The Dawson Springs Progress from Dawson Springs, Kentucky (2024)

PEA TEXIIGION, OF KY The Dawson Springs Progress Vol. 34-No. 51 Dawson Springs, Hopkins County, Kentucky, Friday, April 10, 1953 Ten Cents Woman's The District Duties Of Club Are Outlined The executive committee of the Woman's Club entertained with a luncheon, Tuesday, April 7, having AS their guests, Mrs. R. Haynes Barr, District Governor, and Mrs.

Dowdy, secretary of the Owensboro Woman's Club. The regular meeting of the club met at three o'clock in the Blue Room of the New Century Hotel with the president, Mrs. James. Harned, presiding. This being the annual business session, Mrs.

Barr spoke to the club on the duties, responsibilities, and pride that the have in, and for, the Women's Club. She also gave the program for next year, and outlined the suggestions for each. Mrs. Barr insisted on as many members that could, attend the state convention, which meets May 12, 13, and 14 in Louisville. The club voted to give Dickle Morris Long a scholarship to the Egyptian Music Camp this summer.

Winners in the traffic safety contest sponsored by the club were: first grade, James Ramsey; second, William Earl Menser; third, Stevie Beshear; fourth, Mary Ann Edwards; fifth, J. R. Mullins; sixth, Connie Poole; seven, Larry Haynes; Diane Morris; ninth, Donnie Adams; tenth, Bobby Lee and Donald Thomas. Each winner was awarded a dollar. The girls' choir, directed by G.

Byron Hackett, entertained with four beautiful numbers, "My Old Kentucky "All Through The "Now The Strife Is Over" and the National Anthem. Hostesses for the day were Mesdames C. C. Moorefield, D. B.

Purdy, Clyde Meadows, W. L. Nichols, and Harold Wingo. Funeral Services Held For Mrs. Edna French At Lewiston Church Funeral services were held for Mrs.

Edna Florence French, 64, Saturday afternoon at the Lewistown Christian Church. Rev. George W. Filer, Princeton, officiated and burial was in the church cemetery. Mrs.

French died Friday, April 3, at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Clarence Duncan, Route 4, following a year of illness. Born June 22, 1888 in Caldwell County, Mrs. French lived most of her life in that county. She was a member of the Lewistown Christian Church.

Surviving are the husband, David French; four daughters, Mrs. Lovie Young and Mrs. Jewell Young, both of this city; Mrs. Zada Williams, Route 3, and Mrs. Duncan; a son, Archella French, Princeton; a sister, Mrs.

Alta Glass, Princeton, Route thirteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Notice! Notice the numerals in the upper left hand corner of page one and if they read 5-1-53 your subscription to the Progress will expire May 1. If your subscription does expire May 1, drop by our office or mail your renewal now! Club Hears Governor D. B. Purdy, Jr.

New Commander a Of VFW Post Dixon B. Purdy, was installed as commander of the Lee Wilson Stevens Post No. 5359, Veterans of Foreign Wars, at its regular meeting last Monday night. Decola Franklin is the retiring commander. Other officers for 1953-51 stalled at the meeting were William S.

Lovell, senior vice commander; James Long, junior vice commander; John Tobin, quartermaster; William E. Ezell, adjutant; Joe Parker, post advocate; Garland Witherspoon, chaplain; James Claxton, post surgeon; Larry Gossett, service officer; N. J. Lamb, officer-of-the-day; Lowell Smiley, guard; Joel Hurley, one year trustee; William A. Ezell, two year trustee, and Floyd Dawson, three year trustee.

Frank Stewart is the hospital entertainment chairman and James Ervin, Maurice Glass and Harry Campbell are board members. Dorric Queen, past commander of the Lee Wilson Stevens Post, was the installation officer, At this meeting the VFW Post voted to purchase $1,000 worth of stock in the Dawson Springs Factory, the company that is financing a factory building for the Ottenheimer and Co. garment factory. High School Here Has Rating Dawson Springs high school has been officially accredited with an rating, according to R. A.

