 2874 7933 46222 10647 52142 ±244 ±277 ±4503 ±4518 Females 236 1688 72 706 864 17440 1172 19834 ±376 ±212 ±2167 ±2210 Total 1849 4734 1173 3580 8797 63662 11819 71976 ±448 ±349 ±4997 ±5029

Figure 5.5 shows the population size estimates for the combined Beaulieu populations. Numbers are shown separately for males and females as an effect of sex on recapture rates was retained in the best model for these data. The highest estimate of 7347 (± 337) individuals occurred on day 9 (4707 ± 196 males and 2640 ± 279 females). The overall estimated population size for the season was 44722 (± 1621), comprising 27175 (± 931) males and 17547 (±1328) females (all estimates presented with 95 per cent Wald confidence intervals). Observed and estimated population sizes for the C. mercuriale population at Beaulieu are summarised in Table 5.4. As before, estimates were omitted for dates with no records or where the recapture parameter was estimated on the boundary with a large standard error.

Table 5.4 Total numbers of C. mercuriale in the Beaulieu population. Observed (Obs) values (total numbers marked and released) and Horvitz-Thompson (HT) estimates are presented with their 95 per cent Wald confidence intervals. Site Roundhill Hatchet Crockford Peaked Hill Total Stream Obs HT Obs HT Obs HT Obs HT Obs HT Males 2836 3600 247 617 3777 11539 7312 11419 14172 27175 ±211 ±110 ±772 ±463 ±931 Females 517 2490 71 645 531 6567 1217 7845 2336 17547 ±242 ±199 ±1200 ±476 ±1328 Total 3353 6090 318 1262 4308 18106 8529 19264 16508 44722 ±321 ±227 ±1427 ±664 ±1621

108 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

14000 Male HT (a)

12000 Female HT



6000 Numbers



0 0 2 4 6 8 101214161820 Capture occasion

6000 Male HT (b) 5000 Female HT



Numbers 2000


0 0246810121416

Capture occasion

Figure 5.5. Number of adult male and female C. mercuriale in the Itchen (a) and Beaulieu (b) populations, estimated using the Horvitz-Thompson (HT) method and parameter estimates from the models φt+l pt*l+s and φt+s+l pt*l+s respectively. Lines connecting values for the same sex are intended for orientation only. Error bars represent 95 per cent Wald confidence intervals.

5.4 Discussion

5.4.1 Assumptions

Initial departure from the assumptions of the CJS model, due to a transience or marking effect, was accounted for by fitting a two-age-class model. The umbrella model

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 109 was also modified to incorporate a trap dependence effect, which allowed recapture probabilities to vary between individuals captured at the previous capture occasion and those not. Once these major structural features of the data had been accounted for in the umbrella model, there was evidence for additional lack of fit in both data sets, indicated by values of ĉ greater than 1. Furthermore, in the case of the Itchen data, GOF tests indicated significant lack of fit of the modified umbrella model that could be due to further structural deviations. Failure of GOF subcomponent tests (3.Sm and 2.CL) by males at Mariner’s Meadow and LIC indicated structural deviations from the CJS model, which have no standard alternatives. Overdispersion, or lack of fit, may be caused by any combination of structural failure of the model, heterogeneity of survival or recapture rates and non-independence of the fates of individuals (Lebreton et al. 1992). As the calculated values of ĉ were greater than 1, it is possible that these assumptions were violated to some degree, although the structural failure indicated by the failure of GOF subcomponents 3.Sm and 2.CL is likely to be the cause of most of the remaining lack of fit to the Itchen data. Some groups of females were omitted from the study at Itchen and this may have had implications for the final model, which are discussed below. However, the calculated values of ĉ were relatively low (1.53 for Itchen and 1.09 for Beaulieu). Lebreton et al. (1992) and Cooch and White (2006) recommend that model selection should not be undertaken from starting models with values of ĉ greater than 3. Therefore the lack of fit is not severe and should be well accounted for by the modified QAICc values. The suggested trap dependence may be due the increased likelihood of males being present at the water on subsequent days when mature, which may result in higher recapture probabilities in males captured on the previous day. Females, on the other hand, visit only when ready to lay eggs (Banks and Thompson 1987; Anholt 1992; Stoks 2001a). Fincke (1986) reported that female Enallagma hageni visited water, on average, every 5.2 days after maturing a clutch of eggs. Although trap dependence was indicated by the initial GOF tests, it did not feature in the final models selected by AIC. This suggests that the size of the effect was too small to warrant its inclusion in the best models, given the number of additional parameters it required. The indication of trap dependence in male C. mercuriale, but not I. pumilio, could be because mature C. mercuriale males spend the majority of the active part of the day at the water, whereas I. pumilio males spend at least some time mate searching and mating away from water (see chapter 3). However this has not been directly studied in C. mercuriale. If only the areas of water surveyed are considered to be the MRR study site and the surrounding vegetation is excluded, then females returning to surrounding vegetation between bouts of oviposition violate the assumption that all emigration is permanent (Stoks 2001a). Kendall et al. (1997) showed that differences in temporary emigration probability, such as those between females that have recently oviposited and those that have not, result in negatively biased capture probabilities. Longevity of Pyrrhosoma nymphula was underestimated when using data collected only at water, compared with data that included the hinterland (Bennett and Mill 1995). Temporary emigration may also be thought of as trap shyness, as a female captured on one occasion is less likely to be captured on the next (Stoks 2001a). It is unclear why this effect was not detected by GOF tests. The results showed that trap happiness was much less marked in females and in two cases trap shyness was indicated, although the effect was not significant (females at Mariner’s Meadow and Peaked Hill). Too few females (they were captured only when in copula) may have been present in the Itchen data to detect an effect. Some GOF test components returned no result for females at Highbridge, Itchen and Hatchet Stream, Beaulieu. This is because the data for these groups was so sparse, due to low numbers, that no test could be conducted.

110 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

5.4.2 Itchen

Estimated survival rates varied greatly with time in this analysis (Fig. 5.1). On several occasions the estimated two-day survival rate approached 1. This coincides, approximately, with those occasions when capture rates and numbers seen were relatively low (Figs. 5.2 and 5.6). Due to periods of inclement weather, on one two-day capture occasion no individuals were recorded at any site and on 8 other occasions no records were obtained at one or more sites. When no individuals were recorded on a given occasion, it was impossible to separately estimate the survival rates for the intervals either side of this occasion and lack of data can cause parameters to be estimated on a boundary (Viallefont et al. 1998). The additive nature of the survival component of the selected model has forced all estimates on the affected capture occasions to be estimated close to 1, as opposed to only the rates for the affected sites. The survival estimates close to 1 should be ignored as their values are unlikely to represent the true values for the population at that time. Disregarding those values close to 1, rates decreased somewhat during the season, appearing to be lower after the period with low numbers of observations (occasions 12 to 16). As the low capture rates were caused by bad weather, it seems likely that survival was affected during the following days. Lower temperatures prevent odonates from foraging, due to decreased activity (Corbet 1999; Ward and Mill 2006). Bad weather, such as wind and rain, may physically damage damselflies and has been found to decrease survival in Ischnura denticollis (Córdoba-Aguilar 1993).

1200 Males Mariner's Meadow Males Highbridge Males LIC 1000 Females Mariner's Meadow Females Highbridge Females LIC . 800

600 Numbers caught caught Numbers 400


0 0 2 4 6 8 101214161820 Capture occasion

Figure 5.6. Number of adult male and female C. mercuriale captured or recaptured at each of the Itchen sites. Lines connecting values for the same sex are intended for orientation only.

The only other factor found to significantly influence survival rates in the Itchen population was site. The central site, Highbridge, had slightly higher survival rates than Mariner’s Meadow to its north (mean difference = 0.049) and LIC to its south (mean difference = 0.043), where rates were almost identical (mean difference = 0.005). Habitat quality at Mariner’s Meadow was good (Rouquette and Thompson 2005). This was the most genetically distinct of the sites and had high levels of kinship among individuals, suggesting that it may have suffered the effects of genetic isolation and inbreeding (Watts et al. 2004) which can negatively affect survival rates. Conversely,

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 111 the larger LIC site had more genetic variation, but also more varied habitat. Survival may be reduced where habitat is poor. Highbridge had intermediate levels of both habitat quality and genetic variation. A combination of environmental factors, management or genetics at that site may have resulted in slightly increased survival. Recapture rates also varied considerably through the study period. In periods when bad weather reduced the numbers seen, recapture rates were inevitably reduced. Insects require heat from the sun in order to fly and on days of low temperature and dense cloud cover become notoriously difficult to locate. Much, if not all, of the observed stochastic variation in recapture rates is likely to be due to environmental conditions, as sampling effort per unit area was constant throughout the study. Probability of recapture also varied between sites, with Mariner’s Meadow generally having the highest rates and LIC the lowest. Mariner’s Meadow is the most northerly of the three sites and also the most isolated. Rouquette & Thompson (2007a) found that distances moved by C. mercuriale at Mariner’s Meadow were shorter than all other sites covered by their study and that this site contained sections with the highest population densities. A high density of less mobile individuals would facilitate capture and could be the explanation for the increased capture rates at Mariner’s Meadow. LIC is a much larger area and comprises 5 sub-sites, these were considered separately in the original study, but grouped together here because of recorded movement between them. Therefore, LIC contained much more varied habitats and population densities than either Mariner’s Meadow or Highbridge, which may have resulted in a lower overall capture rate for that site. A significant effect of sex on recapture rates was also detected. Males were almost three times as likely to be captured as females, as might be expected given the known difficulty of locating female damselflies during the long periods they spend maturing and feeding away from water. Furthermore, in this study, reduced recapture rates in females were more likely, as females were only captured in copula, which cannot happen every day as females must mature new eggs after each bout of oviposition (Fincke 1986; Banks and Thompson 1987; Stoks 2001a). An effect of sex on recapture rates is common in MRR studies of damselflies (e.g. Parr and Parr 1972; Waage 1972; Van Noordwijk 1978; Bennett and Mill 1995; Anholt 1997; Andres and Cordero Rivera 2001) due to differences in habitat use between the sexes, where females spend more time concealed in surrounding vegetation. This is amplified by the difference in colouration between males and females that makes males more conspicuous. Coenagrion mercuriale females are cryptically coloured like I. pumilio females, while the males are even more brightly coloured than I. pumilio males and certainly more conspicuous than conspecific females. During the data collection period for the Itchen study, the pattern of rainy days resulted in a two-day capture occasion on which no individuals were recorded at any site and there were other occasions on which no records were obtained at one or more sites. This causes some parameters in the model to be non-estimable and could further bias parameter estimates and cause problems with model selection using AIC (Viallefont et al. 1998). In addition, some parameters were estimated on the boundary (close to 0 or 1) either because of lack of data or because the true values were close to 0 or 1. This causes irregularities in the likelihood function and makes model selection using AIC unreliable (Viallefont et al. 1998). This, and the violation of assumptions discussed above, could have introduced bias into the estimates produced from this model and they should be interpreted with caution.

5.4.3 Beaulieu

The variation, through time, in C. mercuriale survival rates at Beaulieu (Fig. 5.3) was much more pronounced later in the season (after occasion 10). Numbers caught were

112 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies also more variable during this time because of two periods of bad weather, which resulted in no individuals being recorded at Hatchet Stream on four of the two-day capture occasions (Fig. 5.7). As described previously, variation in temperature and other weather variables can lead to variation in survival and recapture probabilities (e.g. Córdoba-Aguilar 1994; Ward and Mill 2006) and the absence of any captures on an occasion leads to problems modelling survival rates on neighbouring occasions (Viallefont et al. 1998). These factors are likely to be the major cause of the fluctuations in survival rates in the later part of the study. These fluctuations aside, survival rates also decrease generally as the season progresses. This was also found in the Itchen population and in I. pumilio (Chapter 4) and has also been reported in the butterfly Parnassius clodius (Auckland et al. 2004). This seasonal decline in survival is to be expected as each study period covers the main flight season of the relevant species (Smallshire and Swash 2004), towards the end of which most individuals had emerged and survival rates would have decreased as the population aged.

1000 Males Roundhill Males Hatchet Stream Males Crockford 800 Males Peaked Hill Females Roundhill Females Hatchet Stream

. Females Crockford 600 Females Peaked Hill

400 Numbers caught caught Numbers


0 0 2 4 6 8 1012141618 Capture occasion

Figure 5.7. Number of adult male and female C. mercuriale captured at each of the Beaulieu sites. Lines connecting values for the same sex are intended for orientation only. Some difference in survival probability between sites was also indicated: the two larger sites (Crockford and Peaked Hill) had almost identical, intermediate survival rates; the smallest site (Hatchet Stream) had the lowest survival probability and Roundhill the largest (Fig. 5.4). Thompson & Watts (2006) were unable to distinguish these sites genetically, although genetic differentiation does exist in C. mercuriale across the New Forest as a whole. This suggests that they were effectively one population, or metapopulation, and had equal levels of genetic variation, even though no dispersal between them was detected. The smaller, apparently more isolated, sites were not suffering the effects of inbreeding or genetic drift and differences in survival cannot, therefore, be attributed to genetic factors. Differences in management, habitat quality or levels of predation may be responsible for the observed differences (largest mean difference between sites = 0.21 between Roundhill and Hatchet Stream). Females had a slightly lower survival rate than males at the same time and location in this analysis. This contradicts the results for I. pumilio, presented in Chapter 4, which showed that females at Latchmoor had slightly greater survival rates than males, except in the first interval after marking when they suffered greater mortality. However, the Cornish I. pumilio and Itchen C. mercuriale populations showed no difference in