Belt, city schools superintendent. Supt. Belt received the rating week from Mark Godman, Bureau of Instruction, Department of Education, Frankfort. Godman wrote that public and private high schools of the state were rated at the March 19 meeting of the State Board of Education. Christian 4-H Members At Rural Youth Camp Here During July 27-31 4-H Club boys and girls from Christian County will use the University of Kentucky's Rural Youth Camp here from July 27 through 31, it was announced this week.

It was also announced this week that Christian County had now raised their quota of $3,515 toward the construction of the camp here. More than 15,000 4-H members in western Kentucky and other farm groups will use the camp here. George M. Buzzard, USN Visits Virgin Islands A recent cruise in the Caribbean, with visits to San Juan, Puerto Rico and St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands, was enjoyed by George M.

Buzzard, radarman third class, USN, while serving aboard the destroyer USS Hood participating in "Operation The sailor is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Buzzard of this city.

Tradewater Soil News Wildlife Planting Stock Has All Been Distributed By M. A. BARNES Soil Conservation Service J. B. McClain of the State Fish and Game department tells us that about all the wildlife planting stock that they have this year has been distributed and planted by the farmers.

There are still some calls coming for it with no plants to supply them. This material was more plentiful this year than it has been for the past several years, and the fact that it is all gone is indicative that the people are becoming more conscious of the need for the birds to control the insects of the fields so that we can grow crops. As we clear the land and destroy their natural food and cover we must plant something to take its place or lose the birds and the good they do us in eating the insects. Lexie Dockery and Clint Panthers Receive Sweaters Eight Panther basketball players and the team manager were presented sweaters by Coach Aubrey Inglis at last Monday night's Rotary meeting. The Panthers were guests of the Rotary Club at the dinner meeting.

Bradley Cox, basketball coach at Charleston, made the principal talk at the meeting. A Rotarian introduced the different players. Those receiving sweaters were Joe Cotton, James Walker and Jimmy Maple, all seniors; Norman Melton, Clyde Seibert, Donald Inglis and Norris Cotton, sophom*ores; Phillip Russell, freshman, and Paul' Turner, team manager. Rural Youth Camp Bids To Be Opened Thursday Bids for the construction of 10 cottages at University of Kentucky's Youth Camp Rural. here will be opened at 10 a.m.

Thursday, April 16, in Frankfort by the Division of Purchases, it was disclosed this week. Invitations to bid on the construction of the ten cottages were sent last week to interested contractors. The contract for the construction of the cottages states that they must be completed by June 1. They will be built under the supervision of the State Property and Buildings Commission. Insurance Man Here Qualifies For Trip To Bahama Islands RETIREMENT CEREMONIES Robert L.

St. John, supply officer, left, and C. G. Glover, assistant manager, right, are shown at retirement ceremonies for Homer Chappell, center, at the Recreation Hall at Outwood VA Hospital Friday, March 27. Chappell was honored upon his retirement after thirty years service in VA.

I After 30 Years Homer Chappell Retires From VA Ceremonies at the Recreational Hall at Outwood VA Hospital Friday, March 27, honored Homer Chappell upon his retirement after 30 years service with the Veterans Administration. Before a large group of fellow employees and department supervisors, Chappell received his gold 30-year service emblem. He received congratulations and commendations from the Outwood manager, Dr. Otis N. Shelton, and C.

G. Glover, assistant manager. The engineering division, through Sidney Martin, engineer officer, presented Chappell with a gift in token of their esteem, friendship and good wishes. The supply division held a farewell party for Chappell in their offices. After a round of talking over old times, there were delicious refreshments.

He received an electric shaver for his going away gift. All of Chappell's service was performed on duty at the wood VA Hospital. His future plans are undecided at this time. Eleven To Attend Highway Meeting At Kentucky Dam Eleven from here will attend a District No. 1 meeting of the U.

S. Highway 62 Association to. night at Kentucky Dam Village, M. C. Wise, association president, said Thursday.

District 1 is composed of eight counties from Central City in Muhlenberg County to Wickliffe, in Ballard County. There are expected to be over 50 represented from the eight counties at meeting. Those attending from here are M. C. Wise, Niles O.