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 113 survival rates. The average daily survival rate for male C. mercuriale at Beaulieu was 0.85 and for females 0.83. These values are very similar and the difference may be considered negligible (as was the case in mature I. pumilio at Latchmoor), leading to the conclusion that sex does not have a biologically meaningful effect on survival in mature C. mercuriale. This is supported by the absence of an effect of sex on survival rates in the final model for the Itchen data. The effect of sex on survival in C. mercuriale is small and evidence from the literature suggests that the effect of sex on survival is not always present in damselfly populations, particularly in those studies that account for differences in recapture probabilities. Of the published studies that use similar MRR modelling techniques to those used here, Cordero Rivera & Andres (1999) found no difference in survivorship between the sexes in I. pumilio, as did one study reported in Chapter 4. Andres & Cordero (2001) found that survival rates in mature Ceriagrion tenellum were also similar, but that males suffered greater mortality during the pre-reproductive period than females in field and laboratory populations. Anholt et al. (2001) have reported that daily survival was considerably different in I. elegans (males = 0.81 and females = 0.58). Using other methods, Hafernik & Garrison (1986) found survival rates in Ischnura gemina to be equal in a population where they were able to mark almost all individuals, but found male survival (0.96) to be higher than female (0.86) in another study of the same species (Garrison and Hafernik 1981). Similarly, Stoks (2001b) reported that mature male Lestes sponsa had higher survival rates than mature females in one population but not in another. Females may experience greater mortality due to the greater energy demands of maturing successive batches of eggs. This may necessitate increased foraging activity and increase exposure to predation (Banks and Thompson 1987; Anholt 1992; Stoks 2001a). Also, females are more at risk when ovipositing as this can take a long time, during which the female is exposed to predation from both air and water. In other coenagrionids, longevity has been found to be similar between the sexes (Robinson et al. 1983; Banks and Thompson 1985b; Hamilton and Montgomerie 1989; Anholt 1997). Table 5.5. Estimated daily survival rates (φ) for damselfly species in field experiments reported in the scientific literature. Method of calculation is shown where possible. Methods shown in capitals refer to the program used to select an optimal model derived from the CJS based on AIC. Sources marked * were taken from **. Where more than one value was reported the greatest is given. Species ♂ φ ♀ φ Method Source Coenagrion mercuriale 0.85 0.85 MSURGE Chapter 5 Beaulieu Coenagrion mercuriale 0.78 MSURGE Chapter 5 Itchen Ischnura pumilio 0.82 0.84 MSURGE Chapter 4 Latchmoor Ischnura pumilio 0.94 MSURGE Chapter 4 Cornwall Ischnura elegans 0.81 0.58 MARK Anholt et al. (2001) Lestes disjunctus 0.77 0.83 SURGE Anholt (1997) Pyrrhosoma nymphula 0.87 0.86 Jolly Bennett & Mill (1995) Hetaerina cruentata 0.98 Jolly Cordoba-Aguilar (1994)** Ischnura denticollis 0.71 Manly-Parr Cordoba-Aguilar (1993) Calopteryx aequabilis 0.77 Conrad & Herman (1990)* Calopteryx virgo 0.86 Cordero Rivera (1989)* Calopteryx haemorhroidalis 0.94 Cordero Rivera (1989)* Calopteryx xanthostoma 0.66 Cordero Rivera (1989)* Mnais pruinosa 0.94 Nomakuchi et al. (1988)* Ischnura gemina 0.93 Jolly Hafernik & Garrison (1986) Argia sedula 0.79 Jolly-Seber Robinson et al.(1983) Mnais pruinosa 0.94 Higashi & Ueda (1982)* Ischnura gemina 0.95 0.90 Jolly Garrison & Hafernik (1981)

114 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

The calculated daily survival values were very similar to those for mature I. pumilio (Latchmoor male mean = 0.82; Latchmoor female mean = 0.84; Cornish overall estimate = 0.88; see Chapter 4). A summary of published mean daily survival rates for adult zygopterans is presented in Table 5.5. In a study of Hetaerina cruentata, Cordoba-Aguilar (1994) claims to report the highest survival rate for the Calopterygidae and possibly the Odonata. However, this study is one of many included in Table 5.5 that estimated mean daily survival using values which are greater than 1, which are biologically impossible. Those parameters estimated on a boundary, or with 95 per cent confidence intervals exceeding the boundary, have been omitted in this analysis to give reliable estimates only. The survival rates for C. Mercuriale, estimated in this study, are among the highest estimated for other coenagrionids and damselflies in general (see Table 5.5). Sex had a significant effect on recapture rates, on average, males were over three times more likely to be captured than females. This finding is well supported by other results in this report and in published studies (e.g. Parr and Parr 1972; Waage 1972; Garrison 1978; Van Noordwijk 1978; Bennett and Mill 1995; Anholt 1997; Cordero Rivera and Andres 2001). Possible reasons for this effect are discussed above and in Chapter 4. The probability of recapturing individuals varied between sites and stochastically through time. The interactive nature of these effects indicates that different temporal factors affected different sites. Changes in weather variables may have had slightly different effects at different sites, for example, reduced captures due to strong wind would be less marked at sheltered sites. It may also reflect variation in surveying effort across sites on different occasions, although effort was standardised as much as possible. Recapture rates, as indicated by the average values for each site (males and females), were greatest at Peaked Hill (0.25) followed by Roundhill (0.21), both Crockford and Hatchet Stream had similarly low values (0.14 and 0.13, respectively). This is likely to be an effect of density. Peaked Hill and Crockford were large areas of similar size, but many more individuals were marked at Peaked Hill (5176 compared to 3084 at Crockford). Likewise, Roundhill and Hatchet Stream were relatively small sites, but at Roundhill over 7 times as many individuals were marked (1743 at Roundhill, 241 at Hatchet Stream). Where densities were high, more time could be spent catching and processing animals, whereas at low densities more time is spent searching in between captures. This may account for the increased capture rates at the higher density sites. At the highest densities, recapture rates can be reduced because the numbers processed is limited by handling time (see Chapter 4). These densities may not have been reached in the current study. Although Crockford and Peaked Hill cover similar areas overall, the majority of recaptures are concentrated in one part of the site at Peaked Hill, whereas Crockford had several smaller areas of concentrated recaptures, this may have resulted in more time being spent travelling between areas and less time processing animals. Some parameters were estimated on the boundary (close to 0 or 1) in this analysis, as described above for the Itchen data, and this could have introduced bias into the estimates produced from this model. However, the overall analysis of the Beaulieu population is somewhat more reliable. Once the general model had been modified to account for transience and trap dependence it was shown to fit the data well, which was not true of the Itchen data. A ĉ value close to 1 (1.09) for Beaulieu indicated that there was little residual overdispersion and the resulting modification of QAICc values was less severe, this allowed more parameterised models to be selected where appropriate (Cooch and White 2006). Apart from the effect of sex on survival rates in the Beaulieu data (where the effect size was so small as to be considered negligible) the best models selected in both analyses were identical. Survival rates declined

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 115 through the season as well as exhibiting some stochastic variation through time due to weather and they could be quite different between sites, although not all differed. Recapture rates also varied stochastically through time because of weather conditions and they differed between sites. Overall recapture rates were found to be approximately three times lower in C. mercuriale females than in males, in this study. The estimated daily survival rates for C. mercuriale were very similar to those estimated for I. pumilio (Chapter 4). They were also subject to variation caused by similar factors, declining as the season progressed and varying through time because of weather conditions. Increased survival rates in mature females were detected in both species. However, as discussed above and in Chapter 4, these differences were very small and may not be considered biologically meaningful. To establish whether an effect of sex on survival rates truly exists, future studies should carefully consider the areas included in the study, to ensure that habitat where females roost and feed is included and hence they are better represented in the data.

5.4.4 Population size

The maximum two-daily population size estimates of 12500 (Itchen) and 7300 (Beaulieu) are among the highest of those published for damselfly species. Two-daily population size estimates are likely to be more reliable than total estimates, as discussed in Chapter 4. The maximum daily estimate for Ischnura denticollis at a large artificial pond in Mexico (1400) is the highest published daily estimate (Córdoba-Aguilar 1993). Using the Manly-Parr method, other studies have reported maximum daily estimates of 150 for Ischnura gemina (Garrison and Hafernik 1981), 700 for Lestes disjunctus (Anholt 1997) and approximately 700 Lestes sponsa (Stoks 2001a). A study using the Jolly-Seber method reported 500 male Argia sedula (Robinson et al. 1983). Average daily population size estimates are generally much smaller than these values, as in most cases the population exhibits at least one marked peak in numbers during the study period. This was also the case in the C. mercuriale populations studied here, where mean population size was similar in both sites (mean ± s.e.: Itchen: = 4700 ± 766; Beaulieu = 4300 ± 471). These estimates suggest that although the distribution of C. mercuriale is decreasing in the UK, where populations do exist they can be very large. As no movement was recorded between the sub-sites in both study sites, individual abundance estimates are perhaps more relevant from a conservation viewpoint. The smallest of the C. mercuriale populations that were studied were Highbridge, Itchen (maximum daily estimate 780, mean = 494 ± 67.6) and Hatchet Stream, Beaulieu (maximum daily estimate 320, mean = 144 ± 24.4). These values are small in comparison to the other sites studied here, but were larger than those for I. pumilio in the Cornish population (maximum daily estimate 100, Chapter 4) and I. gemina (Garrison and Hafernik 1981), both of which are considered to be less threatened than C. mercuriale. The calculated total population size estimate for the whole Beaulieu population (44722 ± 1621) was somewhat higher than that calculated by Thompson & Watts (2004). Their estimate (39913) was produced using Jolly-Seber (JS) estimates of daily population size for males, which were then doubled to account for females. These daily censuses were summed and then divided by average lifespan, calculated as mean number of days between first and last capture. Chapter 4 describes how the JS method consistently underestimated population size in I. pumilio and C. mercuriale and this seems to be supported here. However, these estimates are reasonably close and given the computational requirements of HT estimates, JS methods may be preferred; both methods are likely to violate assumptions and thus contain substantial error.

116 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

Table 5.6. Sex ratio of C. mercuriale at Itchen and Beaulieu, and I. pumilio at Latchmoor and Cornwall for comparison. Observed sex ratio is calculated from numbers captured and marked. HT mean is the mean sex ratio across two-day capture occasions as calculated using the Horvitz-Thompson method. HT total is the ratio of the total male and female populations calculated using the method described in Chapter 4. All values represent the ratio of males to one female. Site Observed HT Mean HT Total C. mercuriale Itchen 7.3 4.6 2.6 C. mercuriale Beaulieu 4.3 2.5 1.5 I. pumilio Latchmoor 1.2 0.88 0.54 I. pumilio Cornwall 1.8 2.0 1.5

Horvitz-Thompson estimates of population size were strongly male biased in both populations (Figs. 5.5 & 5.6 and Table 5.5). The potential reasons for such a skewed sex ratio include higher female mortality during the immature phase, sex ratio bias at emergence and lower recapture and survival rates in females. Calculated sex ratios are presented in Table 5.3 and are male biased in all cases, more so in the Itchen population. This is likely to result, at least in part from the large proportion of females omitted from the analysis by sampling design. Searches were performed along linear sections of stream in the Itchen study area, as opposed to the wider searching techniques employed at Beaulieu. This was partly due to the nature of the habitat in the two areas: Itchen comprised linear stretches of stream, with varying accessibility, whereas the Beaulieu site covered a complex network of wet and dry areas. Unlike the I. pumilio study at Latchmoor, neither of these studies specifically aimed to cover areas of water and hinterland equally, but the nature of the habitat at Beaulieu was more conducive to including at least some of the areas surrounding water. As females spend significantly more time away from the water than males, it is inevitable that a proportion of females will have been missed by employing these searching strategies. Foster & Soluk (2006) found significant differences in habitat use between male and female Somatochlora hineana and suggested that this is often the cause of observed male biased sex ratios in MRR studies (see Chapter 3). Sex ratios calculated for the Beaulieu population were closer to those reported for the Cornish I. pumilio population (Chapter 4) than to the Itchen values. The ratio of observed males to females was still considerably higher, because of the different search methods (Table 5.6). The mean estimated two-daily sex ratio was male biased in the Beaulieu (2.5 : 1) and Itchen (4.6 : 1) populations. This may be considered the more reliable estimate as it takes into account recapture rates which are often said to be the cause of bias in sex ratios in MRR studies of odonates, but does not suffer the problems of the HT total method outlined in Chapter 4. A review of sex ratio in odonates at emergence, undertaken by Corbet (1998), indicated that the proportion of males was greater than unity in 65 per cent of studies (fitting certain criteria and with n>299) based on collected zygopteran exuviae. The study attributes this skew to differential survival of eggs and/or larvae and differential predation of larvae. However, the maximum skew reported was 55 per cent males, which cannot account for any of the C. mercuriale sex ratios in this report. As exuviae were not collected as part of this study, the sex ratio at emergence could not be established, but a previous study of emerging C. mercuriale found that the sex ratio was significantly male biased at 1.35 : 1 (Purse and Thompson 2003b). Interestingly, the only study in this report to attempt to include all areas used by females (Latchmoor) found a female biased sex ratio based on mean daily HT estimates. This suggests that the male biased sex ratios reported in most other studies may be, at least partly, due to underrepresentation of females in the data.

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 117 In Sympetrum danae, sex ratios that were female biased at emergence were found to switch to an excess of males at maturity (Michiels and Dhondt 1989). Cordoba-Aguilar (1993) recorded a sex ratio of approximately 2:1 males to females in mature adult I. denticollis, but found that sex ratio did not differ significantly from unity when only tenerals were considered, indicating that the observed skew in adult numbers was attributable to differential mortality during maturation. Females may experience greater mortality during the immature stage, which is often excluded from MRR studies, including those analysed in this chapter. Reduced female survival during the pre- reproductive stage has been reported in several indirect studies of survival rate (Anholt 1991; 1997), but studies using population modelling methods such as those used here have found the converse (Cordero 1994; Anholt et al. 2001). This includes the study of I. pumilio discussed in Chapter 4. Female odonates may experience increased pre- maturation mortality compared to males (Banks and Thompson 1985a; Bennett and Mill 1995; Stoks 2001b), as the length of the immature period is considerably longer in females (Cham 1993; Corbet 1999). This may result in reduced female numbers, even where daily mortality is equal across the sexes, because it is acting across more days. There are many reports in the literature of a male biased sex ratio in marked individuals (e.g. Robinson et al. 1983; Banks and Thompson 1985b; Córdoba-Aguilar 1994; Cordero Rivera and Andrés 1999), but few consider recapture probabilities explicitly in their calculations (but see Anholt 1997). However, many claim that low recaptures rates in females, due to differences in behaviour, colouration and habitat use, cause male bias in sex ratio and that the true ratio is unity. Stoks (2001a) conducted a test of the commonly suggested hypotheses for male biased sex ratios. MRR data on Lestes sponsa was analysed using both number of captures and with Manly-Parr population size estimates and the true population sex ratio was found to be male biased. The study considered the areas surrounding ponds as well as the water’s edge and found that the sex ratio in those areas was in fact female biased, but not sufficiently so to compensate for the male bias observed at water. Reduced encounters with females, due to cryptic behaviour or colouration, were not shown to be the cause of the bias. This conclusion was based on observations of a semi-natural population (where capture probability was said to be 100 per cent) that supported the findings from the natural population. The interval between visits to the water was longer in female L. sponsa than males and as females only come to the water to oviposit they are less likely to be captured the following day. This may be interpreted as trap-shyness, as females caught one day are less likely to be caught the next. This difference in capture probability between females can result in negatively biased capture probabilities (Kendall et al. 1997), which will overestimate female population size. Therefore, reduced frequency of female visits to water cannot explain male biased sex ratios calculated using MRR modelling methods (Stoks 2001a). This comprehensive study of sex ratio concluded that the observed male biased sex ratio in L. sponsa was real, as spatial distribution, longer intervals between visits to water in females, or their increased cryptic behaviour and colour could not explain the observed bias. Sex ratio can determine which sex competes for mates and the intensity of that competition. Furthermore, the probability of finding a mate and the effective population size may both be influenced by sex ratio (Garrison and Hafernik 1981; Fincke 1982; Stoks 2001a). To establish a more reliable estimate of the true sex ratio in adult C. mercuriale populations, an MRR study encompassing all areas of habitat utilised by the species should be undertaken and a Horvitz-Thompson estimate of daily population size calculated. The methodological and modelling problems encountered in this study prevent a reliable and conclusive estimate to be made using these data.