Dillingham, Noel Terry, Newman Purdy, W. A. Morris, Jack Rhody, Paul Howton, Jack Whitford, Fred Beshear, M. A. Barnes and Les Schwab.

The meeting will begin at sixthirty with a dinner. Annual Class Tourney Now In Progress The annual class basketball tournament started last night at the gymnasium. The final game will be played tonight and a trophy will be awarded the winner. The cottages will be constructed primarily of concrete blocks with a concrete floor and asphalt shingles. The cottages are debunks to accommodate persigned with six double, deck sons.

Although 20 cottages are planned for the youth camp only 10 will be built now because of available funds. It is hoped that funds will be available for the additional 10 cottages by the time the first group are completed. The cottages to be built now will be in the girls' area. Music Students Will Participate In Music Contest The band, girl's choir, and Morris Long, baritone soloist, will appear at the state music contest on May 1 and 2 at Wiling Green; Ky. As the schedule now stands, the band will play Saturday morning at 8 o'clock.

The choir has not received their official time to sing. Dickie Morris Long plays Thursday, April 30. A concert will be held Sunday, April 26, in the gym, in preparation for the state contest. There will be no admission charge The band parents present at the called Band Booster meeting Monday night, voted to send the band and choir to the state contest in automobiles. The prints 01 the band uniforms will be on display next Tuesday and Wednesday, April 14 and 15, in the window of J.

E. Hayes Department Store. The uniforms were submitted by Stanberry and Company, Kansas City, Missouri. City Council Appoints Street Commissioner At last Monday night's council meeting James C. Steeley was named street commissioner.

He replaces Frank Cluck. The council also announced that A. R. Roam was named a city patrolman. He is on the midnight to 8 a.m.

shift, Several representatives of the Good Government League attended the meeting. All council members were present. KE KENTUCKY R. Travis Ridley, superintendent for the Life and Casualty Insurance Company, has been notified by his District Manager, Floyd Lovelace, of Paducah, that he is one of 20 representatives of this office that have qualified for "the company's convention to be held in Nassau, Bahama Islands, April 13, 14 and 15. This expense-free trip is awarded to the leaders of the company on the basis of their .952 records.

This group from the Paducah district will be joined in Nassau by more than 500 of the company's representatives and home officials. The Nassau Development Board reports this to be the largest single group ever to visit the island in a body. Mrs. Ridley will. accompany Ridley on the trip.

James E. McKinney At Christian Church Next Sunday Morning James E. McKinney, Executive Director of the Disciples of the Historical. Society, will be the supply minister at the Christian Church, Sunday, April 12. At 2:30, Sunday afternoon, the Northwest Area Spring Roundup for the Christian Youth Fellowship of the Christian Church will be held at the church.

This includes the counties of Hopkins, Caldwell, Webster, Union, and Henderson. A business meeting of the congregation will be held, in regard to calling a minister, at the close of the morning service. All members are urged to be present. THREE from here who attended the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce's annual meeting in Louisville April 1 are shown in front of the State's display at the meeting. They are, left to right, Paul Howton, secretary of the local Chamber; Helene Bixler, Frankfort, hostess at the display; James H.

Harned, president of the local Chamber, and Mrs. Harned. On Garment Work Began Tuesday Morning On Garment Factory Building $44,200 Stock Now Sold; Stockholders Work began Tuesday morning on the new factory building for the Ottenheimer and Co. garment factory. The contract for the construction of the building was signed last Friday night soon after the temporary directors of.

Dawson Springs Factory, Inc. voted to 56 Arrests Here During March; $892.75 Collected Local police made 56 arrests during March, according to police court records for the month. Of these arrests 29 were charged with being drunk. Other were traffic violations, 17; breach of peace, seven; breaking jail, one; bootlegging, one, and one case dismissed because of only being 14 years old. Fines assessed during March amounted to $1,045.00.

Of this amount $758.25 was paid in cash, $31.25 paid by working and $13.75 paid by staying in jail. The unpaid balance for March fines was $241.75. Old fines paid in cash during the month totaled $134.50. Old fines paid by work amounted to $158.00. Total cash received in police court during March totaled $892.75.

(Pennyrile Ships Over 2 Million Seedling Trees Over two and one-quarter million seedling trees were shipped from the Pennyrile Nursery this spring to farmers and timberland owners in Kentucky, according to John P. Rhody, Nursery nician. This completes the ping season and no more orders for seedling trees will be taken for this year's planting. Rhody said that the response for trees this year has been the greatest of any year that seedlings have been shipped from the Pennyrile Nursery. The nursery is to be enlarged this year to take care of the anticipated increase demands for seedling trees in the future.

Rhody added that planting on the Pennyrile State Forest is now underway. Most of the planting will be done by planting machines, however, some rough areas will have to be planted by hand. He estimated that 300,000 seedling trees will be planted on the Pennyrile State Forest this spring. State Traffic Deaths Three persons lost their lives in weekend traffic accidents in Kentucky, according to the Kentucky State Police. James W.

French Named First Of The Week" James W. French, a patient at Outwood Veterans Hospital and a resident of this city, has been chosen as the first person for special recognition on the recently instituted "Patient of the Week" merit award program, sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary Department of Kentucky. The award honors a "Patient of the Week" who is chosen for outstanding work accomplished in the Rehabilitation Department of the hospital. A monthly winner will be selected from the persons honored weekly and will receive a $25 award. The "Patient of the Year" will receive, at Christmas, a yearly award of $100 with recognition and appropriate ceremony.

French has done outstanding work in the Manual Arts Therapy Department, having made, in the woodworking shop, two tables, two chairs for his children, an ironing board and is, at present, building a kitchen sink cabinet. for his home. He is forty years of age, is married and has two children, Jacky Ray and Janice Fay, ages four and three. Mrs. French and the children reside near here in their home.

They are former Are Listed MISS DORIS MORROW Funeral Monday Afternoon Funeral Services Were Held Monday For Doris Morrow Funeral services were held for Miss Doris Earl Morrow, 15, Monday afternoon at two o'clock at the First Baptist Church. Rev. John Brinson, Methodist Church pastor, officiated. Burial was in the Shady Grove cemetery. Miss Morrow, youngest daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. G. L. Morrow, died Saturday at 10:45 a.m. at the Jennie Stuart Hospital, Hopkinsville, after becoming ill the preceding Monday.

The cause of her death was listed as hepatitis (liver ailment) and pneumonia. She was a sophom*ore in high school here. Pallbearers at the services were Joe Cotton, Norris Cotton, Jimmy Maple, Donald Inglis, Dickie Holeman and Kenneth Barnes. The girls of the sophom*ore class were the flower girls. Survivors besides the parents are a sister, Mrs.

Eunice Duvelow, Clarksville, and grandfather, David Creasy of Caldwell County. High School Seniors Will Leave Saturday For Washington D. C. The senior class of the local high school will leave for Washington, D. C.

Saturday, on their annual class trip. Reservations for the class were made by Senator Earle Clements' office and the group plans to visit the Capitol where they will be issued gallery passes 'to the Senate by Senator Clements. They will also visit the National Art Gallery, Smithsonian Institute, F. B. Bureau of Printing and Engraving, White House, Arlington National Cemetery, and other places of interest.

They will return by way of Richmond, Williamsburg, and Smoky Mountain National Park. The class wishes to express its appreciation to everyone who has in any way helped to make this trip possible. accept the low bid of Fox Lumber Nortonville. The Nortonville construction firm's bid was 716.00. The total cost of the new factory building, according to Jack Whitford, temporary president of Dawson Springs Factory, including the lots, legal and miscellaneous expenses, would amount to approximately $60,000.

It was revealed Thursday afternoon that stock pledges now total $44,200. The balance will have to be raised through additional stock purchases and borrowing. At the present time a campaign is underway to sell $100.00 shares of stock in the Dawson Springs Factory, Inc. A finance committee, headed by Eddie Beshear, is canvasing the community seeking purchasers of one, two or more $100.00 shares of stock. It was said every person in the community would be contacted.