118 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

5.4.5 Summary

Coenagrion mercuriale inhabits increasingly restricted areas in the UK. This is largely due to its specialised habitat requirements and the declining availability of that habitat (Rouquette and Thompson 2005). The species has undergone a 30 per cent reduction in UK distribution since 1960 and great efforts are now being made to conserve the species (Watts et al. 2004). This study has shown that even within a relatively small group of sites, survival rates can differ considerably. In order to conserve the species where it persists, efforts should be made to use sound management guidelines to manage the habitat at sites where survival rates are decreased (e.g. Thompson et al. 2003; e.g. Rouquette and Thompson 2005). Where inbreeding and low levels of genetic variation are indicated, and may be the cause of reduced survival, population augmentation by reintroduction may be considered. This should be given careful consideration as isolated populations can be locally adapted (Watts et al. 2004). However, small population size and low levels of dispersal, such as that reported at Mariner’s Meadow in the Itchen study (Rouquette and Thompson 2007a), along with reduced survival rates suggests that the population is in danger of extinction and some management should be undertaken to prevent this. The results of this study have implications for the design of future MRR studies as discussed in the previous Chapter. The data analysed here caused several structural problems when fitting standard MRR umbrella models and this has inevitably led to bias in the results. Because of the highly specific requirements that determine whether a data set is suitable for MRR analysis using sophisticated software such as MSURGE, it is suggested that data collected for other purposes may be less suitable due to problems with lack of fit. By collecting data using a methodology designed to minimise structural failure, MRR modelling is more likely to give reliable results. This is especially pertinent when the results are required to make conservation management decisions, because incorrect judgements can have irreversible detrimental effects. Survival rates obtained from such analyses can be very useful in population viability analysis and modelling potential outcomes of management programs (e.g. Pryde et al. 2005). Analyses of this kind, using the rates obtained in this study, may be useful in initial planning and predictive modelling, but more robust estimates should be obtained before using them for management purposes. These are the first estimates of survival and its influencing factors in C. mercuriale and provide a basis for further investigation. Specifically, clarification of the differences in survival and recapture rates between sexes and a more comprehensive investigation of its effect on sex ratio, would allow reliable estimates of population vital rates and the size of the groups they effect to be used in modelling real conservation initiatives.

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 119 6 Conclusion

Chapter summary

• The population at Latchmoor was estimated at c.8700 and the habitat was among the best. It may be one of the most important sites for the species in the UK and is certainly thought to be one of the largest. • Despite the strength of some UK populations, such as Latchmoor, I. pumilio still requires conservation management. Populations are isolated, based on the range of movements observed in this study, and without dispersal to augment genetic diversity even strong populations are at risk of developing high levels of inbreeding. • The ability of I. pumilio to colonise newly formed habitat is still under discussion. No long-range dispersal movements were recorded in this study and no upward flight behaviour was observed. • The species was found at sites with a range of water depths, management regimes and levels of pH, pollution, grazing and disturbance. However, sites generally had slow-flowing water, with some bare ground in and around the water’s edge and relatively open in terms of shade from tall vegetation. • Management of areas away from water should be incorporated into any habitat management plan, as different individuals may be present and may exhibit different behaviours. A buffer of 25m may be sufficient for the necessary roosting, mating and feeding requirements of I. pumilio. • A monitoring program to establish the current status of these and other key odonate sites across the UK would be beneficial. Monitoring of adult I. pumilio at existing sites may be successfully achieved using transect walks, which are a useful method for large-scale monitoring. • The estimated maximum population sizes during the two studies of C. mercuriale in this report are among the highest recorded for any damselfly. However, I. pumilio populations were much smaller and as such may be more at risk of genetic effects such as inbreeding.

This chapter will consider the main conclusions of the report as a whole and the potential conservation management outcomes. It will discuss implications for study design and monitoring and make some suggestions for future work on Ischnura pumilio. The contribution from existing knowledge of Coenagrion mercuriale will also be discussed.

6.1 Ischnura pumilio in south-west England

Little was previously known of the status and distribution of I. pumilio in the UK and very few quantitative studies of any aspect of the species’ biology have been published. This report has raised the level of ecological knowledge about I. pumilio

120 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies considerably. It includes the first large scale MRR studies of the species, the first quantitative assessment of its movement potential, the first attempt to describe its habitat requirements quantitatively and the first estimates of population size. The site at Latchmoor, New Forest, was chosen as the focus for the first year of sampling because of its well-established status. The population at Latchmoor was estimated at c.8700 and the habitat was among the best surveyed, based on previous notions and the results presented here. It may be one of the most important sites for the species in the UK and is certainly thought to be one of the largest. Of the other sites surveyed, only a few had populations of I. pumilio comparable to that at Latchmoor, based on the single-day survey data collected in 2006. Great Wheal Seton (estimated at c.500, single-day count = 26) and Stepper Point (single-day count = 53) had the largest populations in Cornwall, where habitats are highly variable in type, quality and size. The largest populations in Devon were thought to be at Cadover Bridge (single-day count = 51) and Smallhanger Waste (single-day count = 29), although no population size estimates were made at these sites. Devon habitats were generally more uniform in their type and size and given the large areas of potential habitat in Devon it is likely that several more large populations exist. This is also the case in the New Forest. Many of the previous I. pumilio sites surveyed had no current population, which may be due to periodic colonisation and extinction events or may be a result of vegetation encroachment. The latter is certainly likely in several cases. Populations of I. pumilio in this study were generally much smaller than those of C. mercuriale, even at Latchmoor, which is thought to be an I. pumilio stronghold. This suggests that I. pumilio may be at even greater risk of inbreeding than C. mercuriale. There are very few published studies of I. pumilio in the rest of Europe, but the species reportedly has a more continuous distribution across mainland Europe and into North Africa (Askew 1988; Dijkstra and Lewington 2006). It has been recorded in the Azores, an archipelago of volcanic islands isolated from the European coast by approximately 1500 km of ocean (Cordero Rivera et al. 2005). I. pumilio is widespread in the mountains of Middle Asia, where it occurs from the plains to alpine areas up to 3360m above sea level (Borisov 2006). It is likely that the populations across its mainland distribution are stronger, larger and better connected than most of those in the UK. The threats to I. pumilio, from habitat fragmentation in the UK, make its conservation here a priority in comparison to the rest of its global range. It is not the purpose of this report to advocate the allocation of resources to conserving species that are at the edge of their global range and only nationally rare. However, the persistence of high profile, charismatic species has clear educational benefits on a much wider scale than the single species considered and has popular and political support (Hunter 2002). Furthermore, the conservation of such species will no doubt benefit countless other species, which depend on the same declining habitats and by association are also likely to be in decline (Thomas 1994). Ischnura pumilio inhabits early-successional and highly disturbed habitat that may have been common in Britain, historically. Thomas (1994) suggested that sedentary species such as I. pumilio colonised Britain between 5000 and 8000 years ago when temperatures were warmer and inhabited different and more widespread niches. These species may then have survived as a result of the development of silviculture and agriculture, which cleared wild woodland and maintained a level of suitable habitat. Traditional land management would have favoured sedentary species, as new, early- successional areas were created frequently and within small distances of previous areas. The relatively recent expansion of the human population and associated, accelerated habitat loss has resulted in these species becoming ‘trapped’ in increasingly fragmented habitat. Thomas noted that although species occupying early- successional, ephemeral habitats should be highly dispersive, in order to colonise newly formed habitat effectively (Southwood 1977), studies of such species commonly find them to be highly sedentary.