Persons and individuals purchasing stock and the amounts are listed as follows: $2,000 Jack Whitford, Jack Gentry, R. A. Belt, J. C. Hayes, and Hal Harned.

$1,500 N. D. Terry, Terry Lumber Ott Morris, and Purdy Motor Co. $1,000 Ralph Kavanaugh, L. S.

Schwab, Aubrey Inglis, Clark, Beshear and Clark, Charles Morris, Bazil Morris, Clint Meadows, Dr. J. W. Jones, Grant and Mrs. J.

M. Inglis, New Century Hotel, John Bridges, Logan and Davis, Drs. Haynes and Freeman, G. L. Barnett, L.

H. Terry, Dawson Daylight. Fox Lumber Ottenheimer and Co. and VFW. $500- J.

E. Hayes Dept. Store, G. Baxter Ramsey, Purdy Bros. Food Market, Hobgood Motors, Dr.

C. E. Seibert, B. N. Shoe Store, Douglas Oates (New Hamby Hotel), E.

M. Nichols, McConnell Electric Co. (Princeton), S. H. Dame, George Thomas, and Harold Wingo.

$300-W. A. Morris. $200-D. M.

Clark. $100-Jim. Orange, Morton Jennings, Eugene Davis, Everett Jackson, Joy Cox, Bradley Cox, Norris Armstrong, Roy McNeely, Ova Shelton, James H. Harned, Niles O. Dillingham, M.

M. Gas Appliance Service, J. B. Daniels, Jim's Lunch Box, R. C.

Moorefield, Townsend's D-X Service Station and R. L. Wilcox. INQUIRING REPORTER THE QUESTION: Nicknames, such as "Teddy" and "F.D.R." have been used to identify many of our past presidents, and the name "Ike" has already been attached to our present commander-in-chief. Do you think the American People are too informal in the manner in which they speak of the President of the United States? ows are both planning to do some ditching with dynamite within the next few days.

This is a very economical way of making a ditch, and if you are interested in seeing this done, let us know and we will notify you when it is to be done. Some places that are too wet for machinery can best be ditched with dynamite, and if you have some of this land, it would pay you to see it. Wendall Cartwright was telling us that he has already planted some more sericea. He said the planted two years ago is making good growth on land that "wouldn't sprout any other He says he means to plant some each year until he has a big part of the farm in it. He also has some kudzu that he says grew vines thirty feet long last year even with the dry weather.

He should have good ground coverage this year. residents of Mount Vernon, Kentucky, in Rockcastle County. Prior to hospitalization, French was a farmer, having been trained under the G.I. Bill. The hospital staff joined with the American Legion Auxiliary in offering congratulation to French on his achievements in rehabilitation.

They commended him on making such a fine effort toward his recovery. JAMES W. FRENCH "Patient of the Week" THE ANSWERS: R. A. Belt: No, I think informality is a show of appreciation.

I think in speaking of a person informally that you show a certain degree of love and respect for him. Of course, when one speaks in derision that means that you are not respectful at all. L. L. Perry: No, I don't think so.

I think that is the way the American people have of expressing themselves. It doesn't show any discourtesy, it is one of our ways of life. Roscoe James: I wouldn't think it would be right to say I think he should be addressed as "Mr. We do that in lodges. Mrs.

John Mattingly: No, I think if we are talking to him we shouldn't call him "Ike" but speaking to our friends I think it is alright to speak of him as Lyndol Nichols: I don't think we are too informal. It's just meant in a friendly way and not to be disrespectful. Mrs. Walter Ridley: I wouldn't think it was disrespectful. I just believe we are more friendly than any other nation.

For example, if someone was to come in and call me Mrs. Ridley I would think they were strangers. Mrs. G. L.

Barnett: No, I don't think so. I don't believe they would be given nicknames if they weren't liked. I say "Ike" and I like him..

The Dawson Springs Progress from Dawson Springs, Kentucky (2024)
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