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 121 Many of the modern UK sites occupied by I. pumilio are man-made wetlands, which are currently, or recently, worked mineral extraction sites, or similar. Once extraction has ceased, colonisation by early-successional plant species progresses rapidly and I. pumilio is soon excluded. Therefore, it is important to ensure that vegetation is cleared, or new areas of suitable wetland are created nearby for dispersing individuals to colonise (Fox et al. 1992). An alternative is to allow the land to be grazed by livestock, which creates poaching of the water’s edge and prevents plant succession from progressing too far. Ischnura pumilio is a conservation challenge, as its habitat may need management on a rotational basis to provide some degree of bare substrate with restricted vegetation (Fox and Cham 1994). Despite the strength of some UK populations, such as Latchmoor, the persistence of I. pumilio still requires a degree of conservation management. Populations are isolated (based on the range of movements observed in this study) and without dispersal to augment genetic diversity even strong populations are at risk of developing high levels of inbreeding. Predicted changes in climatic conditions (Government figures reported in 2008 suggest a temperature rise of 4° this century) and associated changes in habitat quality and availability will put populations at risk. Populations that lack sufficient levels of genetic variation are unlikely to be able to adapt and thus face extinction (Dieckmann et al. 1999). The estimated size of the Great Wheal Seton population is much smaller than C. mercuriale populations, which have been found to have high levels of inbreeding. Therefore, it seems likely that these I. pumilio populations will suffer the same effects. This, combined with the species’ apparently limited dispersal capability and hence, limited ability to move to newly formed suitable habitat, makes the future of I. pumilio in the UK uncertain at best. The species does have some advantages over others under changing environmental conditions. It is able to tolerate high levels of pollution and human disturbance (Chapter 3) and to exist in ephemeral niches, such as tractor tyre ruts (Hammond 1983; Cham 1996) and motorway storm retention pools (Scher and Thièry 2005). Therefore, it is well equipped to deal with the inevitable increase in human activity and associated levels of pollution and landscape modification resulting from rapid expansion of populations around the globe. Ischnura pumilio has been recorded in agricultural landscapes, particularly those associated with large livestock (Fox 1987; 1989), and managing water bodies in such areas to favour the species may be one way to secure its persistence. The ability of I. pumilio to colonise newly formed habitat is still under discussion. Previous reports have suggested it is a long-range disperser which can rapidly colonise newly formed habitat (Askew 1988; Fox 1989; Cham 1996). Although the mechanism of upward flight and dispersal in the boundary layer has been proposed (Fox 1989; Cham 1993), no long-range dispersal movements have been recorded in this study. Furthermore, recording of colonisation events is rare and inherently difficult. To obtain a good overview of the metapopulation structure of this species would require an exceptionally high level of monitoring, given the potential brevity of site occupancy (1 year where univoltine) and the range of habitats that could potentially be occupied. Historically, this difficulty of recording may have led to vast underestimation of the species range in the UK. Problems of identification can only have exacerbated this (Fraser 1941; Cotton 1981). Given the species’ ability to inhabit small, ephemeral sites and sites that appear highly unsuitable for other odonates, there may be numerous small populations in the UK, particularly the south and west, where I. pumilio exists in a yearly changing configuration of ephemeral patches. If this were the case, the need for long-range dispersal would be reduced, as individuals would need to travel only short distances to find a “stepping-stone” patch of habitat. This implies significant difficulties for future monitoring of the species as, by their nature, these sites will be very difficult to identify. However, it is encouraging for the species’ persistence.

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The lack of observations of the upward flight behaviour described previously (Fox 1989; Cham 1993) has thrown some doubt on this as a potential dispersal mechanism. However, the two populations where MRR studies were carried out were strongholds of the respective regional I. pumilio populations and may have lacked the cues necessary for dispersal. Furthermore, given the absence of any other sites in the immediate area (the nearest known population to Latchmoor was 26km away at Shipton Bottom and the nearest to Great Wheal Seton was 9km away at Chapel Porth 2) the genes for dispersal may have been lost in these well-established populations (Dumont and Verschuren 1991; Dieckmann et al. 1999; Watts et al. 2004). This study has, unfortunately, done little to resolve the questions over I. pumilio’s dispersal behaviour. The species was found to have similar movement characteristics to other similar sized odonates and no upward flight was observed. This highlights the difficulty of studying the long-range movement potential of such species; large study areas must be intensively monitored if a true picture is be obtained. Although not observed, long-range dispersal clearly occurs in I. pumilio because the species occurs on several islands in the Azores, which are approximately 1500km from the European mainland (Cordero Rivera et al. 2005). The species was first recorded there in 1933 (Navas 1933, as cited in Cordero Rivera, 2005) and is likely to have persisted since then, given the low probability of repeated colonisation events. Clearly, the species did colonise those islands at some point and carriage on wind currents seems the most likely mechanism. This suggests that I. pumilio movement occurs at two distinct spatial scales. On a large scale, the reputation of the species as a coloniser of distant sites and its clear ability to disperse many hundreds of miles across ocean, gives weight to the dispersal by wind hypothesis. Most of the movement recorded in this study was short-range; individuals were shown to be stronger fliers than previously thought, as they were unaffected by wind direction and active on days when the weather precluding activity in most other species (Chapter 2). However, medium-range movements were not observed in this study, either because the study was too small to record them or because these movements are rare or absent, at least in high quality habitat. A similar situation exists with Pantala flavescens, which is notorious for strong, vigorous flight and long-range, wind assisted dispersal away from natal habitat. However, the populations of this species on Easter Island, one of the most isolated places on Earth, exhibit extremely different movement patterns. Animals were observed to glide and hover at low altitudes and to fly so weakly as to be almost catchable by hand (Dumont and Verschuren 1991). The authors suggested that poor larval nutrition led to reduced dispersal behaviour in early generations following colonisation. Subsequently, this behaviour was favoured by selection, because individuals dispersing from such an isolated place must suffer almost 100 per cent mortality. A later study (Samways and Osborn 1998) revealed that the island population had smaller and more asymmetric hind wings than mainland populations of P. flavescens. Inbreeding and loss of genetic diversity may be the genetic basis for weaker flight in the island populations. The same process may have occurred in I. pumilio, although the spatial scale of both its movement capability and habitat isolation are smaller. In good-quality, but isolated, habitat the tendency to disperse is a clear disadvantage and so may be selected against. Furthermore, these isolated populations may be suffering from a loss of genetic diversity, which may result in behavioural or morphometric changes leading to reduced dispersal. What this study may not have observed is the converse situation. Where habitat is poor, or ephemeral, but new areas are created nearby, dispersal may be more common and upward flight behaviour may occur and be observable. This demonstrates that there are no absolute answers where dispersal is concerned and that there is a right and a wrong time to disperse.

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 123 6.2 Management

Previous suggestions of highly specific habitat requirements in I. pumilio (Fox 1987; Fox 1989; Cham 1990; Cham 1991; Cham 1992a; Fox and Cham 1994; Daguet 2005) were not fully supported by the findings of this study. The species was found at a range of water depths and pH levels, at polluted sites and at sites with widely varying management regimes, grazing and disturbance levels. The sites surveyed in this study generally had slow-flowing water, with some bare ground in and around the water’s edge and were relatively open in terms of shade from tall vegetation. Application of these findings to conservation projects, particularly at lower latitudes, would require validation of the model by applying it to data sets from other regions (Guisan et al. 2002). However, as the model was developed at sites where I. pumilio is known to have previously existed, the findings strongly suggest that the features found at these sites are important for I. pumilio’s persistence at existing sites. Management of areas away from water should certainly be incorporated into any habitat management plan, as different individuals may be present and may exhibit different behaviours (Chapter 3; Foster and Soluk 2006). The width of an effective buffer will depend on whether management is to be directed at I. pumilio alone or at a species assemblage. This study indicates that a buffer of 25m would exclude only 5.8 per cent of I. pumilio individuals and may be sufficient to provide the roosting, mating and feeding requirements of the species. However, at sites with lower habitat quality, individuals may have to fly further to roost, so habitat management must ensure that areas for roosting are maintained within a reasonable distance, based on the species’ movement capacity. In this study, Ischnura pumilio was more frequent at sites with low counts of other odonate species. This may make management of sites for this species difficult if other species are also to be considered. Its requirement for disturbance puts I. pumilio at odds with other odonates that might need habitat management and may account for the observed low species counts at I. pumilio sites. There are also implications for the monitoring of I. pumilio, as records submitted to the British Dragonfly Society are largely generated by volunteers who may prefer to visit sites with high species counts. Corbet (1960) suggested that I. pumilio’s preference for early-successional, disturbed habitat compensates for its low competitive ability. This has not been explicitly considered in this study, but is supported by reduced odonate counts at key sites. As I. pumilio is the smallest British odonate, is relatively sedentary and was observed to be predated by Libellula depressa during this study, it is likely that it is commonly preyed upon by larger odonates. Along with predation of larvae by other, larger odonates, this may be enough to exclude the species from sites with many anisopteran species. C. mercuriale adults also require a level of disturbance that maintains early-successional habitat (Rouquette and Thompson 2005) and hence the conservation of these two rare species may be complementary. This is supported by their co-occurrence in 5 of the sites surveyed in this study.

6.3 Study design

The importance of the inclusion of hinterland in studies of I. pumilio was highlighted in Chapter 3. Females were shown to spend more time there than males and a significant proportion of matings were recorded away from water. The inclusion in the MRR study at Latchmoor, of an area larger than that used by I. pumilio resulted in an almost even estimated daily sex ratio and greater confidence in estimates of other female traits. Individuals were generally present later in the day than other well studied damselflies (typically peak hours were between 11am and 6pm) and study design should consider this, particularly if other odonates are to be surveyed concurrently.

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The indicated high mortality of immature males may result from the criteria used to define this stage in males, which unintentionally may have included part of the teneral phase. Immature males were defined as not having developed the characteristic blue tail, but were past the stage of shiny wings that clearly indicates an individual is newly emerged. However, during this phase the exoskeleton and wings may not have completely hardened and marking or handling may have caused damage. This highlights the difficulty of estimating ecological parameters in damselflies during the pre-maturation period, which can have important implications for studies of dispersal and sex ratio. Dispersal during the maiden flight has been observed in Coenagrion puella and is believed to be the principal dispersive phase for some species (Anholt 1990; Corbet 1999). However, this behaviour was not observed in I. pumilio, in this study, or in C. mercuriale during the Itchen study. Studies of behaviour, sex ratio and survival during the phase between emergence and maturity require tenerals to be marked, but this may confound the study by directly influencing behaviour and survival through damage to the wings or other body parts. Marking with stable isotopes has been used to assess dispersal in stoneflies (Briers et al. 2004) but requires addition of nutrients to water, which may disturb the balance of some water bodies leading to changes in habitat quality. Furthermore, these methods are not permitted for protected species such as C. mercuriale and cannot be recommended for I. pumilio either. It seems some biological questions will remain unanswered, until a non-destructive method of marking newly emerged damselflies is found. Surveying for this study took place during two summers which were, fortunately, highly favourable in terms of weather. However, the two subsequent summers have been significantly cooler and windier, with flooding across parts of the UK. Consequently, populations may have significantly declined because inclement weather prevents foraging and breeding. Therefore, a monitoring program to establish the current status of these, and other, key odonate sites across the UK would be beneficial. Monitoring of adult I. pumilio at existing sites may be successfully achieved with relatively little effort. In this study, transect walks were shown to be correlated with Horvitz-Thompson (HT) estimates of population size and are, therefore, a useful method for large-scale monitoring. Monitoring can be undertaken by members of the general public and used as a conservation management tool on a national level, if carefully administered. Further work should be done to establish a relationship across sites and years so that a predictive model of true population size can be developed. Comparisons of HT and other methods requiring MRR data revealed that Jolly-Seber estimates, produced using simple software, are similar to those produced using complex methods such as HT estimation. Serious violations of the underlying assumptions of the JS method have to be accepted if this method is used, but this is true, to some degree, with any MRR modelling technique and may be acceptable where time or computational power are limited. Where complex MRR modelling techniques are to be used, it is important that the methodology is designed to minimise structural failure so that reliable results are obtained. This is especially pertinent when the results are required to inform conservation management decisions. Survival rates obtained from such analyses can be useful in population viability analysis and modelling potential outcomes of management programs. Analyses of this kind, using the rates obtained in this study, may be useful in initial planning and predictive modelling, but cautious interpretation is advised given the problems with lack of fit that were discussed previously. Populations of endangered vertebrates are commonly augmented using captive breeding and reintroduction programs and this has occasionally been attempted in insects (Pyle et al. 1981). A reintroduction program for Coenagrion mercuriale is planned for at least one site in south England and if successful may be extended to more sites. Such programs require careful monitoring and management to ensure conditions remain suitable for the species in question and fluctuations in abundance are documented. Reintroduction of I. pumilio may be less straightforward because it

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 125 occupies widely varying habitat types and tends to remain for only a few years in all but the best sites. Among those sites supporting long-term, relatively large populations, this study found no clear unifying features other than shallow, slow-flowing water and maintained openness of vegetation. Therefore, choosing sites for reintroduction would be difficult and the population may not persist for more than a few years without continued management. The potential source populations would need to be of a sufficiently large size to survive the removal of individuals and have sufficient levels of genetic diversity to adapt to the new habitat. Given the small size of most of the populations surveyed here, these source populations would be hard to find. Alternatively, captive breeding may be employed to provide individuals for reintroduction. Captive anisopterans will not mate or oviposit naturally in captivity, but consistently attempt to escape (Samways 1993). More success has been had with zygopteran laboratory populations (e.g. Cordero 1990).

6.4 Coenagrion mercuriale

A significant amount of research into the habitat requirements, dispersal potential and genetic diversity of C. mercuriale has been conducted and the status of the species in the UK is relatively well known. The species has been shown to be highly sedentary and to have specific habitat requirements. Certain isolated populations have remarkably low levels of genetic diversity and are a cause for serious concern from a conservation perspective. This report aimed to add to the body of existing knowledge by reporting survival and population size estimates obtained using the MRR techniques applied to I. pumilio. This involved the analysis of two large data sets collected previously, for different purposes, during the summers of 2001 in Itchen, Hampshire and 2002 in Beaulieu, New Forest. Coenagrion mercuriale is a conservation priority among European odonates, is listed as rare in the British Red Data Book of Insects (Shirt 1987) and until 2008 was the only odonate given priority status in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan (HMSO 1994; 1995). It has a severely restricted range in the UK, occurring at only a few south-western sites (Thompson and Watts 2006; Watts et al. 2007b). C. mercuriale has been more comprehensively studied in the UK than in other European countries (Rouquette and Thompson 2007a). Estimates suggest that the UK population has declined by 30 per cent since 1960, principally due to anthropogenic factors (Watts et al. 2004). Several mark-recapture studies have been undertaken (Purse et al. 2003; Thompson and Watts 2004; Watts et al. 2004), but none has made use of the MRR software available to produce estimates of survival and recapture probabilities or, in fact, considered survival at all. This report provided the first estimates of survival and recapture probabilities for C. mercuriale in two populations in the south of England. The study revealed that survival rates can vary, even within a small group of sites. In the Itchen study, individuals at Highbridge had higher survival rates than at Mariner’s Meadow or LIC, where rates were almost identical. This was attributed to a combination of habitat quality, genetic variation and possibly management. In the Beaulieu study, the smallest site, Hatchet Stream, had the highest survival rates, followed by the two largest sites. As previous genetic analyses found no difference between the Beaulieu sites (Thompson and Watts 2006), these estimated survival differences were attributed to unmeasured factors such as habitat quality or predation. It was concluded that an effect of sex on survival was be absent or negligible, although the observed and calculated sex ratio was strongly male biased. This bias may be due to omission of large numbers of females because of the study design, or to real differences in male and female survival that could not be detected for the same reason. In this study, the recapture rate for males was three times higher than that for females.

126 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

These are the first estimates of survival in C. mercuriale and provide a basis for further investigation. A more comprehensive investigation of sex ratio and survival estimation, using data collected with female habitat use in mind, would be valuable if survival rates are to be used in modelling real conservation problems. To conserve the species in sites where it persists, efforts should be made, using sound management guidelines, to manage the habitat at sites where survival rates are low (Thompson et al. 2003; Rouquette and Thompson 2005). Sites such as Mariner’s Meadow, Itchen, which have low levels of dispersal (Rouquette and Thompson 2007a) small populations and reduced survival rates, may be in danger of extinction and require management to prevent this. The estimated maximum population sizes found in the two studies of C. mercuriale are among the highest recorded for any damselfly, when the study areas were each considered as one population. As no movement was recorded between the sites in each study, they may be treated as distinct populations ( there was no evidence of genetic isolation at Beaulieu (Thompson and Watts 2006). The smallest of the C. mercuriale populations studied were Highbridge (maximum two-daily estimate = 780) and Mariner’s Meadow (926), Itchen and Hatchet Stream, Beaulieu (320). These values were small compared with the other C. mercuriale populations, but were still larger than the population of I. pumilio at Great Wheal Seton (100). This suggests that, although the distribution of C. mercuriale is decreasing in the UK, where populations exist they can be very large. Furthermore, it highlights the fragile nature of I. pumilio populations as, with a seasonal maximum of only 100 individuals, they must be suffering similar levels of inbreeding and loss of genetic diversity as C. mercuriale. Ischnura pumilio is generally considered to be less threatened than C. mercuriale. Records of I. pumilio exist from over 200 of the 10km UK grid squares used for recording by the National Biodiversity Network (NBN) gateway, compared with only c.45 grid squares for C. mercuriale. This widespread distribution may indicate greater stability of the UK population. However, the population sizes estimated for the two species, in this report, show that I. pumilio exists in much smaller populations than C. mercuriale, even when stronghold sites such as Latchmoor are considered. This suggested stronghold of the UK population of I. pumilio is considerably smaller than many of the C. mercuriale population estimates. The Beaulieu C. mercuriale populations may be considered one metapopulation as they are not genetically distinct, so the estimated number of individuals in 2002 (c.44700) was vastly different to I. pumilio numbers at nearby Latchmoor in 2005 (c. 8700). Small populations can suffer high levels of inbreeding and loss of genetic diversity, as seen in marginal C. mercuriale populations, which can lead to local adaptation and reduced ability to adapt to environmental change. Genetic analysis of I. pumilio populations is required to determine their level of connectivity and indicate their levels of genetic diversity, which will ultimately determine their persistence as climate, and consequently habitat, changes over the next decades. Compared to C. mercuriale there have been relatively few published studies of I. pumilio (>50 and <30, respectively), most of which were observational studies. It is recommended that greater attention be given to the remaining populations of I. pumilio in the UK, as it is uncertain how many of the 200+ UK grid squares still hold populations and the species’ conservation status may more similar to that of C. mercuriale than previously thought.

6.5 Further work

In order to develop our knowledge of I. pumilio’s habitat requirements, an assessment should be made of the effect of recommended habitat management operations on abundance. By doing this now, while the species still has several stronghold populations in the UK, the information will be usable in the event of a major population decline. Once a decline has occurred, experimental manipulation of habitat becomes

Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies 127 much more contentious and, if not carefully planned, could lead to further extinctions that cannot be rectified. The habitat preferences of the species have been determined by observational rather than experimental evidence. Experimental manipulation of habitat with follow up monitoring would give additional weight to the findings in this report. Monitoring should be carried out over as many consecutive years as possible, to give a good indication of the effect of management and its ability to ensure the persistence of this species. Limited adult dispersal is common among damselflies (Banks and Thompson 1985a; Conrad et al. 1999; Rouquette and Thompson 2007a) and combined with habitat fragmentation suggests that populations may be subject to significant levels of inbreeding across the taxon. Genetic analysis of C. mercuriale has revealed that levels of inbreeding in some populations are comparable to those observed in threatened mammals (Watts et al. 2005). Other than those on C. mercuriale, there are few published population genetic studies on damselflies, but further work in this area is required if the levels of differentiation between populations and their effects on important ecological characteristics, such as dispersal, are to be understood. The removal of a leg at first capture was shown to have no effect on survival in I. pumilio. This is encouraging for future studies of I. pumilio and other odonates, as genetic and behavioural work may be carried out concurrently, without the risk of a detrimental effect on survival. As discussed above, the comparisons of population size estimates and monitoring methods in Chapter 4 gave promising results for the development of a monitoring scheme for I. pumilio and damselflies more generally. Mark-release-recapture studies are expensive, time consuming and require a considerable degree of person power if reliable estimates are to be obtained. Nevertheless, in order to establish a predictive relationship between monitoring counts and sophisticated population size estimates, further MRR work is required to provide concurrent estimates. Once this is achieved, subsequent work on damselfly species will be greatly facilitated and volunteers will be able to produce highly informative data with minimal training. MRR studies need not be as long as those described in this report, but should include sufficient time to mark a reasonable proportion of the population and should be conducted during good weather when captures can be made every day to avoid problems modelling survival and recapture rates. Ideally, each species should be monitored over several years at sites from a variety of regions and countries, in order to obtain a reliable predictive model.

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142 Science Report – The ecology and conservation of threatened damselflies

The Ecology and Conservation of Threatened Damselflies Integrated Catchment Science Programme Science Report: SC040027/SR1 (2024)
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